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Reminder: 1Ls Must Attend a Small Group Counseling Session Before Scheduling an Individual Appointment (1Ls)


If you are planning to participate in Early Interview Week (EIW 2015) and did not attend a Small Group Counseling Session, please come to an OCS drop-in appointment. Below are the Drop-In Hours for JD students:

Monday: 11:00 – 12:00 p.m. and 2:30 – 4:30 p.m.
Tuesday:  11:00 – 12:00 p.m. and 2:30 – 4:30 p.m.
Wednesday: 2:30 – 4:30 p.m.
Thursday: 11:00 – 12:00 p.m. and 2:30 – 4:30 p.m.
Friday: 11:00 – 12:00 p.m. and 2:30 – 4:30 p.m.

Seeking Summer Employment (1Ls)?


If you are a 1L seeking summer employment, please contact the receptionist (212-998-6090) to make an appointment to meet with an OCS or PILC counselor (if you have not met with a counselor lately) or to inquire about drop-in hours.

2015 Loyola Patent Law Interview Program (1Ls, 2Ls) – Bidding for registered students begins on Tuesday, April 14 (1Ls, 2Ls)


Loyola University Chicago School of law is hosting the 2015 Patent Law Interview Program on Thursday, July 30 and Friday, July 31 in downtown Chicago, Illinois.  For more information on the program, please refer to the Loyola Patent Program website at: http://www.luc.edu/law/career/patent_students.html.

Please note that registration for this program closed on Monday, March 9.  Please do not contact Loyola to request a late registration; if you have questions about registration, please contact the Patent Program Liaison in our office, Jennifer Leibowitz at jennifer.leibowitz@nyu.edu.  

Last year roughly 135 employers, 190 law schools, and 1,400 law students from across the country participated in the program. The program is entirely pre-selected, which means that students submit resumes and transcripts to bid on interviews with the employers they are interested in, and employers then review the materials of the students who bid on them and select the students they wish to interview at the program. Last year, approximately half of the participating students were selected for interviews.

Tuesday, April 14: Students receive CSM passwords/bidding instructions
Tuesday, April 14:
Student Bidding Begins
Thursday, April 30:
Deadline for Student Bidding
Monday, June 22:
Initial interview schedules available on CSM
Monday, June 22 – Wednesday, June 24:
Interview Cancellation Period
Friday, June 26:
Final Schedules available on Symplicity
Wednesday, July 29:
Sterne, Kessler, Goldstein & Fox Welcome Reception
(Open to all participating students)
Thursday, July 30 & Friday, July 31:
2015 Patent Law Interview Program

Apr. 6: How to Succeed As a Summer Associate and Throughout Your Legal Career: Qualifies as EIW Career Educational Event (1Ls, 2Ls, 3Ls)


Monday, April 6, 12:30 – 1:30 p.m., Greenberg Lounge, Vanderbilt Hall
Lunch will be served

RSVP via CSM Events tab:https://law-nyu-csm.symplicity.com/students/

Panelists will provide tips and guidance relating to professionalism, general demeanor/behavior, work assignments, feedback/evaluations and office protocol to foster your success in your summer position and throughout your legal career. The panel will include attorneys, recruiting staff, and other legal professionals.

Attendance at this event satisfies the EIW Career Educational Event requirement for 1Ls/rising 2Ls who intend to participate in EIW 2015.

Apr. 3 – 24: Mandatory for EIW Participation: Mini-Mock Interview Sessions (1Ls)


RSVP via CSM Events Tab (https://law-nyu-csm.symplicity.com/students/).

The Office of Career Services (OCS) believes that all 1Ls who intend to participate in Early Interview Week (“EIW”) 2015 would benefit from an early assessment of their interviewing skills, so that each interview is maximized during EIW. Your interview skills are a key element to this process.

OCS will conduct 15 minute mock interview sessions from April 3 – April 24 in the OCS offices. These sessions are mandatory for all 1Ls who plan to participate in EIW to interview with private sector employees.

In preparation, please familiarize yourself with the “Interview Skills” portion of the Career Development Resources Handbook. This information can also be found in the Career Resources Library on CSM in the document titled “2014-2015 Career Development Resources Handbook.”

You MUST have an up-to-date NYU-formatted resume and transcript uploaded to CSM in advance of your mini-mock interview.

Formal dress is NOT required.

Apr. 2: STRIKE-A-MATCH: Mandatory EIW Information Session for 1Ls


STRIKE-A-MATCH: Mandatory EIW Information Session for 1Ls
Thursday, April 2, 4:00 – 5:30 p.m.
Vanderbilt Hall, Tishman Auditorium

In order to provide you with all of the necessary details regarding EIW, we are holding a mandatory session for 1Ls entitled “Strike-A-Match” (SAM) on April 2nd.  In the SAM session, the OCS Counselors will provide an introduction to Early Interview Week (EIW) including logistics, practical advice on selecting employers and developing a job search strategy based upon your experience, academic records and individual goals – – all based on historical data.  As a reminder, this session is highly confidential and WILL NOT BE WEBSTREAMED. If you plan to participate in EIW, you are required to attend this session.  Please note that public interest-directed students interviewing exclusively with government and public interest employers during EIW should attend a separate PILC meeting on March 23 in lieu of the OCS Strike-A-Match session.

RSVP on CSM under the Events tab followed by OCS/PILC Events. Please direct all inquiries regarding Strike-A-Match and Early Interview Week to law.careers@nyu.edu, using the Subject Line: Early Interview Week Inquiry.

If you have read this, you qualify for the Reading Reward. This week’s prize will be a copy of the book: We Are Better Than This, by Edward D. Kleinbard. To enter the raffle, send an email to law.careers@nyu.edu with the subject line “Reading Reward” by 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday, March 17.

Mar. 31: Goldman Sachs Investment Banking Information Session and Networking for 1Ls


March 31, 6:00 – 8:00 p.m., Snow Dining Room, VH

RSVP on the OCS/PILC Events module on CSM

Mar. 24 – Apr. 9: Walk for Work with Associate Dean Dorzback (1Ls, 2Ls, 3Ls)

Week of Mar. 23: 1L Employer Events (1Ls)


During the spring semester, a number of law firms are hosting luncheons or evening receptions for 1L students only. These events provide wonderful opportunities for students to learn about these firms and meet their attorneys in an informal setting prior to the 2015 Fall recruitment season.

The following employer will be hosting an event during the week of March 23. This event is for 1Ls only. For details regarding all 1L events, please log-in to your CSM account and click on the Events tab followed by Employer Info Sessions:

Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP (New York, NY): Wednesday, March 25, 6:30-9:00 p.m., Kingston Hall (149 2nd Ave, New York, NY): You are invited to a cocktail reception to learn from Akin’s attorneys and former summer associates about their firm, other practices, and what makes them unique. RSVP via Symplicity by March 20.

An RSVP is required for all events. If you have any questions regarding 1L events, please email Cassandre Stump (cassandre.stump@nyu.edu). 

Innovation Policy Colloquium: Mark McKenna


Thursday, March 26, 2015
4:00 PM – 5:50 PM
Vanderbilt Hall room 202

The Innovation Policy Colloquium focuses each year on different aspects of the law’s role in promoting creativity and invention. This year, the colloquium will examine the topic of design in intellectual property law.

Presenter: Mark McKenna, University of Notre Dame The Law School

Topic: Scope

2 New York CLE credits in the Area of Professional Practice is approved for both experienced and newly attorneys (those admitted to the New York Bar for less than two years) and is presented in traditional (in person) format.

For more information and a copy of Professor McKenna’s paper go to http://www.law.nyu.edu/academics/colloquia/innovationpolicy

Scholarship for International Bar Association 2015 Annual Conference



Each year, the International Bar Association holds its annual conference to bring together the global legal community and this year the Conference will be held in Vienna, Austria from October 4 through 9. To encourage young lawyers age 35 and under who should wish to participate in the IBA Annual Conference in Vienna but who may find financial difficulties in doing so, the IBA provides a scholarship program. You can find more information about this opportunity as well as applications here.

Bar Admission Requirements and Deadlines

Apr. 8: Terrific Government Careers and How to Have Them


Wednesday, April 8, 2015  |  4:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Classroom 216, Furman Hall
245 Sullivan Street  map

Representatives from the Department of Justice and other federal and state agencies will provide information on summer and post-graduate opportunities.  Anyone interested in a government career, either right out of law school or in the future, should attend. 1L attendance at this event fulfills the Career Education requirement to participate in EIW.

Apr. 1: Skadden Fellowship Information Session


Wednesday, April 1, 2015  |  4:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Classroom 212, Furman Hall
245 Sullivan Street

Skadden Fellowship Information Session. Rising 3Ls as well as current 3Ls who will clerk next year are HIGHLY encouraged to attend. Featured speaker is Susan Butler Plum, Director of the Skadden Fellowship.

