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3L J.D. Degree Requirements Progress Review for Graduation


In preparation for May 2014 graduation, we strongly advise that you take a moment to review your academic record to make sure that you are on track to graduate. You are responsible for making sure you are in compliance with all the graduation requirements. We are currently working with the University Registrar to release a degree audit program for students’ use. We will provide you with more details about this upcoming program at a future date.

Here are the steps to take to confirm that you are on track for graduation:

1. Applying for May 2014 Graduation using Albert (starts October 7, 2013 through February 7, 2014):
Degrees and Certificates from New York University School of Law are awarded in May, September and January. In order to be eligible for the J.D. degree, a student must have completed all graduation requirements and timely submitted all required forms. This includes applying for graduation by using Albert, and entering current address and telephone information for summer contact. This application ensures that you are on the degree list and that you receive all mailings relevant to graduation. See the web site: http://www.nyu.edu/registrar/graduation/apply.html.

2.  Degree Progress Checklist Form:
Fill out the Degree Progress Checklist (for 3L J.D.’s) that can be found on our Downloadable Forms web page. Review items 3-6 below to assist you in filling out the form. Please be sure to complete the form in its entirety before submitting it along with a copy of your transcript for review.

If you wish, you can have a counselor from Academic Services review your Degree Progress form. To do so, you can send (via email or fax 1-212-995-4535) or drop off the completed Degree Progress Form with a copy of your unofficial transcript to the Office of Academic Services, Furman Hall Suite 400.

Please note that you will be sent a response via email within 4 to 5 business days. You can also schedule an appointment to meet with a counselor to review your completed form and transcript by calling the Office of Academic Services at 1-212-998-6020.

3.  Review the Requirements for the Juris Doctor Degree:

You must complete at least 83 credits (which includes the required courses of Property, Constitutional Law, Professional Responsibility and Substantial Writing). Please refer to the J.D. Academic Regulations and Requirements Guide.

4.  Adjunct Credit Cap (8):
In computing and completing the 83 credits that count toward graduation, students may not count more than a total of eight credits (in the second and third years combined) in courses taught solely by certain adjunct faculty.

Adjunct courses included in this cap are indicated with an “A” footnote in the Schedule of Classes.  Please note that not all adjunct-taught courses are counted toward the maximum cap of eight adjunct credits. Directed research, writing credits and non-law courses taught by adjunct faculty counts towards the adjunct cap. It is your responsibility to comply with this adjunct credit cap. While you may take more than eight credits in this category, only eight credits can count toward graduation requirements. We will notify students who may be in this situation by the end of September so that they are aware of being over the limit and the need to compensate. For example, if a student has 9 adjunct credits, they will need to graduate with 84 credits in total to compensate. Please do keep that in mind if you adjust your fall and spring schedules. Also, please be advised that if you take above 90 credits, you will be charged additional tuition.

Although we will review your academic record and notify you if we find you above the limit, we may inadvertently miss you or miscalculate your credits if changes are made to your schedule.

Additionally, many of you are close to or are at the limit and may exceed it if additional adjunct credits are added in the spring.

Adjunct Credit Cap and Students who apply to the J.D./LL.M. Tax program:
The adjunct credit limit applies to prospective J.D./Tax LL.M. students since they receive notification (acceptance) from the Admissions Office in late April or early May. Therefore, in order to earn your JD degree, you must be in compliance with this cap. At times, students withdraw their application to this JD/Tax LLM program or may have been denied admission. Regardless of the situation, we want to make certain that the adjunct cap for the degree has been met.

5. Non-Classroom Credit Cap:

In computing and completing the 83 credits that count towards graduation, students may not count more than 18 credits which has been earned in non-classroom activities. For more detailed information, see the Degree Requirements for the J.D. Degree, Section E.

6. Credit/Fail Option:
You may take a total of two credit/fail elective courses in the second and third years combined. The list of courses offering a credit/fail option for the 2013-2014 academic year is available on our web site. You may also refer to the course descriptions of specific courses to verify whether the credit/fail option is offered.

7. Bar Exams:
Please review the Bar Exam Checklist for important information and deadlines concerning applying to take the bar exam.

Have a wonderful fall semester!


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