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Mar. 9: Application Deadline: McKinsey APD Insight Law Program (1Ls)


APD Insight Law Program available for 1L students on campus at Columbia Law School, NYU School of Law and Yale Law School. Program Date: Saturday, March 28, 2015

  • Brief overview of management consulting
  • Half-day consulting case study
  • Opportunity to network with focused group of peers and consultants with law backgrounds

Detailed Description
McKinsey APD Insight Law Program McKinsey APD Insight Law is a one-day program designed to familiarize law students with management consulting. The program will include an overview of management consulting, a half-day consulting case study and the opportunity to network with a focused group of peers and McKinsey consultants with a background in law. This program does not require any business experience and is designed to cover a range of topics important to those who are exploring alternative career opportunities. The program is open to first year law students, or 1Ls, at Columbia Law School, NYU School of Law and Yale Law School expecting to finish their degree in 2017. To apply, please submit your resume as a PDF by the following deadlines: Columbia Law School – February 27, 2015 Yale Law School – February 27, 2015, New York University School of Law – March 9, 2015
To apply please visit:


*Your application to this program has no bearing on future applications for full-time or internship roles

Deadline: March 9th, 2015 for the Mitchell Jacobson Leadership Program 1L Application


Dear 1L Students,

The Jacobson Leadership Program in Law & Business is accepting applications to the program from students entering their second year of law school.

The Jacobson Leadership Program in Law & Business is designed for students who aspire to a non-traditional career path that requires intensive training grounded in legal and business curricula.  This program answers to the demand for unique executive professionals with both legal and business skills to provide leadership in the fast-paced multi-jurisdictional world of enterprise.  The Leadership Program seeks to instill the highest ethical standards, and will provide the skills for leaders to build bridges across boundaries of jurisdiction, sector and culture.

Under the direction of Professors Gerald Rosenfeld and Helen Scott, the unique features of the Program include a Law and Business mentor network, and a senior project where students work independently or collaboratively in small teams and present their projects to a panel of faculty and alumni. Applicants admitted in their second year of law school will receive stipends of five thousand dollars per year for their 2L and 3L years.

Each applicant should submit a one document application including his or her resume, transcript, and an essay describing his or her interest in the program to Nirva Beljour (LeadershipProgram@nyu.edu). The deadline for all applicants  is March 9, 2015.

Additional program information may be found at www.law.nyu.edu/leadershipprogram


Mar. 5: McKinsey & Company Information Session (1Ls, 2Ls)


Thursday, March 5, 12:00 p.m., VH 204
Did you know that McKinsey & Company, a global management consulting firm, has been hiring advanced professional degree (APD) candidates just like you for over 20 years?  Over half of our 8000 consultants in our 100+ offices worldwide hold PhD, MD, JD and non-MBA Masters degrees.

If you are in your 1L or 2L years and would like to learn more about a career alternative that will stimulate and challenge you, along with the opportunity to work with highly motivated colleagues in a supportive, team-based environment, please join our consultants for an informational presentation and Q&A on March 5th at 12:00 p.m. in Vanderbilt Hall Room 204.  To register, please visit: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/NYULawMarch2015

Presentation Agenda:

Please visit http://www.mckinsey.com/Careers/Your_background/Advanced_professional_degrees  to learn more about our opportunities.

Hot Jobs (1Ls, 2Ls, 3Ls)


Following is a sample of job listings currently active on CSM.  You can find additional jobs, as well as get more information on the specific jobs listed below and apply for these jobs through the CSM System: https://law-nyu-csm.symplicity.com/students/

  1. Summer Law Clerk (1Ls, 2Ls); Corporate, New York, NY – CSM ID 437732. Assist in legal research and discovery responses; work with in–house counsel in the preparation of transaction-related documentation, regulatory filings, corporate documentation, etc.; organize and assist in submission materials for policy filings with State regulators; research and monitor emerging issues for Emerging Issues Committee; work on transactional contract matters; organize litigation and underwriting materials associated with major claims in litigation.
  2. Summer Legal Fellows (1Ls, 2Ls); Corporate, San Francisco– CSM ID 437716. As a Summer Legal Fellow, you will gain hands-on professional experience in corporate governance, debt finance, securities, investment funds, regulatory compliance, and other practice areas of law.
  3. Summer Legal Intern (1Ls, 2Ls); Corporate, New York, NY– CSM ID 437719. Responsibilities will include reviewing, revising and negotiating various domestic and international confidentiality agreements, engagement letters, vendor agreements and derivative confirmations, drafting resolutions, certificates and other corporate documents, handling certain compliance tasks and special projects as needed and supporting the day-to-day operations of the Legal Department globally.
  4. Associate (3Ls); Law Firm, New York, NY– CSM ID 437673. Position Description: Negotiate and draft agreements related to technology, corporate services and real estate; work closely with senior lawyers in representation of clients; assist in preparation of presentations ; and, administrative support of senior attorneys.

Spring Faculty Research Assistant Postings (1Ls, 2Ls, 3Ls, LLMs)


Following is a listing of currently active Spring RA positions on CSM.  Full descriptions and application instructions are available through the CSM Job Postings Tab: https://law-nyu-csm.symplicity.com/students/

  1. Professor Hulsebosch – CSM ID 437636. Professor Hulsebosch seeks part-time research assistance for the next two months on the legal right to migrate within the British Empire in the 18th century.

Reading Rewards Program


We want you to read each week’s OCS Docket entries and we want to reward you for staying informed. Read carefully and you will frequently find a prize buried amidst the OCS content.  If you find the prize and want to participate in a drawing for it, write by 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday to law.careers@nyu.edu with the subject line “Reading Reward”. We will select randomly from the submitted entries. Prizes range in value and include a private study room in the OCS Interview Suite during exam period; books written by NYU Law alumni; a free night at a Hilton hotel; movie tickets; lunch with a hiring partner or recruiting administrator of a major NYC law firm; a suite at the Early Interview Week hotel in August; among others.  These prizes are donated and do not come from tuition funds.

Drop-in Hours for JDs and LLMs


Monday: 11:00 – 12:00 p.m. and 2:30 – 4:30 p.m.
Tuesday:  11:00 – 12:00 p.m. and 2:30 – 4:30 p.m.
Wednesday: 2:30 – 4:30 p.m.
Thursday: 11:00 – 12:00 p.m. and 2:30 – 4:30 p.m.
Friday: 11:00 – 12:00 p.m. and 2:30 – 4:30 p.m.

Wednesday 3:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Thursday: 2:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Friday: 2:00 – 4:00 p.m.

Career Educational Event Requirement for EIW (1Ls)


All 1Ls must attend one Career Educational Event in order to participate in EIW. Upcoming Office of Career Services events that qualify for EIW Career Education Credit include: NYU Nationwide (March 4) and “How to Succeed As A Summer Associate and Throughout Your Legal Career” Panel (April 6). In addition, student groups will continue to host events which qualify for EIW Career Educational Credit. The advertisements for the events will note which qualify for EIW Career Educational Credit.

If you attended at least one of the following OCS events, you have already fulfilled the Career Educational requirement:

“Law is A Two Way Street: Navigating A Career in Both the Public and Private Sectors” Panel (October 29)
Career Educational Fair (October 29)
Panel on 1L Summer Jobs (November 10)
Diversity Forum Career Fair (November 20)
Law Firm Speed Networking Luncheon (February 10)

The Career Educational Event is one of four requirements for EIW. The four requirements are noted below:

  1. 1 Strike-A-Match Session (April 2)
  2. 1 Career Educational Event
  3. 1 Mini-Mock Interview with an OCS counselor (Spring 2015)
  4. 1 Interview Skills Workshop (Summer 2015)

More information about these events is available on pages 7 and 8 of the Career Development Resources Handbook. The handbook is available online on CSM/Symplicity. Please log-on to CSM/Symplicity, select “Career Resources Library” under the “Resources/Tools” Tab and type in “2014-2015 Career Development Resources Handbook”.  If you have any questions about EIW requirements, please email law.careers@nyu.edu.

Reminder: 1Ls Must Attend a Small Group Counseling Session Before Scheduling an Individual Appointment (1Ls)


If you are planning to participate in Early Interview Week (EIW 2015) and did not attend a Small Group Counseling Session, please come to an OCS drop-in appointment. Below are the Drop-In Hours for JD students:

Monday: 11:00 – 12:00 p.m. and 2:30 – 4:30 p.m.
Tuesday:  11:00 – 12:00 p.m. and 2:30 – 4:30 p.m.
Wednesday: 2:30 – 4:30 p.m.
Thursday: 11:00 – 12:00 p.m. and 2:30 – 4:30 p.m.
Friday: 11:00 – 12:00 p.m. and 2:30 – 4:30 p.m.

July 30 – 31: 2015 Loyola Patent Law Interview Program (1Ls, 2Ls)


Loyola University Chicago School of law is hosting the 2015 Patent Law Interview Program on Thursday, July 30 and Friday, July 31 in downtown Chicago, Illinois.  Students with undergraduate or graduate degrees in engineering or a technical science should consider registering for the program.  You do not need to be patent bar eligible to register, although the vast majority of employers participating in the program are seeking patent bar eligible students. For more information on the program, please refer to the Loyola Patent Program website at: http://www.luc.edu/law/career/patent_students.html.

The 2015 Patent Law Interview Program will be accepting registrations from:

  • JD students graduating in May/June 2016 (rising 3Ls/current 2Ls)
  • JD students graduating in May/June 2017 (rising 2Ls/current 1Ls)
  • JD students graduating in December 2015/January 2016 (3Ls)
  • JD students graduating in December 2016/January 2017 (2Ls)
  • Students in Intellectual Property LLM programs with anticipated graduation dates in 2016 and 2017 (LLMs) Students who will graduate before the program is held in July/August 2015 and students who plan to graduate after May/June 2017 are not eligible for the 2015 Patent Law Interview Program.

Last year roughly 135 employers, 190 law schools, and 1,400 law students from across the country participated in the program. The program is entirely pre-selected, which means that students submit resumes and transcripts to bid on interviews with the employers they are interested in, and employers then review the materials of the students who bid on them and select the students they wish to interview at the program. Last year, approximately half of the participating students were selected for interviews.

Online student registration for this year’s Patent Law Interview Program is currently open and will close on Monday, March 9.  The registration page is located at: https://patentlawregistration.luc.edu/lawstudents/Default.aspx . At this stage of registration, you will only need to enter some basic information (you will upload your resume and bid on interviews later in the semester).  Please note that our school is listed alphabetically as New York University School of Law on the registration form’s drop down menu of law schools.

There is a non-refundable $35 registration fee for which you will not need to pay; NYU will be covering all registration fees for students. 

Monday, March 9: Deadline for Student Registration
Tuesday, April 14: Students receive CSM passwords/bidding instructions
Tuesday, April 14: Student Bidding Begins
Thursday, April 30: Deadline for Student Bidding
Monday, June 22: Initial interview schedules available on CSM
Monday, June 22 – Wednesday, June 24: Interview Cancellation Period
Friday, June 26: Final Schedules available on Symplicity
Wednesday, July 29: Sterne, Kessler, Goldstein & Fox Welcome Reception (Open to all participating students)
Thursday, July 30 & Friday, July 31: 2015 Patent Law Interview Program

Please direct any questions about the program to the Patent Program Liaison in our office, Jennifer Leibowitz at jennifer.leibowitz@nyu.edu.

Mar. 5: McKinsey & Company, Inc. (Worldwide) Information Session on Thursday, March 5 at 12:00 p.m. (1Ls, 2Ls)


If you are in your 1L or 2L year and would like to learn more about a career alternative that will stimulate and challenge you, along with the opportunity to work with highly motivated colleagues in a supportive, team-based environment, please join McKinsey & Company  consultants for an informational presentation and Q&A.  For more information on this information session and their APD Insight Law Program, please refer to their event page on CSM/Symplicity.

Date: March 5, 2015
Time: 12:00-2:15 p.m.
Location: Vanderbilt Hall, Room 204
To register and RSVP, please visit: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/NYULawMarch2015

If you have any questions regarding this event, please contact Wendy Siegel (wendy.siegel@nyu.edu).

Mar. 4: NYU Nationwide Reception from 5:30 – 7:00 pm in Greenberg Lounge (1Ls)


*Mandatory event for 1Ls who plan to interview with EIW firms in locations outside of NYC.

Please join us at NYU Nationwide!  This is the premiere networking event for 1L students interested in law firm markets outside of New York. Attorneys from Boston, Chicago, NJ, PA, TX, the West Coast and Washington, D.C. will travel to NYU Law to meet informally with 1L students, in preparation for Early Interview Week in August. The event will take the form of a “career fair” where students mingle informally and visit attorneys at their tables. We have 25+ firms in attendance.

The purpose of this program is to educate 1L students about the opportunities in different geographic regions and to support their desire to secure employment in cities outside of New York – or their interest in exploring other regions.  This is not a resume collection event – it is a chance to make great connections in advance of EIW and learn about different legal markets.

Suggested attire is Business Casual. Delicious food and beverages will be served.

RSVP by clicking the Events tab followed by OCS/PILC Events in CSM:

Reminder:  This event is a mandatory event for 1Ls who plan to interview with EIW firms in locations outside of NYC! This event qualifies for the mandatory EIW Career Education credit.

If you have read this, you qualify for the Reading Reward. This week’s prize will be a pair of movie tickets. To enter the raffle, send an email to law.careers@nyu.edu with the subject line “Reading Reward” by 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday, March 3.

Mar. 3 – 12: Walk for Work with Associate Dean Dorzback (1Ls, 2Ls, 3Ls)

Mar. 2: Acing the Accounting Firm Interview Podcast Available (Tax/ITax LLMs)


Monday, March 2

Acing the Accounting Firm Interview Podcast is now available. To view the podcast, click on the video link on your CSM homepage.

Recent Tax LLM graduates, Julie Geng, Nicole Giuntoli, Wayne Miller, and Kevin Walsh, discuss their experiences interviewing with the Big Four and provide their tips on succeeding in accounting firm interviews.

Mar. 2: Spring into Action (All LLMs)


Monday, March 2, 1:00-2:00 p.m., VH 202

A workshop for LLM students on how to jump-start their job search in the spring semester.
This event will be videotaped for students who are unable to attend.

Week of Mar. 2: 1L Employer Events (1Ls)


During the spring semester, a number of law firms are hosting luncheons or evening receptions for 1L students only. These events provide wonderful opportunities for students to learn about these firms and meet their attorneys in an informal setting prior to the 2015 Fall recruitment season.

The following employers will be hosting events for students during the week of March 2. All events are for 1Ls only. For details regarding these events, please log-in to your CSM account and click on the Events tab followed by Employer Info Sessions:

King & Spalding LLP (New York, NY): Monday, March 2, 12:00-2:00 p.m., VH 204

Arnold & Porter LLP (New York, NY): Monday, March 2, 6:00-8:00 p.m., Otto Enoteca (One Fifth Avenue at 8th Street)

Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft LLP (New York, NY): Tuesday, March 3, 12:30 – 2:00 p.m., D’Agostino Hall — Faculty Club (across from Lipton Hall)

Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy LLP (New York, NY): Thursday, March 5, 6:30-8:30 p.m., Lafayette, 380 Lafayette Street

* Cahill Gordon & Reindel LLP (New York, NY): Friday, March 6, 3:00-3:45 p.m., Furman Hall – OCS Suite 430 – Conference Room 440. Cahill’s hiring partner, Brian Markley, NYU JD ’00, is eager to meet informally with students  — he was overseas on business unexpectedly during the Cahill luncheon and wants to make himself available to NYU Law students discuss Cahill’s summer program. All 1L students – including students who attended Cahill’s 1L Luncheon Presentation on February 10, 2015 – are welcome to attend.

An RSVP is required for all events. If you have any questions regarding these events, please email Cassandre Stump (cassandre.stump@nyu.edu). 

Spring OCI Week 7 – Open Sign-Up Opens on Thursday, March 5 at 1:00 p.m. (1Ls, 2Ls, 3Ls, Tax LLMs)


Week 7 of Spring OCI begins on Monday, March 9! Please see below for information regarding open sign-up and free sign-up.

Open Sign-Up: Open Sign-up on CSM will allow you to view all available interview slots for your class year during week 7 of Spring OCI. Students may do open sign-up on CSM for any open slot, as long as they meet the employer’s hiring criteria. Please note that: (1) open sign-up closes at 12 p.m. (noon) one day prior to each interview date; and (2) open sign-up is conducted in real-time through CSM and is first-come, first-served.

Please note: If you are already logged in to CSM prior to the opening of this module, you must LOG OUT and log back in to view all available Open Sign-Up slots. The “refresh” button will not function in this instance.

This is a first-come, first-served process and you will not be able to cancel these interviews once you have signed-up for an interview slot. You will be expected to attend each interview for which you are scheduled and to bring all requested application materials; you may NOT cancel an interview obtained via Open Sign-Up so please be sure to carefully read the schedule details and requirements before signing up for an interview. “Trading” or “swapping” interviews is NOT permitted.


  1. Login to CSM and select the OCI top-link.
  2. Choose the appropriate week from the Session drop-down menu (2014-2015 Spring OCI: Week 7 (03/09/2015 – 03/12/2015)) and make sure that ‘Show All’ displays in the Employers dropdown menu, then press the Search button.
  3. If there is a time slot available, the Interview Date (next to the Employer Name) will display as a hyperlink. To sign up for an interview via Open Sign-Up, simply click on an available Interview Date, choose a time slot, and click Signup.
  4. If no additional interview slots are available, you will not be able to click on the Interview Date.

Please note that students who have received an offer of employment and therefore need to cancel interviews obtained through Open Sign-Up are not able to cancel the interview on their own; students must contact Cassandre Stump (cassandre.stump@nyu.edu) for assistance.

Please note that information regarding interview availability during Spring OCI was up to date as of OCS’ submission to The Docket. For the most up to date information, please check CSM and the employers’ schedules in the Interview Suite in Furman Hall.

Spring On Campus Interview Program (OCI) – Week 7 OCI Schedules Available at 1:00 p.m. on Monday, March 2; Deadline to Cancel Or Opt-In to Waitlists at 12:00 a.m. on Wednesday, March 4 (1Ls, 2Ls, 3Ls, Tax LLMs)


Week 7 Spring OCI schedules are available for viewing as of 1:00 p.m. on Monday, March 2. The deadline to cancel an interview or opt-in to an employer waitlist is Wednesday, March 4 at 12:00 a.m. (midnight). Instructions on how to cancel an interview and opt in to an employer waitlist are provided below.

Canceling an Interview

  • Select the OCI top link and under Employers/Bidding, choose the Session from the dropdown menu (2014-15 Spring OCI: Week 7 (03/09/15-03/12/15)), make sure that ‘Show All’ displays in the Employers dropdown menu, and then press the Search
  • Click on the Interview Date for the interview you wish to cancel (it will appear as a hyperlink) and click the Cancel Interview button either above or below the employer’s name.

Please note that students who have received an offer of employment and who would like to cancel their interviews after the March 4 deadline are not able to cancel on their own; students must contact Cassandre Stump (cassandre.stump@nyu.edu) for assistance.

Waitlist Policy and Procedures

  • To maintain your waitlist status with an employer, you must affirm your waitlist status online by clicking the Opt-In button next to the Employer Name.
  • If you wish to cancel an individual employer from your waitlist, choose the Opt-Out button next to the Employer Name.
  • IMPORTANT NOTE: If you do not cancel an employer from your waitlist AND the lottery program is able to schedule an interview on your behalf, you are required to attend the interview. Failure to do so will constitute a No-Show, which has serious repercussions.

DEADLINE TO CANCEL AN INTERVIEW: Wednesday, March 4 at 12:00 a.m. (midnight)
DEADLINE TO “OPT IN” TO THE WAIT LIST: Wednesday, March 4 at 12:00 a.m. (midnight)
UPDATED INTERVIEW SCHEDULE AVAILABLE (Post Waitlist Lottery): Thursday, March 5 at 1:00 p.m.
OPEN SIGN-UP OPENS: Thursday, March 5 at 1:00 p.m.
OPEN SIGN-UP CLOSES: At 12:00 p.m. one day prior to each interview date
IN PERSON FREE SIGN UP: If slots are available, sign up in OCS interview suite: (1) for Monday interviews, beginning at 9:00 a.m. on Monday; and (2) for Tuesday-Thursday interviews, beginning at 5:00 p.m. the day before interview

Please email Cassandre Stump at cassandre.stump@nyu.edu or Jennifer Leibowitz at jennifer.leibowitz@nyu.edu with any questions regarding Spring OCI.

