PILC has published a new list of international summer opportunities which includes three institutionalized internships for NYU students. The text of the document, which is available here in pdf, and also linked from Summer Funding page, is reproduced below.
International Summer Internship Possibilities
Institutionalized NYU internships
- Initiatives for Strategic Litigation in Africa (ISLA) (Johannesburg, South Africa, March 15)
Announcement available here - Namati (Washington, DC, March 16)
Announcement available here - World Justice Project (Washington, DC, rolling)
Announcement available here
General Openings
- Minority Rights Group International (London, applications typically reviewed at the end of February)
Announcement available here - CHRGJ (New York, NY, February 27)
Announcement available here - OECD (Paris, France, March 13)
Announcement available here - European Parliament (Washington, DC, with possible extensions in Brussels and Strasbourg, February 27, 12pm)
Announcement available here - International Law Institute – African Centre for Legal Excellence (Kampala, rolling until February 28)
iliacle.org/employment - UAE Mission to the UN (New York, no deadline listed)
Announcement available here - ABA Rule of Law Initiative (Beijing, rolling March 1)
devex.com/jobs/asia-division-summer-2015-internship-china-unpaid-388060 - PEN (New York, rolling)
www.pen.org/summer-2015-legal-associate-free-expression-programs - Human Rights First (various locations and roles, various deadlines)
humanrightsfirst.org/careers - Human Rights Watch (various roles and locations, various deadlines)
hrw.org/about/volunteering - Transparency International (Berlin, rolling) policyjobs.net/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=37096:-internship-with-the-transparency-international-secretariat-germany-&catid=21:no-password-required&Itemid=3608
- Landesa (Seattle, March 6)
landesa.org/wp-content/uploads/Graduate-Research-Intern-Landesa-Summer-20151.pdf - Public International Law & Policy Group (Washington, DC, rolling) org/work-for-us/
- International Commission of Jurists (Geneva, rolling) http://www.icj.org/about/internships/
- Foundation for Human Rights Initiative in Uganda (Kampala, rolling)
Other Helpful Ideas
- PILC internship report database – Contains information about past internships, including student and supervisor contact information.
- Missions to the UN – Professor Jose Alvarez has current and up-to-date contacts here.
- Follow your interests and leads – Attend events, perform informational interviews, research online and don’t feel shy to reach out to people explaining your interest in doing an internship with them!
For more helpful information, check the International Public Interest Handbook on the PILC website. If you did not attend the event in January entitled “Tips on Finding International Internships”, you can find a video of the event here.