Lederman Fellowship in Law, Economics, and Business


We write to invite you to attend an information session on the Lederman Fellowship in Law, Economics, and Business on Wednesday, April 1, 2015, from 4:00-6:15 pm in Vanderbilt Hall, Faculty Library (Third Floor). The Lederman Fellowship aims to foster student research in law & economics and to create an environment that fosters collaboration among students and faculty interested in law & economics. Professors Ryan Bubb and Florencia Marotta-Wurgler, Directors of the Lederman Fellowship Program, will present the fellowship program, provide information about the application process and answer questions. We expect Mr. Lederman to be in attendance as well. Interested students should plan to apply for the fellowship in the fall of their 2L year.


Summary of program. Lederman Fellows will take a series of courses that provide a foundation in the concepts and methodologies of law & economics. The centerpiece of the fellowship program is a research paper in law & economics that each fellow will develop, advised by a NYU faculty member. Fellows will participate in a series of workshops and colloquium meetings in which they present their work to the faculty directors and other fellows. Further details on the program are provided below.


Area of study. The field of “law & economics” is defined broadly for the purposes of the Lederman Fellowship. A student research project can fit within the program by applying economic methodology (e.g., economic analysis, positive political theory, or empirical analysis) to a research topic in law or by examining a topic in an area of law that implicates economic issues, like corporate law or antitrust.


Program directors. Professors Florencia Marotta-Wurgler and Ryan Bubb co-direct the fellowship program.


Eligibility. All second-year J.D. students enrolled at NYU School of Law, as well as J.S.D. students prior to their final year at NYU, are eligible to apply. Those selected will hold the status of Lederman Fellow in Law & Economics for their remaining time at NYU. Applications are due in the fall of the 2L year for J.D. students, or the fall of any year prior to their final year for J.S.D. students. See the fellowship website for the application form and the exact application deadline.


Basis for selection. Fellows will be selected based on their demonstrated interest in law & economics and general aptitude for producing a high-quality research paper, as indicated by their research proposal, statement of interest, and transcripts. No prior background in economics is required, only sincere interest in law & economics, broadly defined.


Faculty advisor. To apply for the fellowship, students must have an NYU faculty member agree to advise their proposed law & economics research project for the fellowship.


Amount of award. Fellows will be awarded $5,000 upon completion of all requirements of the program in their 3L year / the second year of the fellowship program.


Program requirements. All fellows are required to complete the following program requirements.

  • 2L year (first year of the fellowship program for J.S.D. students)


  • 2L fellows enroll in the Colloquium on Law and Economics.
  • Milestone #1: 2L fellows present their paper proposal to the 2L and 3L fellows and faculty directors in February.
  • 3L year (second year of the fellowship program for J.S.D. students)


  • 3L fellows enroll in an approved law & economics lecture course, such as Lewis Kornhauser’s “Economic Analysis of Law.”
  • Milestone #2: 3L fellows submit a literature review to their faculty advisor and program directors for feedback.
  • Milestone #3: 3L fellows submit an outline of the paper to their faculty advisor and program directors for feedback.


  • Milestone #4: 3L fellows present their work at the Law and Economics Colloquium (1 hour per student). All 3L fellows will attend the colloquium meetings in which fellows present and submit written comments to presenters.
  • 3L fellows attend the workshop in which 2L fellows present their paper proposals.
  • Milestone #5: 3L fellows submit their final paper to the program directors.
  • Milestone #6: 3L fellows present their work in a final fellowship meeting attended by Lawrence Lederman.




Deans’ Cup Pep Rally: Pizza & Posters March 25th


Wednesday, March 25, 2015  |  4:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Sexton Student Forum
245 Sullivan St New York, NY 10012

Come help make signs to be used the next day to cheer on our students and faculty members as they take on Columbia Law School in our annual Deans’ Cup basketball game!

All poster making supplies will be provided, but you are welcome to bring your own to Sexton Lounge, on the 2nd Floor of Furman Hall.

Tickets and Deans’ Cup t-shirts will be available for sale.

There will be pizza and beer!

Deans’ Cup helps raise funds for the PILC Summer Funding Program.

Access to this event is by invitation only.

See calendar event here.

Contact Office of Student Affairs
CLE Credit Available No


Yoga Class with Assistant Dean Fama-3/18/15 Lester Pollack Colloquium


Yoga class is this week on Wednesday 3/18/15

Recharge your mind!
Pointers and practices on how yoga can help you relax, rejuvenate and focus.

This class will be led by our own Assistant Dean Arthur Fama, Spring 2015 Yoga Schedule

Wednesday, March 18, 2015  |  11:15 AM – 12:15 PM
245 Sullivan Street- Furman Hall, Lester Pollack Colloquium (9th Floor)
New York, NY 10012


Project Interchange Seminar in Israel May 24th – June 1st


Project Interchange (PI) is the only American organization dedicated to providing intensive educational seminars in Israel for journalists, policy makers, educators, and diplomats. Since 1982, Project Interchange has brought more than 6,000 delegates from over 85 countries to Israel. Project Interchange is strictly apolitical and does not advocate for any party or platform. It is funded entirely by individual donors and foundations. For more information, please see www.projectinterchange.org.

AJC is the oldest human relations organization in the U.S., with over 175,000 members and supporters, 22 US offices, and representatives in Jerusalem, Brussels, Berlin, Geneva, Paris, Rome, New Delhi, Tokyo, Hong Kong, and Sao Paulo. AJC works to combat bigotry and to promote pluralism and tolerance in the U.S. and around the world.

During the weeklong seminar, participants learn about Israeli society, culture and politics through briefings with experts from across the political spectrum, meetings with Palestinian and Arab-Israeli leaders, visits to historical sites and the opportunity to interact with their professional counterparts and/or student peers. This seminar will also expose students to leading policy makers, law faculty and students, and experts on Israeli democracy, courts, institutions, culture, law and politics. The seminar itinerary will also reflect participant’s interests and provide the opportunity to delve into the topics in which they are most interested.

The professional value of the seminar will be enhanced through the provision of two separate “tracks,” or areas of concentration, in either Law & Technology or National Security Law. The delegation will be accompanied by a professional Israeli tour guide and AJC/PI staff members and interact regularly with Neil Netanel, Pete Kameron Professor of Law from UCLA, who will be serving as our legal scholar in residence as well as with Mark G. Yudof, UC President Emeritus and Professor of Law, University of California-Berkeley. Justice Dorit Benisch, a retired member of the Israeli Supreme Court and a widely acknowledged expert on national security law, will also address the delegation and accompany them on a tour of the Supreme Court.

This program is designed for first-time visitors to Israel, without significant previous travel, work, or study experience in Israel and with an interest in international affairs.

Students’ expenses, including round-trip economy travel from the US, hotel, transportation and all but a few meals will be covered by PI.

Interested students should apply via this link: http://bit.ly/1MaEGjg . Admissions are rolling with a first-come, first-served basis.


Do Lawyers Kill Deals? How Investment Bankers and Corporate Lawyers Do Business


Ever thought about a career in corporate law or investment banking?  Do you ever find yourself asking, “What exactly do corporate lawyers and investment bankers do?”  Come join the NYU Law and Business Association for an exciting panel exploring the dynamic and interconnected relationship between corporate lawyers and investment bankers.

Thursday, March 26, 2015, 12:00pm to 1:30pm

Furman Hall, Room 326

Lunch Will Be Provided

Please RSVP for this event.


Peter Martelli, JD ‘00,

Partner, Corporate Department

Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP


Kent Rowey, JD ‘87

Partner, Banking Projects

Allen & Overy LLP


Josh Simpson, JD/MBA ‘12


Goldman Sachs Financial Institutions Group


Kosta Halkias

Senior Analyst

Latin American Investment Banking Division


Moderated by: Professor Emiliano M. Catan, LLM ‘10


May 8: Application deadline: New York County Lawyers’ Association Student Correspondent


The responsibility:

  • The Correspondents will be in charge of organizing at least one on‐campus NYCLA event together during the school year, such as a roundtable lunch with a senior practicing attorney. These types of events are left to the Correspondent’s creativity.
  • The Correspondents will also be in charge of promoting NYCLA’s events on campus, specifically those geared to law students. NYCLA’s Marketing Department will send all promotional materials for these events to both Correspondents and to our main contact at the school. The Correspondents will do the informal marketing among friends, classmates, student organizations, and appropriate social media.

The support system:

  • Both Correspondents will be working closely with the Chair of the Subcommittee on Law School Initiatives, NYCLA’s Membership Department, and top NYCLA Officers & Directors.

The benefits:

  • A complimentary NYCLA membership
  • Immediate access to every NYCLA Committee (Open Committee Structure)
  • Programs designed specifically for law students, such as our Mentor Auction and Mock Job Interview Program
  • Great resume builder
  • Endless networking opportunities

If you are interested in becoming a NYCLA Correspondent, email Moon Kim in OCS at moon.kim@nyu.edu by Friday, May 8, 2015

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