Spring OCI Week 6 – Current Open Sign-Up and Free Sign-Up Opportunities with WeiserMazars (Tax LLMs, International Tax LLMs) and Miami-Dade County Attorney’s Office (1Ls)


Week 6 of Spring OCI begins on Monday, March 2! Please see below for information regarding open sign-up and free sign-up.

Open Sign-Up: Open Sign-Up on CSM will allow you to view all available interview slots for your class year during week 6 of Spring OCI. Students may do Open Sign-Up on CSM for any open slot, as long as they meet the employer’s hiring criteria. Please note that: (1) Open Sign-Up closes at 12:00 p.m. (noon) one day prior to each interview date; and (2) Open Sign-Up is conducted in real-time through CSM and is first-come, first-served.  

You will not be able to cancel these interviews once you have signed-up for an interview slot. You will be expected to attend each interview for which you are scheduled and to bring all requested application materials; you may NOT cancel an interview obtained via Open Sign-Up so please be sure to carefully read the schedule details, hiring criteria, and other requirements (e.g., requested materials to bring to the interview) before signing up for an interview. “Trading” or “swapping” interviews is NOT permitted.

At this time, there are still available interview slots on the following employers’ Week 6 Spring OCI schedules:

Wednesday, March 4, 2015: WeiserMazars (New York, NY) (Tax LLMs, International Tax LLMs)
Thursday, March 5, 2015: Miami-Dade County Attorney’s Office (Miami, FL) (1Ls)


  1. Login to CSM and select the OCI top-link.
  2. Choose the appropriate week from the Session drop-down menu (2014-2015 Spring OCI: Week 6 (03/02/2015 – 03/06/2015)) and make sure that ‘Show All’ displays in the Employers dropdown menu, then press the Search button.
  3. If there is a time slot available, the Interview Date (next to the Employer Name) will display as a hyperlink. To sign up for an interview via Open Sign-Up, simply click on an available Interview Date, choose a time slot, and click Signup.
  4. If no additional interview slots are available, you will not be able to click on the Interview Date.

Please note that students who have received an offer of employment and therefore need to cancel interviews obtained through Open Sign-Up are not able to cancel the interview on their own; students must contact Cassandre Stump (cassandre.stump@nyu.edu) for assistance.

Free Sign-Up:  Students may manually sign up with employers with open slots beginning at 5:00 p.m. on the day prior to the employer’s visit on campus. Students may manually sign up with employers with open slots on their schedule for their class year, as long as they meet the employer’s hiring criteria (accessible via the employer’s interview schedule on CSM). To determine interview availability, please go to the Interview Suite on the Fourth Floor of Furman Hall and look at the employers’ schedules. You may write your name in an available time slot and slip a copy of your resume under the door for the interviewer’s review.

Please note that information regarding interview availability during Spring OCI was up to date as of OCS’ submission to The Docket. For the most up to date information, please check CSM and the employers’ schedules in the interview suite in Furman Hall.

Please email Cassandre Stump at cassandre.stump@nyu.edu or Jennifer Leibowitz at jennifer.leibowitz@nyu.edu  with any questions regarding Spring OCI.

March 4: Frank J. Guarini Center on Environmental, Energy and Land Use Law:The Future of Natural Gas versus Coal-Fired Generation


Wednesday, March 4, 2015, 6:30-8:00 p.m.
NYU School of Law
Lipton Hall, D’Agostino Hall
108 West 3rd Street
New York, NY 10012

RSVP here 1.5 CLE credits available for both newly admitted and experienced attorneys.

Join the Guarini Center on the evening of March 4th for a panel discussion to examine, “The Future of Natural Gas versus Coal-Fired Generation.”


Catherine Callaway, Executive Vice President, General Counsel and Chief Compliance Officer, Dynegy Inc.
Robert Mancini (’84), Managing Director & Co-Head of CPP-II, The Carlyle Group
Thad Miller, Executive Vice President, Chief Legal Officer and Secretary, Calpine Corp.
Jeffrey Pollard, Managing Director, Goldman Sachs
20Michael Shenberg (’85), Partner, White and Case LLP

The event is being sponsored by White and Case LLP

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