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Spring On Campus Interview Program (OCI) – Bidding for Week 6 Begins on February 20 at 1:00 p.m. (1Ls)


Week 6 of Spring OCI will take place March 2 through March 6. Bidding for week 6 will open on February 20, 2015 at 1:00 p.m. and close on Monday, February 23 at 12:00 p.m. (noon).

The following employers will be interviewing during week 6 of Spring OCI:

Miami-Dade County Attorney’s Office (Miami, FL) (1Ls)

REQUESTING INTERVIEWS OPENS: Friday, February 20 at 1:00 p.m.
REQUESTING INTERVIEWS CLOSES: Monday, February 23 at 12:00 p.m. (noon)
ON CAMPUS INTERVIEW SCHEDULE AVAILABLE: Monday, February 23 at 1:00 p.m.
DEADLINE TO CANCEL AN INTERVIEW: Wednesday, February 25 at 12:00 a.m. (midnight)
DEADLINE TO “OPT IN” TO THE WAIT LIST: Wednesday, February 25 at 12:00 a.m. (midnight)
UPDATED INTERVIEW SCHEDULE AVAILABLE (Post Waitlist Lottery): Thursday, February 26 at 1:00 p.m.
OPEN SIGN-UP OPENS: Thursday, February 26 at 1:00 p.m.
OPEN SIGN-UP CLOSES: At 12:00 p.m. one day prior to each interview date
IN PERSON FREE SIGN UP: If slots are available, sign up in OCS interview suite: (1) for Monday interviews, beginning at 9:00 a.m. on Monday; and (2) for Tuesday-Friday interviews, beginning at 5:00 p.m. the day before interview

If you have any questions regarding Spring OCI, please contact Cassandre Stump (cassandre.stump@nyu.edu) or Jennifer Leibowitz (jennifer.leibowitz@nyu.edu).

Spring On Campus Interview Program (OCI) –Week 5 (2/23/2015 – 2/27/2015)–Currently No Employers Scheduled


*Please note that currently there are no employers interviewing on campus during Week 5 of Spring OCI (2/23/2015 – 2/27/2015). Please continue to check your email as well as your OCI page on CSM to learn whether there have been any updates.* 

If you have any questions regarding Spring OCI, please contact Cassandre Stump (cassandre.stump@nyu.edu) or Jennifer Leibowitz (jennifer.leibowitz@nyu.edu).

Spring OCI Week 4 – Open Sign-Up and Free Sign-Up – Check CSM and Interview Suite in Furman Hall for Updated Information (1Ls, International Tax LLMs, Tax LLMs)


Week 4 of Spring OCI begins on Tuesday, February 17! Please see below for information regarding open sign-up and free sign-up.

Open Sign-Up: Open Sign-Up on CSM will allow you to view all available interview slots for your class year during week 4 of Spring OCI. Students may do Open Sign-Up on CSM for any open slot, as long as they meet the employer’s hiring criteria. Please note that: (1) Open Sign-Up closes at 12:00 p.m. (noon) one day prior to each interview date; and (2) Open Sign-Up is conducted in real-time through CSM and is first-come, first-served.

You will not be able to cancel these interviews once you have signed-up for an interview slot. You will be expected to attend each interview for which you are scheduled and to bring all requested application materials; you may NOT cancel an interview obtained via Open Sign-Up so please be sure to carefully read the schedule details, hiring criteria, and other requirements (e.g., requested materials to bring to the interview) before signing up for an interview. “Trading” or “swapping” interviews is NOT permitted.


  1. Login to CSM and select the OCI top-link.
  2. Choose the appropriate week from the Session drop-down menu (2014-2015 Spring OCI: Week 4 (2/17/2015 – 2/20/2015)) and make sure that ‘Show All’ displays in the Employers dropdown menu, then press the Search button.
  3. If there is a time slot available, the Interview Date (next to the Employer Name) will display as a hyperlink. To sign up for an interview via Open Sign-Up, simply click on an available Interview Date, choose a time slot, and click Signup.
  4. If no additional interview slots are available, you will not be able to click on the Interview Date.

Please note that students who have received an offer of employment and therefore need to cancel interviews obtained through Open Sign-Up are not able to cancel the interview on their own; students must contact Cassandre Stump (cassandre.stump@nyu.edu) for assistance.

Free Sign-Up:  Students may manually sign up with employers with open slots beginning at 9:00 a.m. on the day of the interview (for Tuesday interviews) and at 5:00 p.m. on the day prior to the employer’s visit on campus (for Wednesday or Thursday interviews). Students may manually sign up with employers with open slots on their schedule for their class year, as long as they meet the employer’s hiring criteria (accessible via the employer’s interview schedule on CSM). To determine interview availability, please go to the Interview Suite on the Fourth Floor of Furman Hall and look at the employers’ schedules. You may write your name in an available time slot and slip a copy of your resume under the door for the interviewer’s review.

Please email Cassandre Stump at cassandre.stump@nyu.edu or Jennifer Leibowitz at jennifer.leibowitz@nyu.edu  with any questions regarding Spring OCI.

Please note that information regarding interview availability during Spring OCI was up to date as of OCS’ submission to The Docket. For the most up to date information, please check CSM and the employers’ schedules in the Interview Suite in Furman Hall.

If you have read this, you qualify for the Reading Reward. This week’s prize will be a pair of movie tickets. To enter the raffle, send an email to law.careers@nyu.edu with the subject line “Reading Reward” by 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday, February 18.

March 4: Frank J. Guarini Center on Environmental, Energy and Land Use Law:The Future of Natural Gas versus Coal-Fired Generation


Wednesday, March 4, 2015, 6:30-8PM
NYU School of Law
Lipton Hall, D’Agostino Hall
108 West 3rd Street
New York, NY 10012

RSVP here 1.5 CLE credits available for both newly admitted and experienced attorneys.

Join the Guarini Center on the evening of March 4th for a panel discussion to examine, “The Future of Natural Gas versus Coal-Fired Generation.”


Catherine Callaway, Executive Vice President, General Counsel and Chief Compliance Officer, Dynegy Inc.

Robert Mancini (’84), Managing Director & Co-Head of CPP-II, The Carlyle Group

Thad Miller, Executive Vice President, Chief Legal Officer and Secretary, Calpine Corp.

Jeffrey Pollard, Managing Director, Goldman Sachs

Michael Shenberg (’85), Partner, White and Case LLP

The event is being sponsored by White and Case LLP

Feb. 26: Frank J. Guarini Center on Environmental, Energy and Land Use Law: Considering A Career in Energy?: Qualifies as EIW Career Educational Event


Thursday, February 26, 12:00 – 1:30 p.m., Vanderbilt Hall Room 313

This event is co-sponsored with the Office of Career Services and counts for EIW Career Educational Credit for 1Ls who plan to participate in EIW.

Have you ever considered a career in energy law or policy? Curious about what opportunities might exist in the field? Join us for lunch with two NYU Law alumni who are at the forefront of the profession.


  • Francesca Odell ’96, Partner, Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton
  • Jacob Jay Worenklein ’73, Chairman and CEO, US Grid Company

More information and RSVP instructions are available online: http://guarinicenter.org/feb-26-2015-considering-a-career-in-energy/

Feb. 17: Frank J. Guarini Center on Environmental, Energy and Land Use Law: American Gas Exports: Regulation, Finance, and International Trade


Tuesday, February 17, 8:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
NYU School of Law
Lipton Hall, D’Agostino Hall
108 West Third Street
New York, NY 10012

Please RSVP 5 CLE credits available for both newly admitted and experienced attorneys.

