Founded in 1989, the Asian American Bar Association of New York (AABANY) represents the interests of New York Asian-American attorneys, judges, law professors, legal professionals, legal assistants or paralegals and law students. Its mission is to improve the study and practice of law, and the fair administration of justice for all by ensuring the meaningful participation of Asian-Americans in the legal profession.
About the AABANY Legal Internship Program
AABANY’s Legal Internship Program will support Asian-American students, law clerks and lawyers interested in the legal profession to develop a commitment to advocacy on behalf of the Asian-American community.
Intern positions in New York City are available for undergraduate students, law students, law school graduates and lawyers.
Intern Responsibilities
Selected interns will have the opportunity to become involved in the following aspects of AABANY:
- Assist in developing academic papers and research on Asian-American advancement in the legal community
- Assist in drafting press releases
- Assist in drafting articles for the AABANY Advocate, the association’s quarterly newsletter
- Assist in the planning, organization, implementation and promotion of conferences, panels, CLE classes and other AABANY sponsored events
- Assist with the AABANY Law Review, including review and editing of articles submitted
- Attend and participate in AABANY Board meetings, conferences, panels, CLE classes and other AABANY sponsored events
- and General assistance to the officers and directors of AABANY, including administrative matters, fundraising, managing the website, the social-network sites, the membership database and supporting financial and treasury operations.
Intern Criteria
Candidates being considered for an AABANY internship should
- be highly motivated be able to work independently and on his/her own initiative; have excellent interpersonal skills;
- have excellent research, analytical and writing skills;
- and have excellent computer skills, including word processing, spreadsheets and website maintenance.
Length of Internship
Internships for law students and recent graduates will be for one year. For undergraduates, internships for shorter periods are available, but during the school year, a minimum commitment of three months would be required. Summer internships of at least 10 weeks may be available for law students and undergraduates. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis. The internships are created and filled based on AABANY’s specific needs and workloads. Internships generally require a minimum of 10 hours per week.
Location of Internship
Selected interns will need to be in New York City or in the Tri-State area within reasonable proximity of New York City during the duration of his or her internship. AABANY does not have a physical office and accordingly, selected interns will need access to their own work space and supplies, including a computer. Compensation The internship is an unpaid position and thus interns will need to be able to support themselves in New York City while interning for AABANY. Accordingly, please bear in mind that accommodation and travel is expensive in New York City.
Application Instructions
To apply, you should submit via email to main@aabany.org your resume, transcript and a cover letter (1) explaining your interest in interning for AABANY and (2) setting forth your proposed start and end dates for the position. Once AABANY has received all the information that has been requested, it will take a minimum of 3 weeks to hear whether your have been selected.
Questions and inquiries may be directed to the Executive Director, Yang Chen, at yang.chen@aabany.org.
*A PDF containing all application instructions can be found here: