Hosted by the Office of Global Programs in conjunction with NYU Law in Paris’ EU Public Interest Law Clinic
Thursday, October 15, 4:00-6:00 PM
Vanderbilt Hall, Room 216
NYU School of Law
40 Washington Square South
New York, NY 10012
This event will explore the past, present and future of public interest law in Europe. Looking particularly at clinical legal education and its promise in the context of EU law, the speakers will reflect on how public interest law has taken shape in Europe and how it might develop in the coming years. The speakers will also reflect on the need for entrepreneurialism in the context of emergent public interest law fields. Coffee and snacks will be served.
Louise Trubek, Emerita Clinical Professor, University of Wisconsin Law School
Ed Rekosh, Founder and former Director of PILnet, the Global Network for Public Interest Law and Adjunct Professor, Columbia Law School
Gráinne de Búrca, Florence Ellinwood Allen Professor of Law, NYU Law School
Alberto Alemanno, Global Clinic Professor, NYU Law in Paris; Professor of Law, HEC Paris; Founder, eLabEurope
For more information about the event. please visit:
If you plan to attend, please RSVP to the Office of Global Programs HERE.