This Symposium will provide a forum for experts in their field—representing government, finance, the legal practice and academia—to discuss the future of liquid natural gas exports from the United States. How much natural gas should, and will, the Department of Energy (DOE) approve to be exported? What are the financing implications of the recent changes to the DOE approval process? In what ways may the law of the World Trade Organization constrain U.S. policy regarding natural gas exports? These questions and more will be explored.

Introductory Remarks
Richard Stewart, Professor of Law, NYU School of Law

Panel One: Breaking Down the Public Interest Determination -The Limits of What the Government Will Approve
Robert Fee, Senior Advisor, U.S. Department of Energy
Sugandha Tuladhar, NERA Economic Consulting
Katrina Wyman, Professor of Law, NYU School of Law (moderator)
Anthony Yuen, Citi Group

Panel Two: Bringing American Gas to Market – Financing and Infrastructure Issues
Jean-Pierre Boudrias, Goldman Sachs
Robert Seber, Vinson & Elkins LLP
Eric Silverman, Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy LLP
Branko Terzic, Former CEO & Commissioner, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Moderator TBD

Keynote Address and Lunch
Boyden Gray, Boyden Gray & Associates LLP

Panel Three: International Trade Issues – Opportunities and Constraints posed by America’s International Trade Agreements
Alan M. Dunn, Stewart and Stewart
Spencer Griffith JD ’82, Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP
Robert Howse, Professor of Law, NYU School of Law
Joanna Langille JD ’11, NYU School of Law (moderator)

Last chance to register for the Inaugural Lecture of the Norman Dorsen Professorship in Civil Liberties


Inaugural Lecture of the Norman Dorsen Professorship in Civil Liberties (CLE)
Tuesday, February 17, 2015 | 6:00 p.m.
Vanderbilt Hall, Greenberg Lounge

Dean Trevor Morrison cordially invites you to celebrate the Inaugural Lecture of the Norman Dorsen Professorship in Civil Liberties and publication of Madison’s Music: On Reading the First Amendment by Professor Burt Neuborne. A celebratory reception will take place immediately following the lecture. One CLE credit is available.

To register, click here.

Register now: “Post-Hobby Lobby: The Future of LGBTQ Employment Discrimination”


OUTLaw Alumni Reception
Friday, February 27, 2015 | 6:30-8:30 p.m.
D’Agostino Hall, Lipton Hall

This year, the OUTLaw Alumnus of the Year Award will be presented to Jeffrey S. Trachtman ’84, partner at Kramer Levin Naftalis & Frankel, for the outstanding achievements that have characterized his career and for his exceptional contributions to the LGBTQ community. Immediately prior to the alumni reception, you are also invited to attend the panel discussion titled, “Post-Hobby Lobby: The Future of LGBTQ Employment Discrimination.” The panel discussion will begin at 5:30 p.m. and will take place in the Faculty Club of D’Agostino Hall.

For more information and to RSVP, please click here.

Register now! Women of Color Collective Alumnae Reception


Women of Color Collective Alumnae Reception
Tuesday, March 3, 2015 | 6:00-8:00 p.m.
D’Agostino Hall, Lipton Hall 

The Women of Color Collective (WoCC) invites you to attend our annual Alumnae Reception. The theme of this year’s celebration is “Building Bridges: Engaging in Legal Reform.” During the reception, the Women of Color Collective will proudly honor Leslie Spencer ’98, partner at Ropes & Gray with the 2015 Woman of Distinction Award—in recognition of superlative achievements in the legal profession. Immediately preceding the reception, WoCC will host an informal professional meet and mingle session that matches current female students seeking job search advice and alumnae by practice area. The informal networking session will begin at 5:00 p.m. and will take place in Faculty Club, D’Agostino Hall.

To register, please click here.

Innovation Policy Colloquium: Carliss Baldwin


Thursday, February 26, 2015
4:00 PM – 5:50 PM
Vanderbilt Hall room 202

The Innovation Policy Colloquium focuses each year on different aspects of the law’s role in promoting creativity and invention. This year, the colloquium will examine the topic of design in intellectual property law.

