Below is a brief checklist to ensure that you have not missed important matters regarding the start of classes.
Class Assignments
NYUClasses – Check NYUClasses for syllabi and assignments for any courses for which you are registered. Please note that not all faculty post assignments. It is important to check NYU Classes on a regular basis as professors may post new assignments and information at any time. You can only view NYU Classes assignments for the courses for which you are registered. You should contact the Law School IT Helpdesk at or 212-992-8183 if you have any issues or difficulties with accessing NYU Classes.
You should check the course descriptions of your classes regarding attendance. There are some professors who state that they will drop students if they miss the first class.
Closed Seminars/Colloquia/Simulations
The law school rules permit faculty to admit up to two students to seminars/colloquia/simulations during the first class meeting (depending on space availability in the room) outside the regular registration procedures. However, please remember that the limit is two students regardless of the number of instructors, and that we will admit only the first two students who come with permission from the instructor. Please obtain an add/drop form from Graduate Affairs, have the professor sign the same and return it to Graduate Affairs immediately. The instructors should not admit any students until after the first meeting because students may be able to gain admission online using ABRA.
Please pay careful attention to the dates and deadlines in the Academic Calendar and Registration Calendar as these are firm and final.