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Monday!: PILC Rising 2L Meeting


Making Choices for 2L Year: The Real Truth

Monday, March 23, 2015  |  12:30 PM – 1:30 PM
Lipton Hall, D’Agostino Hall

Join us for this information session designed by Assistant Dean for Public Service, Deirdre von Dornum, and get advice from students about the rich array of choice NYU offers to second-year students and how to choose among them.

Topics include: clinics, classes, journals, internships, and planning ahead to the 2L summer job search. We will also discuss the decision whether or not do to EIW, and provide an overview of OCI and LRAP.

The Empowerment of Women through Islamic Jurisprudence on March 23


In Honor of Women’s History Month, the Muslim Law Students Association (MLSA) of the New York University School of Law presents

The Empowerment of Women through Islamic Jurisprudence

Panel & Dinner
Monday, March 23rd from 7pm-9pm
Grand Hall at NYU’s Global Center for Academic and Spiritual Life

238 Thompson Street New York, NY 10012

Featuring Dean Trevor Morrison, Engy AbdelKhader, Imam Khalid Latif, Dr. Ahmed Younis

Please RSVP here: http://goo.gl/forms/YVrQpTV34H

Co-sponsored by the NYU Muslim Students Association, Shuruq, Islamic Center NYU Women’s Initiative, as well as NYU Law’s Women of Color Collective (WoCC), Law Women, Law Students for Human Rights (LSHR), Law & Religion Society (LaRS)

March 27 is Law School Mental Health and Wellness Day


March 27, 2015, has been designated as Mental Health Day by the ABA Law Student Division. The ABA Commission on Lawyer Assistance Programs has released a Toolkit providing advice and resources on numerous issues related to health and wellness. The ABA Law Student Division Mental Health Initiative offers its support and additional resources.

NYU also offers a wide range of Mental Health Services, and you can always contact the NYU Wellness Exchange to ask questions or make an appointment at any time.

Deans’ Cup Pep Rally: Pizza & Posters March 25th


Wednesday, March 25, 2015  |  4:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Sexton Student Forum
245 Sullivan St New York, NY 10012

Come help make signs to be used the next day to cheer on our students and faculty members as they take on Columbia Law School in our annual Deans’ Cup basketball game!

All poster making supplies will be provided, but you are welcome to bring your own to Sexton Lounge, on the 2nd Floor of Furman Hall.

Tickets and Deans’ Cup t-shirts will be available for sale.

There will be pizza and beer!

Deans’ Cup helps raise funds for the PILC Summer Funding Program.

Access to this event is by invitation only.

See calendar event here.

Contact Office of Student Affairs
CLE Credit Available No


Yoga Class with Assistant Dean Fama-3/25/15 Lester Pollack Colloquium


Recharge your mind!
Pointers and practices on how yoga can help you relax, rejuvenate and focus.

This class will be led by our own Assistant Dean Arthur Fama, Spring 2015 Yoga Schedule

Wednesday, March 25, 2015  |  11:15 AM – 12:15 PM
245 Sullivan Street- Furman Hall, Lester Pollack Colloquium (9th Floor)
New York, NY 10012


DEANS’ CUP March 26th


DeansCup 2015

Were you there last year when NYU lost to Columbia for the first time in 5 years?

If you were there, you know how important it is for all NYU fans to come out to cheer on the team.  If you missed it, make sure you don’t miss out again this year. Come out to Coles Gym at 8pm to support your NYU Law colleagues as they play Columbia Law for the 14th Annual Deans’ Cup, and try to win back our title as the dominant NYC law school. It’s always exciting, and all the proceeds go straight to PILC summer funding. Plus there’s a faculty game at halftime, so don’t miss out on your favorite professors (and Dean) taking on Columbia’s faculty.

What: Basketball Game between NYU and Columbia Law

Where: NYU’s Coles Gym , 181 Mercer St

When: March 26, Doors open at 7:30pm, Opening Ceremonies at 8, Tip-Off at 8:30p, Faculty Game at Halftime, Postgame Bar Review at Amity Hall

Why: Support PILC Summer Funding and Glory at Dean Morrison’s Jump Shot

Tickets and Shirts on sale in Golding 10-4 Monday-Thursday, and at the pep rally Wednesday Night in Sexton from 4-6:


Ticket + Shirt= $20

Ticket +This Year’s Shirt +Vintage Shirt= $25

This year’s shirt = $10

This year’s shirt + Vintage shirt = $15

Don’t forget to come to the Pep Rally in Sexton Lounge on Wednesday, from 4-6pm! There will be free beer and pizza, and we’ll have poster making supplies to liven up the stands at the game!

See calendar event here.

Associate Justice Elena Kagan in Conversation with Dean Trevor Morrison


Dean Trevor Morrison invites you to join him for a conversation with Associate Justice Elena Kagan of the Supreme Court of the United States. This Q & A event is open only to Law School students and faculty. We will be soliciting questions from students prior to the event.

When: Monday, April 6 2015, 4 – 4:45 p.m.

Where: Greenberg Auditorium, Vanderbilt Hall

New York University School of Law, 40 Washington Square S, New York, NY 10012

**Due to space limitations, students interested in attending the event must enter the online lottery for seats in Greenberg. Overflow viewing will be available in the Tishman Auditorium. 

To register for the ticket lottery and/or to suggest a question to the Dean, please follow the link below:


Orison S. Marden Moot Court Competition: Final Arguments


Named for the famous NYU Alumnus, the Orison S. Marden Competition is an annual, school-wide moot court tournament open to all second and third-year students. The NYU Moot Court Board administers the competition and drafts the problems for both the Fall Elimination and Spring Semifinal Rounds. For the final argument on April 6, 2015, the Moot Court Board will welcome Associate Justice Elena Kagan of the Supreme Court of the United States, Judge Brett Kavanaugh of the United States Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, and Judge Michelle T. Friedland of the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit as panelists.