Presenter: Carliss Baldwin, Harvard Business School

Topic: Modularity and Intellectual Property Protection

2 New York CLE credits in the Area of Professional Practice is approved for both experienced and newly attorneys (those admitted to the New York Bar for less than two years) and is presented in traditional (in person) format.

For more information and a copy of Professor Baldwin’s paper go to http://www.law.nyu.edu/academics/colloquia/innovationpolicy.

CHRGJ Call for 2015 Summer Legal Interns


CHRGJ is currently accepting applications for its full-time summer internship program, which will run from June 1 to August 7, 2015. Interns will work under the guidance of one or more of the Center’s human rights staff on activities related to the Center’s current projects. This summer’s primary focus will be economic, social, and cultural rights. In particular, the Center is engaged in research and advocacy concerning inequality, fiscal policy, and human rights, the impact of international financial institutions on human rights, and the human rights implications of gold mining in Haiti, Ghana, and other countries. The work will include legal research, writing, and advocacy support. Interns will be expected to work well independently and as a team, and will be encouraged to engage with CHRGJ staff and visiting scholars as active colleagues.

Throughout the summer, interns will be provided with several educational opportunities and orientation sessions aimed at expanding their knowledge of human rights law, scholarship, and practice, and familiarizing them with human rights research tools available at NYU’s Law Library. They also will be exposed to the work of a wide array of human rights experts through the Center’s ongoing visiting lecturer series, which aims to highlight the breadth of opportunities in the field of human rights law. This is an excellent opportunity for anyone seeking to enhance their knowledge of human rights law and practice and/or to pursue a career in public interest and social justice.

To apply: Send your current CV, a cover letter, three references, current academic transcript, and a writing sample to Audrey Watne with the subject: 2015 Summer Legal Internship. Applications will be considered on a rolling basis and must be received by COB February 27th, 2014. The internship is open to all law students, including LLMs. As this is an unpaid internship, candidates are encouraged to seek funding from their Public Interest Law Centers and other sources.

Preferred skills:

  • Excellent analytical and communication skills, especially in legal research and writing;
  • Excellent academic record;
  • Fluency in another language—particularly French, Haitian Kreyol, and/or Spanish;
  • Work experience prior to law school;
  • A demonstrated commitment to human rights and social justice;
  • Knowledge of the international legal system;
  • A strong capacity to work independently and with people from diverse backgrounds, including partner organizations.

Nominate your peers! The BLAPA Law Alumni Association is accepting nominations for Convocation Prizes


The Black, Latino, Asian Pacific American Law Alumni Association (BLAPA) is now accepting nominations for the following Convocation Prizes!

The BLAPA Award for Clinical Service is given to that graduating member of APALSA,BALSA, LaLSA, MELSA and SALSA who is an outstanding member of a clinic, has proven his/her dedication to public service, and plans to pursue a career in public interest law. The amount of the prize is $1,000.

The BLAPA Public Service Convocation Prize promotes the practice of law in the public sector by graduates of the New York University School of Law. BLAPA alumni have contributed funds to create this Public Service Convocation Prize for member(s) of APALSA, BALSA, LaLSA, MELSA and SALSA, who have proven their dedication to public service and who plan to pursue careers in public interest law. The amount of the prize is $1,000.
BLAPA awards the Kim Barry Memorial Convocation Prize in honor of Kim Barry ’98, NYU School of Law’s first Furman Fellow. The Kim Barry Memorial Convocation Prize is given to that graduating member of APALSA, BALSA, LaLSA, MELSA and SALSA, who has demonstrated a commitment to international and human rights work and exhibits academic excellence in the best tradition of Kim Barry. The amount of the prize is $1,000.

