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Apr. 6: How to Succeed As a Summer Associate and Throughout Your Legal Career: Qualifies as EIW Career Educational Event (1Ls, 2Ls, 3Ls)


Monday, April 6, 12:30 – 1:30 p.m., Greenberg Lounge, Vanderbilt Hall
RSVP via CSM Events tab:https://law-nyu-csm.symplicity.com/students/

Panelists will provide tips and guidance relating to professionalism, general demeanor/behavior, work assignments, feedback/evaluations and office protocol to foster your success in your summer position and throughout your legal career. The panel will include attorneys, recruiting staff, and other legal professionals.

Apr. 2: STRIKE-A-MATCH: Mandatory EIW Information Session for 1Ls


Thursday, April 2, 4:00 – 5:30 p.m.
Vanderbilt Hall, Tishman Auditorium

In order to provide you with all of the necessary details regarding EIW, we are holding a mandatory session for 1Ls entitled “Strike-A-Match” (SAM) on April 2nd.  In the SAM session, the OCS Counselors will provide an introduction to Early Interview Week (EIW) including logistics, practical advice on selecting employers and developing a job search strategy based upon your experience, academic records and individual goals – – all based on historical data.  As a reminder, this session is highly confidential and WILL NOT BE WEBSTREAMED. If you plan to participate in EIW, you are required to attend this session.  Please note that public interest-directed students interviewing exclusively with government and public interest employers during EIW will attend a separate PILC meeting on March 23 in lieu of the OCS Strike-A-Match session.

RSVP on CSM under the Events tab followed by OCS/PILC Events.

Mar. 9: Spring into Action Video Available (All LLMs)


The video recording of Spring into Action is now available. Click on the video link on your CSM homepage to view the video.

Mar. 9: 2015 Loyola Patent Law Interview Program – Student Registration Deadline on March 9 at 6 p.m. EST (1Ls, 2Ls)


Loyola University Chicago School of law is hosting the 2015 Patent Law Interview Program on Thursday, July 30 and Friday, July 31 in downtown Chicago, Illinois.  Students with undergraduate or graduate degrees in engineering or a technical science should consider registering for the program.  You do not need to be patent bar eligible to register, although the vast majority of employers participating in the program are seeking patent bar eligible students. For more information on the program, please refer to the Loyola Patent Program website at: http://www.luc.edu/law/career/patent_students.html.

Online student registration for this year’s Patent Law Interview Program will close on Monday, March 9 at 6:00 p.m. EST.  The registration page is located at: https://patentlawregistration.luc.edu/lawstudents/Default.aspx.  At this stage of registration, you will only need to enter some basic information (you will upload your resume and bid on interviews later in the semester).  Please note that our school is listed alphabetically as New York University School of Law on the registration form’s drop down menu of law schools.

There is a non-refundable $35 registration fee for which you will not need to pay; NYU will be covering all registration fees for students.

The 2015 Patent Law Interview Program will be accepting registrations from:

  • JD students graduating in May/June 2016 (rising 3Ls/current 2Ls)
  • JD students graduating in May/June 2017 (rising 2Ls/current 1Ls)
  • JD students graduating in December 2015/January 2016 (3Ls)
  • JD students graduating in December 2016/January 2017 (2Ls)
  • Students in Intellectual Property LLM programs with anticipated graduation dates in 2016 and 2017 (LLMs)

Students who will graduate before the program is held in July/August 2015 and students who plan to graduate after May/June 2017 are not eligible for the 2015 Patent Law Interview Program.

Last year roughly 135 employers, 190 law schools, and 1,400 law students from across the country participated in the program. The program is entirely pre-selected, which means that students submit resumes and transcripts to bid on interviews with the employers they are interested in, and employers then review the materials of the students who bid on them and select the students they wish to interview at the program. Last year, approximately half of the participating students were selected for interviews.

Monday, March 9, 6:00 p.m. EST: Deadline for Student Registration
Tuesday, April 14: Students receive CSM passwords/bidding instructions
Tuesday, April 14: Student Bidding Begins
Thursday, April 30: Deadline for Student Bidding
Monday, June 22: Initial interview schedules available on CSM
Monday, June 22 – Wednesday, June 24: Interview Cancellation Period
Friday, June 26: Final Schedules available on Symplicity
Wednesday, July 29: Sterne, Kessler, Goldstein & Fox Welcome Reception (Open to all participating students)
Thursday, July 30 & Friday, July 31: 2015 Patent Law Interview Program

Please direct any questions about the program to the Patent Program Liaison in our office, Jennifer Leibowitz at jennifer.leibowitz@nyu.edu.

