STRIKE-A-MATCH: Mandatory EIW Information Session for 1Ls
Thursday, April 7, 4:00 – 5:30 p.m., Vanderbilt Hall, Tishman Auditorium
In order to provide you with all of the necessary details regarding Early Interview Week (EIW), we are holding a mandatory session for 1Ls entitled “Strike-A-Match” (SAM) on April 7th. In the SAM session, OCS Counselors will provide an introduction to EIW including logistics, practical advice on selecting employers and developing a job search strategy based upon your experience, academic record and individual goals – all based on historical data. As a reminder, this session is highly confidential and WILL NOT BE WEBSTREAMED. If you plan to participate in EIW, you are required to attend this session. Please note that public interest-directed students interviewing exclusively with government and public interest employers during EIW should attend separate PILC meetings on March 21 and April 6 in lieu of the OCS Strike-A-Match session.
RSVP on CSM under the Events tab followed by OCS/PILC/JCO Events.
If you have read this, you qualify for the Reading Reward. This week’s prize will be a pair of movie tickets. To enter the raffle, send an email to with the subject line “Reading Reward” by 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday, March 1.