If you would like to nominate one of your peers for any of these prizes, please fill out the
nomination form, which is available on the BLAPA website at

Recipients will be notified of their award prior to Convocation.
The deadline for completed applications is Friday, March 6, 2015.

Clinical Law Teaching Career Discussion


Monday, March 9, 2015, 12:30-1:30pm, FH212
Professor Martin Guggenheim will discuss how to prepare for a career in clinical law teaching and the clinical job market. Even if you are only considering the possibility of a clinical law teaching career in the future, please join us so you know what to keep in mind as you go through your legal career. Open to all law students, and others in the law school community.

Dean Faculty Wine & Cheese Reception


When: March 11, 2015, 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM

Where: Furman Hall, Lounge 200


All students are invited to join faculty and administrators for wine and cheese in the Sexton Lounge on the second floor of Furman Hall.

Access to this event is by invitation only.



This Friday register for the NYU Law Women Third Annual Summit


NYU Law Women Third Annual Summit
Women in Conflict: Gender, Violence, and Peacekeeping
Friday, February 20th, 2015 | 11:00 a.m.- 5:15 p.m.
Vanderbilt Hall, Greenberg Lounge

Coinciding with the 15th Anniversary of UN Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace, and Security, the Summit will address issues of women and gender in times of conflict, focusing on the particular effect that such situations have on catalyzing women to transform spaces of justice. Special guests include: Lelia Zerrougui, special representative of the secretary-general for children and armed conflict at the United Nations, Anne Coughlin ’84, Lewis F. Powell, Jr. professor of law and co-director of the Program in Law and Public Service and the University of Virginia School of Law and Jennifer Trahan ’90, associate clinical professor of global affairs at the New York University Center for Global Affairs. The Summit will be followed immediately by a Student-Alumnae Networking Reception and presentation of the Alumna of the Year Award.

For more information and to register, click here.

Feb. 20 Transitional Justice and Human Rights Writers Workshop


What: Transitional Justice and Human Rights Writers Workshop: Remedies in International Criminal Law
When: February 20, 12:30-1:45
Where: Wilf Hall (139 MacDougal St) 5th Fl. Conference Room

Light snacks will be served, please feel free to bring your own “brown bag” lunch. Register here. Attendance is limited. Papers will be distributed to registered attendees only, via email.

Featuring: Yael Bar Hillel, “Examination of Remedies for Accused Persons’ Rights Violations in The International Criminal Court.”

The Center for Human Rights and Global Justice (CHRGJ) invites students and scholars to attend the Transitional Justice and Human Rights Writers Workshop to discuss NYU law students’ draft papers related to transitional justice, human rights, and other international law topics. Attendees will have the opportunity to provide writing and research suggestions, and engage in discussions on the issues of international law that the papers present.

The series of workshops, which will include several brown bag lunches throughout this semester, is designed to provide NYU law students with an informal opportunity to receive constructive feedback from their peers and from CHRGJ staff about draft papers. The workshop is meant to be a space to discuss existing works-in-progress, not a call for students to create new projects. There is no need to attend all the sessions, although regular participation is welcome.

Sign up to attend the workshops:

Students who are interested in submitting their draft papers should sign up for a specific workshop date here. In the space provided for your name, please also identify your paper topic in parenthesis, for example, “Nikki Reisch (corporate accountability in int’l law).” Each session will be limited to two papers. Students are expected to send a draft of their papers to stacy.cammarano@nyu.edu one week before the workshop, for distribution to registered attendees. In addition, students who submit a paper will be expected to attend one of the other sessions to give feedback.

Questions may be directed to Stacy Cammarano, stacy.cammarano@nyu.edu, or Nikki Reisch, nikki.reisch@nyu.edu.

International Tax Program Luncheon Lecture: Scott Wilkie


Please join us for the next International Tax Program Luncheon Lecture, entitled “”Fictions, Myths, Themes and Threads – A Practical Pathway Forward for ‘BEPS’ (?),” to be delivered by Scott Wilkie, a partner who practices in the area of tax law at Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP. By invitation.