Week of Mar. 9: 1L Employer Events (1Ls)


During the spring semester, a number of law firms are hosting luncheons or evening receptions for 1L students only. These events provide wonderful opportunities for students to learn about these firms and meet their attorneys in an informal setting prior to the 2015 Fall recruitment season.

The following employers will be hosting events for during the week of March 9. All events are for 1Ls only. For details regarding these events, please log-in to your CSM account and click on the Events tab followed by Employer Info Sessions:

Hunton & Williams LLP (New York, NY): Tuesday, March 10, 4:00-5:30 p.m., VH 204: Information Session: “Everything You Want to Know About Being a Big Law Associate but are Too Afraid to Ask…” Refreshments will be served.

**Kenyon & Kenyon LLP – IP ONLY/Technical Background REQUIRED (New York, NY): Tuesday, March 10, 6:30-8:30 p.m., Macondo West – 2 Bank Street (off of Greenwich). Kenyon & Kenyon would like to meet interested 1L students with a TECHNICAL BACKGROUND. To RSVP, please contact Liz Knechtges at eknechtges@kenyon.com. Please note that the firm requires students to email a copy of their resume prior to the event.

**Sullivan & Cromwell LLP (New York, NY): Wednesday, March 11, 6:30-8:30 p.m. ***Please note that the firm has invited NYU and Columbia 1L women ONLY to this event, and that the RSVP deadline has passed. For more information, please see the invitation on CSM and/or email mccoym@sullcrom.com

An RSVP is required for all events. If you have any questions regarding these events, please email Cassandre Stump (cassandre.stump@nyu.edu). 

New York University School of Law is committed to a policy prohibiting discrimination in employment based on race, gender and/or gender identity or expression, color, creed, religion, age, national origin, ethnicity, disability, veteran or military status, sex, sexual orientation, pregnancy, genetic information, marital status, citizenship status, or on any other legally protected basis.

The services of the Office of Career Services are available only to those employers whose practices are consistent with this policy. Please be advised that by interviewing our students, posting a job opening, or participating in our educational and networking programs, employers are affirming that their employment practices are in compliance with this policy.

1L Firm Events are marketed for student research and networking purposes only and do not indicate NYU’s endorsement of any program or employer that does not comply with the school’s non-discrimination policies.

Deadline: March 9th, 2015 for the Mitchell Jacobson Leadership Program 1L Application


Dear 1L Students,

The Jacobson Leadership Program in Law & Business is accepting applications to the program from students entering their second year of law school.

The Jacobson Leadership Program in Law & Business is designed for students who aspire to a non-traditional career path that requires intensive training grounded in legal and business curricula.  This program answers to the demand for unique executive professionals with both legal and business skills to provide leadership in the fast-paced multi-jurisdictional world of enterprise.  The Leadership Program seeks to instill the highest ethical standards, and will provide the skills for leaders to build bridges across boundaries of jurisdiction, sector and culture.

Under the direction of Professors Gerald Rosenfeld and Helen Scott, the unique features of the Program include a Law and Business mentor network, and a senior project where students work independently or collaboratively in small teams and present their projects to a panel of faculty and alumni. Applicants admitted in their second year of law school will receive stipends of five thousand dollars per year for their 2L and 3L years.

Each applicant should submit a one document application including his or her resume, transcript, and an essay describing his or her interest in the program to Nirva Beljour (LeadershipProgram@nyu.edu). The deadline for all applicants  is March 9, 2015.

Additional program information may be found at www.law.nyu.edu/leadershipprogram


May 2015 Graduates – Diploma Address


To All May 2015 Degree Candidates:

Even though graduation is several weeks away, now would be a good time to check your address information for your diploma.  Diplomas are usually mailed two months after graduation to the permanent address on file at the time of graduation.  The University will not mail diplomas to NYU Law housing addresses.  You can check your permanent address by going to NYU Home

If you would rather pick up your diploma in person, please fill out a diploma card at the Student Services Center located at 25 West 4th Street and indicate that you would like to pick up your graduation document and the address and phone number where they may contact you, when the document arrives from the printer. You may also mail or fax a signed statement with the information requested above to the Office of the University Registrar at P.O. Box 910, New York, NY 10276-0910 or fax # (212) 995-4558 respectively.

Lederman Fellowship in Law, Economics, and Business


We write to invite you to attend an information session on the Lederman Fellowship in Law, Economics, and Business on Wednesday, April 1, 2015, from 4:00-6:15 pm in Vanderbilt Hall, Faculty Library (Third Floor). The Lederman Fellowship aims to foster student research in law & economics and to create an environment that fosters collaboration among students and faculty interested in law & economics. Professors Ryan Bubb and Florencia Marotta-Wurgler, Directors of the Lederman Fellowship Program, will present the fellowship program, provide information about the application process and answer questions. We expect Mr. Lederman to be in attendance as well. Interested students should plan to apply for the fellowship in the fall of their 2L year.


Summary of program. Lederman Fellows will take a series of courses that provide a foundation in the concepts and methodologies of law & economics. The centerpiece of the fellowship program is a research paper in law & economics that each fellow will develop, advised by a NYU faculty member. Fellows will participate in a series of workshops and colloquium meetings in which they present their work to the faculty directors and other fellows. Further details on the program are provided below.


Area of study. The field of “law & economics” is defined broadly for the purposes of the Lederman Fellowship. A student research project can fit within the program by applying economic methodology (e.g., economic analysis, positive political theory, or empirical analysis) to a research topic in law or by examining a topic in an area of law that implicates economic issues, like corporate law or antitrust.


Program directors. Professors Florencia Marotta-Wurgler and Ryan Bubb co-direct the fellowship program.


Eligibility. All second-year J.D. students enrolled at NYU School of Law, as well as J.S.D. students prior to their final year at NYU, are eligible to apply. Those selected will hold the status of Lederman Fellow in Law & Economics for their remaining time at NYU. Applications are due in the fall of the 2L year for J.D. students, or the fall of any year prior to their final year for J.S.D. students. See the fellowship website for the application form and the exact application deadline.


Basis for selection. Fellows will be selected based on their demonstrated interest in law & economics and general aptitude for producing a high-quality research paper, as indicated by their research proposal, statement of interest, and transcripts. No prior background in economics is required, only sincere interest in law & economics, broadly defined.


Faculty advisor. To apply for the fellowship, students must have an NYU faculty member agree to advise their proposed law & economics research project for the fellowship.


Amount of award. Fellows will be awarded $5,000 upon completion of all requirements of the program in their 3L year / the second year of the fellowship program.


Program requirements. All fellows are required to complete the following program requirements.

  • 2L year (first year of the fellowship program for J.S.D. students)


  • 2L fellows enroll in the Colloquium on Law and Economics.
  • Milestone #1: 2L fellows present their paper proposal to the 2L and 3L fellows and faculty directors in February.
  • 3L year (second year of the fellowship program for J.S.D. students)


  • 3L fellows enroll in an approved law & economics lecture course, such as Lewis Kornhauser’s “Economic Analysis of Law.”
  • Milestone #2: 3L fellows submit a literature review to their faculty advisor and program directors for feedback.
  • Milestone #3: 3L fellows submit an outline of the paper to their faculty advisor and program directors for feedback.


  • Milestone #4: 3L fellows present their work at the Law and Economics Colloquium (1 hour per student). All 3L fellows will attend the colloquium meetings in which fellows present and submit written comments to presenters.
  • 3L fellows attend the workshop in which 2L fellows present their paper proposals.
  • Milestone #5: 3L fellows submit their final paper to the program directors.
  • Milestone #6: 3L fellows present their work in a final fellowship meeting attended by Lawrence Lederman.




Lederman Fellowship Application Deadline: March 10, 2015


We write to invite you to apply to the Lederman Fellowship Program in Law, Economics and Business. The Fellowship provides an opportunity to work closely with NYU Law faculty and participate in a series of collaborative workshops designed to help you write a research paper on the topic of your choice. All 2L students are encouraged to apply! The application materials are available at: http://www.law.nyu.edu/centers/laweconomics/scholarshipsfellowshipsandprizes/incomingandcurrentstudents The deadline for submitting applications is March 10, 2015.


Summary of program. Lederman Fellows will take a series of courses that provide a foundation in the concepts and methodologies of law & economics. The centerpiece of the fellowship program is a research paper in law & economics that each fellow will develop, advised by a NYU faculty member. Fellows will participate in a series of workshops and colloquium meetings in which they present their work to the faculty directors and other fellows. Further details on the program are provided below.


