NYU Law Office of Global Programs is pleased to announce that there will be a second application period opening in late August for the Spring 2016 iterations of NYU Law Abroad. There are several openings at NYU Law in Shanghai, as well as a small number of openings at NYU Law in Buenos Aires.
The application will open on Friday, August 28 and close at midnight on Monday, September 7. Successful applicants will receive nominations to participate in the program or be placed on a wait list by Friday, September 17.
All interested rising 2L or 3L students, regardless of past admission status or application history, are encouraged to apply. Should a student already enrolled in NYU Law Abroad wish to re-apply for admission to a different site, he or she will first be required to withdraw registration in any Law Abroad classes with a limited number of seats to allow students remaining in the program to bid accordingly.
For more information about the NYU Law Abroad programs and the upcoming application cycle, please feel free to reach out to the Office of Global Programs at law.globalstudents@nyu.edu or (212) 992-8639. Additional information about the NYU Law Abroad program is available on our website at http://www.law.nyu.edu/global/globalopportunities/nyulawabroad.