Contact Gregory Zwahlen

Upcoming 2L Government Honors Deadlines


The following government programs have 2L deadlines coming up in the next few weeks.  Details of these programs are provided in the 2014-15 Government Honors & Internship Handbook, located at www.law.arizona.edu/career/honorshandbook.cfm.
Username: thin; Password: mints


  • Wisconsin Department of Justice – Division of Legal Services Legal and Criminal Investigation Externship (Unpaid, Deadline Mid-Feb)
  • Environmental Protection Agency – Office of Enforcement & Compliance Assurance Clinical Legal Education Honors Program (Paid & Unpaid, Deadline 02/20/15)
  • New York State Attorney General – Legal Internship Program (Unpaid, Deadline 02/20/15)
  • Federal Communications Commission – International Bureau Strategic Analysis & Negotiations Division Student Internship Program (Unpaid, Deadline 02/22/15)
  • Government of District of Columbia – Office of Police Complaints Law Clerk Internship Program (Unpaid, Deadline 02/27/15)
  • Department of Health & Human Services – Departmental Appeals Board Volunteer Internship/Externship Program (Unpaid, Deadline 02/27/15)
  • Overseas Private Investment Corporation – Department of Legal Affairs Legal Internship Program (Unpaid, Deadline 02/27/15)

Programs with “Rolling Deadlines” review applications and fill positions on an ongoing basis, so apply early for these programs.

Upcoming 1L Government Honors Deadlines


The following government programs have 1L deadlines coming up in the next few weeks.  Details of these programs are provided in the 2014-15 Government Honors & Internship Handbook, located at www.law.arizona.edu/career/honorshandbook.cfm.
Username: thin; Password: mints


  • Wisconsin Department of Justice – Division of Legal Services Legal and Criminal Investigation Externship (Unpaid, Deadline Mid-Feb)
  • Environmental Protection Agency – Office of Enforcement & Compliance Assurance Clinical Legal Education Honors Program (Paid & Unpaid, Deadline 02/20/15)
  • New York State Attorney General – Legal Internship Program (Unpaid, Deadline 02/20/15)
  • Alabama Office of the Attorney General – Summer Law Clerk Program (Unpaid, Deadline 02/21/15)
  • Federal Communications Commission – International Bureau Strategic Analysis & Negotiations Division Student Internship Program (Unpaid, Deadline 02/22/15)
  • Department of Health & Human Services – Departmental Appeals Board Volunteer Internship/Externship Program (Unpaid, Deadline 02/27/15)
  • Overseas Private Investment Corporation – Department of Legal Affairs Legal Internship Program (Unpaid, Deadline 02/27/15)
  • Transportation Security Administration – Office of Chief Counsel Summer Internship Program (Unpaid, Deadline 02/28/15)
  • Delaware Office of Attorney General – Department of Justice 1L Internship Program (Unpaid, Deadline 02/28/15)
  • City of Philadelphia – District Attorney’s Office Summer Legal Internships (Paid & Unpaid, Deadline 02/28/15)

Programs with “Rolling Deadlines” review applications and fill positions on an ongoing basis, so apply early for these programs.

Deadline Updates in the Government Honors & Internship Handbook


The following deadline information has been updated on the website has been updated. You can access the site here: www.law.arizona.edu/career/Government_Honors2014-15/Contents.cfm
Username: thin; Password: mints

  • City of Palo Alto, CA – 2015-2017 Legal Fellow (3L, JLC, Recent Grad)
  • Maricopa County Attorney’s Office – Research Law Clerkship (2L, 3L, Recent Grad)
  • Department of the Interior – Office of Civil Rights, Employment Complaints and Adjudication Division, Legal Intern (1L, 2L, 3L, Unpaid)Short Deadline 02/20/15 FRIDAY
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