Area of study. The field of “law & economics” is defined broadly for the purposes of the Lederman Fellowship. A student research project can fit within the program by applying economic methodology (e.g., economic analysis, positive political theory, or empirical analysis) to a research topic in law or by examining a topic in an area of law that implicates economic issues, like corporate law or antitrust.


Program directors. Professors Florencia Marotta-Wurgler and Ryan Bubb co-direct the fellowship program.


Eligibility. All second-year J.D. students enrolled at NYU School of Law, as well as J.S.D. students prior to their final year at NYU, are eligible to apply. Those selected will hold the status of Lederman Fellow in Law & Economics for their remaining time at NYU. Applications are due in the spring of the 2L year for J.D. students, or the spring of any year prior to their final year for J.S.D. students. See the fellowship website for the application form and the exact application deadline.


Basis for selection. Fellows will be selected based on their demonstrated interest in law & economics and general aptitude for producing a high-quality research paper, as indicated by their research proposal, statement of interest, and transcripts. No prior background in economics is required, only sincere interest in law & economics, broadly defined.


Faculty advisor. To apply for the fellowship, students must have an NYU faculty member agree to advise their proposed law & economics research project for the fellowship.


Amount of award. Fellows will be awarded $5,000 upon completion of all requirements of the program in their 3L year / the second year of the fellowship program.


Program requirements. Current 2Ls who enter the program this year are required to complete the following program requirements.

  • 2L year (first year of the fellowship program for J.S.D. students)


  • Milestone #1: 2L fellows present their paper proposal to the 2L and 3L fellows and faculty directors in May.
  • 3L year (second year of the fellowship program for J.S.D. students)


  • 3L fellows enroll in an approved law & economics lecture course, such as Lewis Kornhauser’s “Economic Analysis of Law.”
  • Milestone #2: 3L fellows submit a literature review to their faculty advisor and program directors for feedback.
  • Milestone #3: 3L fellows submit an outline of the paper to their faculty advisor and program directors for feedback.


  • Milestone #4: 3L fellows present their work at the Law and Economics Colloquium (1 hour per student). All 3L fellows will attend the colloquium meetings in which fellows present and submit written comments to presenters.
  • 3L fellows attend the workshop in which 2L fellows present their paper proposals.
  • Milestone #5: 3L fellows submit their final paper to the program directors.
  • Milestone #6: 3L fellows present their work in a final fellowship meeting attended by Lawrence Lederman.

Deadline Updates in the Government Honors & Internship Handbook


The following deadline information has been updated on the website has been updated. You can access the site here: www.law.arizona.edu/career/Government_Honors2014-15/Contents.cfm
Username: thin; Password: mints

  • Arkansas Office of the Attorney General - Law Clerk Program (1L, 2L, Paid & Unpaid) Deadline to Rolling Basis for Summer
  • Department of the Interior, Office of the Solicitor – Legal Internship/Externship Program (1L, 2L, 3L, Unpaid) Deadlines for Fall & Spring Established (04/01/15 Fall; 06/01/15 Spring 2016)
  • Office of the City Attorney San Francisco, CA – 2015 Intern Program 1L, 2L, 3L, Unpaid) Fall Deadline Established 06/22/15
  • Department of Homeland Security, Office of General Counsel – Law Student Volunteer Program (1L, 2L, 3L, LLM) – Change in title of program, now includes deadlines for Fall 04/15/15 and Spring 09/01/15)
  • Millenium Challenge Corporation, Office of General Counsel – Summer 2015 Student Volunteer Intern Program (1L, 2L, Unpaid) Deadline 03-13-15
  • Securities & Exchange Commission – Student Honors Program (1L, 2L, 3L, LLM, Unpaid) Deadline established for Fall 05/04/15


Upcoming 2L Government Honors Deadlines


The following government programs have 2L deadlines coming up in the next few weeks.  Details of these programs are provided in the 2014-15 Government Honors & Internship Handbook, located at www.law.arizona.edu/career/honorshandbook.cfm.
Username: thin; Password: mints


  • Administrative Office of the United States Courts – Summer 2015 Volunteer Legal Intern Program Judicial Branch (Unpaid, Deadline 03/13/15)
  • Department of Commerce – Office of General Counsel Legal Internship Program (Paid & Unpaid, Deadline 03/15/15)
  • Department of Commerce – International Trade Administration, Office of Chief Counsel for Trade Enforcement Compliance, International Trade Law Clerk Program (Unpaid, Deadline 03/15/15)
  • Commission on Security & Cooperation in Europe – U.S. Helsinki Commission Internship Program (Unpaid, Deadline 03/15/15)
  • Connecticut Office of Attorney General – Law Internship (Unpaid, Deadline 03/15/15)
  • House of Representatives – Committee on the Judiciary Majority Office Intern Program (Unpaid, Deadline 03/15/15)
  • Maine Attorney General – Summer Legal Internship Program (Unpaid, Deadline 03/15/15)
  • Office of the U.S. Trade Representative – Student Internship Program (Unpaid, Deadline 03/15/15)
  • Connecticut Office of the Chief State’s Attorney – Division of Criminal Justice Legal Internship (Unpaid, Deadline 03/20/15)
  • Wisconsin Judicial Court System – Summer Law Student Internship Program (Unpaid, Deadline 03/20/15)
  • Federal Communications Commission – Wireless Telecommunications Bureau Student Internship Program (Unpaid, Deadline 03/31/15)
  • Small Business Administration – Office of General Counsel Summer Intern Program (Paid & Unpaid, Deadline End of Mar.)

Programs with “Rolling Deadlines” review applications and fill positions on an ongoing basis, so apply early for these programs.

Upcoming 1L Government Honors Deadlines


The following government programs have 1L deadlines coming up in the next few weeks.  Details of these programs are provided in the 2014-15 Government Honors & Internship Handbook, located at www.law.arizona.edu/career/honorshandbook.cfm.
Username: thin; Password: mints


  • Administrative Office of the United States Courts – Summer 2015 Volunteer Legal Intern Program Judicial Branch (Unpaid, Deadline 03/13/15)
  • Department of Commerce – Office of General Counsel Legal Internship Program (Paid & Unpaid, Deadline 03/15/15)
  • Commission on Security & Cooperation in Europe – U.S. Helsinki Commission Internship Program (Unpaid, Deadline 03/15/15)
  • Connecticut Office of Attorney General – Law Internship (Unpaid, Deadline 03/15/15)
  • House of Representatives – Committee on the Judiciary Majority Office Intern Program (Unpaid, Deadline 03/15/15)
  • Maine Attorney General – Summer Legal Internship Program (Unpaid, Deadline 03/15/15)
  • Office of the U.S. Trade Representative – Student Internship Program (Unpaid, Deadline 03/15/15)
  • Connecticut Office of the Chief State’s Attorney – Division of Criminal Justice Legal Internship (Unpaid, Deadline 03/20/15)
  • Wisconsin Judicial Court System – Summer Law Student Internship Program (Unpaid, Deadline 03/20/15)
  • Federal Communications Commission – Wireless Telecommunications Bureau, Student Internship Program (Unpaid, Deadline 03/31/15)
  • Small Business Administration – Office of General Counsel Summer Intern Program (Paid & Unpaid, Deadline End of Mar.)

Programs with “Rolling Deadlines” review applications and fill positions on an ongoing basis, so apply early for these programs.

Important BARBRI Discounts & Bar Exam Information for Graduating Students. #OwnTheBar


Did you know that BARBRI had the highest statewide pass rate on the NY Bar Exam in July 2014 and is the only course whose pass rate increased year to year?

BARBRI is back on campus Tuesday, March 10th in Golding Lounge from 10am to 2pm.

The New Generation of BARBRI is an interactive, adaptive course that includes:

  • Personal Study Plan,
  • BARBRI’s Pass Predictor,
  • Essay Architect!
  • Watch a course overview at #OwnTheBar

Public Interest Scholarships and Early Decision Discounts!

  • Tuition Assistance is available to anyone in need – all you need to do is ask!
  • Public Interest Scholarships – awards average $1,500 off of your course! Everyone receives an award!
  • Email Mundo@barbri.com or visit the BARBRI table Tuesday between 10am and 2pm in Golding Lounge for more information.

BARBRI Offers Direct Firm Billing for over 1,000 firms worldwide!

Important Upcoming Dates and Events:

  • BARBRI offers a free MPRE lecture and materials. Stop by the table for your free book with practice exams!
  • Summer Course Locations. Course locations for the BARBRI course are now open online and at the table. Some locations become fully subscribed, especially in NYC, so be sure to register and choose a location now!
  • Bar Exam Registration Deadlines.
    • California: April 1
    • Massachusetts: May 1
    • New Jersey: March 31
    • New York: April 30
    • Illinois: February 15
    • Florida: May 1
    • Texas: January 30
    • For more information on these and other states stop by the table for a BARBRI Digest!

Contact BARBRI Director of Legal Education, Matthew Mundo, at matthew.mundo@barbri.com for more questions or stop by the BARBRI table Tuesday, March 10th in Golding Lounge between 10am and 2pm!


PILC Drop-in Counseling Hours for the Week of Mar.9


For career planning questions that can be answered in 10 minutes or less, the Public Interest Law Center (PILC) offers drop-in counseling during the following days and times this week:

  • Monday, from 3:30 to 4:30 pm with Linda Wayner
  • Tuesday, from 3:30 to 4:30 pm with Rachel Peckerman
  • Wednesday, from 3:30 to 4:30 pm with David Glasgow
  • Thursday, from 3:30 to 4:30 pm for federal government questions only with Heidi Gilchrist
  • Friday, from 3:30 to 4:30 pm with Sarah Hudson-Plush

To make a full counseling appointment to meet with a PILC Counselor, please call our office at (212) 998-6686 during business hours (9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. EST), or email pilc.appointments@nyu.edu.

Invitation to Global Fellows Forum – March 10th


On behalf of the Global Fellows Program at the Hauser Global Law School, we cordially invite you to attend our Spring Global Fellows Forums to be held on TuesdayMarch 10th, in 22 Washington Square North 1st Floor Conference Room.  Below is a list of the speakers and their research projects.  Research papers will be available about one week prior to each Forum date on the Global Fellows Forum website.

Space may be limited, so kindly RSVP to law.globalvisitors@nyu.edu if you plan to attend.

NOTE:  The Spring Global Fellows is co-sponsored by the Center for Law and Philosophy.

Tuesday, March 10th – 22 Washington Square North 1st Floor Conference Room

2:00–2:55 pm Jacob Weinrib (commentator: Prof. Jeremy Waldron)
Dimensions of Dignity:  The Theory and Practice of Modern Constitutional Law
3:00–3:55 pm Jed Lewinsohn (commentator: Prof. Liam Murphy)
It isn’t Personal: Assignable Rights, Dischargeable Debts, and the Distinctiveness of the Commercial Sphere
4:00–4:55 pm Yaniv Roznai (commentator: Prof. Sam Issacharoff)
We the Limited People?  The Nature & Scope of Constitution-Making Powers

Democracy in the Dark: The Seduction of Government Secrecy

SPRING FLING – Thursday, March 12


NYU Law’s Annual Spring Fling dance will be held on Thursday, March 12th at the Union Square Ballroom starting at 9:00 PM till 1:00 AM. NYU ID will be needed for entry. Guests are allowed as well so long as they enter with someone bearing NYU ID.

Please bring your NYU ID – to be checked at the door.

The suggested dress code for the event is semi-formal.

Union Square Ballroom
27 Union Square West, #500
New York, NY 10003

OUTLaw Queer Faculty Luncheon


OUTLaw, the LGBTQ student organization at NYU Law, is holding its annual Queer Faculty Luncheon on Wednesday, March 11th from 12:00 p.m. to 1:50 p.m. in Lipton Hall, located at 108 West 3rd Street. The luncheon is an opportunity for LGBTQ-identified and ally students, faculty, and administrators to meet and foster the LGBTQ community at NYU Law. Faculty and administrators will be encouraged to meet with a first-year student beforehand for a short, informal interview to facilitate faculty introductions at the luncheon.

If you are an LGBTQ-identified or ally faculty or administrator who would like to attend, please RSVP here by Monday, March 9th.

TODAY: Networking & Informational Interviews




Monday, March 9
12:25-1:50 p.m.
Furman Hall Room 214
Feel free to bring your own lunch

Networking is a powerful tool for attorneys no matter where they practice. Networking can help you find a job, extend your business relationships, and generate new clients. However, networking strategies in the United States may differ from those employed in other countries. In this installment, students will learn tried-and-true techniques for networking at events, organizations, and through informational interviews.

Mar. 11: Dean Faculty Wine & Cheese Reception


When: March 11, 2015, 5:30 PM to 7:00 PM

All students are invited to join faculty and administrators for wine and cheese in the Sexton Lounge on the second floor of Furman Hall.

Cheese & Wine Invitation

Contact: law.studentaffairs@nyu.edu

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