When: Monday, April 6 2015, from 5:30-7:00 p.m.

Where: Greenberg Auditorium, Vanderbilt Hall

New York University School of Law, 40 Washington Square S, New York, NY 10012

*Due to space limitations, students interested in attending the event must enter the online lottery for seats in Greenberg. Overflow viewing will be available in the Tishman Auditorium. 

To register, please follow the link below:


Do Lawyers Kill Deals? How Investment Bankers and Corporate Lawyers Do Business


Ever thought about a career in corporate law or investment banking?  Do you ever find yourself asking, “What exactly do corporate lawyers and investment bankers do?”  Come join the NYU Law and Business Association for an exciting panel exploring the dynamic and interconnected relationship between corporate lawyers and investment bankers.

Thursday, March 26, 2015, 12:00pm to 1:30pm

Furman Hall, Room 326

Lunch Will Be Provided

Please RSVP for this event.


Peter Martelli, JD ‘00,

Partner, Corporate Department

Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP


Kent Rowey, JD ‘87

Partner, Banking Projects

Allen & Overy LLP


Josh Simpson, JD/MBA ‘12


Goldman Sachs Financial Institutions Group


Kosta Halkias

Senior Analyst

Latin American Investment Banking Division


Moderated by: Professor Emiliano M. Catan, LLM ‘10


International Tax Program Luncheon Lecture: Robert van der Jagt


Please join us for the next International Tax Program Luncheon Lecture, entitled “Most Favoured Nation Treatment or Prohibition of Horizontal Discrimination under EU Law,” to be delivered by Robert van der Jagt, a tax partner in the Amsterdam office of KPMG Meijburg where he is head of KPMG’s European Tax Centre.

Friday, March 27, 2015
1:15 pm
Vanderbilt Hall 202

Lunch will be provided. The event is open by invitation; for more information please contact Greg Zwahlen (Gregory.Zwahlen@nyu.edu).



Forum on Law, Culture & Society presents

Trials & Error: Hollingsworth v. Perry, Same-Sex Marriage on Trial 

May 20, 2015, 7:30pm at 92nd Street Y (1395 Lexington Ave.)

With the Supreme Court about to rule on whether gay and lesbian couples have a constitutional right to marry in the states in which they live, Trials & Error will will discuss the landmark 2010 case in federal district court, Hollingsworth v. Perry, which struck down Proposition 8 and its ban on same-sex marriage in California.  The Perry trial established a factual basis for why same-sex couples should have the right to marry, and reflected the cultural shift in public opinion about the validity and dignity of such unions.  Join us for a fascinating discussion with law professor, Kenji Yoshino, author of Speak Now about the Perry case, Dahlia Lithwick, legal correspondent for Slate, and Debra Messing, Emmy-winning actress of the iconic comedy Will & Grace, which was responsible for humanizing same-sex relationships in the broader culture.

Application for New York State CLE accreditation of this program is currently pending.

Click Here to Purchase Tickets at 92Y.org

A limited amount of $15 tickets are available to NYU Law students & faculty. Please use discount code “NYU” when making purchase. 

Questions? E-mail erin.bundra@folcs.org

3D Printing Meets the Arts: Reproduction and Authenticity on March 30


3D Printing Meets the Arts: Reproduction and Authenticity
Monday, March 30 | 5:00pm – 6:30pm

Vanderbilt Hall, Room 206

The NYU Law Art Law Society invites you to a panel discussion on issues of reproduction and authenticity in 3D printing.  Light refreshments will be provided.

James R. Klaiber, Partner, Pryor Cashman LLP
Natalia Krasnodebska, Community Manager, Shapeways
Britton Payne, Attorney, Bronson Lipsky LLP and Adjunct Professor, Fordham Law
Ashley Zelinskie, Artist and Resident at New Inc.


Amy Adler, Emily Kempin Professor of Law, NYU School of Law

RSVP here: http://goo.gl/forms/0A2vWWIQmA

Sullivan and Worcester: Race, Poverty, and Criminal Justice


Presentation by Stephen B. Bright, Patrick Mulvaney and Melanie Velez of the Southern Center for Human Rights

Program Description

This presentation will focus on discussing three key areas:

  • Race, Poverty and the Criminal Justice System
  • Capital Litigation Trends, Developments and Crises
  • A Need for Accountability and Reform: Georgia’s Indigent Defense Crisis and Rampant Abuse of Prisoners

Learning Objectives

Attendees will learn about the intersections among race, poverty and criminal justice, as well as recent developments and current issues in capital litigation, including judicial override, intellectual disability and the death penalty, and the need for effective counsel in capital cases. Attendees will also learn how far Georgia has to go in fulfilling the mandate of the Supreme Court’s decision in Gideon v. Wainwright and how prison violence is running unchecked throughout Georgia’s prisons.


This class will consist of a 120-minute session. The program will be led by Stephen B. Bright, Patrick Mulvaney and Melanie Velez, lawyers at the Southern Center for Human Rights and will focus on these topics utilizing recent cases, essays and reports.

About SCHR

The Southern Center for Human Rights provides legal representation to people facing the death penalty, challenges human rights violations in prisons and jails, seeks through litigation and advocacy to improve legal representation for poor people accused of crimes and advocates for criminal justice system reforms on behalf of those affected by the system in the Southern United States.


9:15 a.m.-9:45 a.m.

Continental Breakfast and Registration

9:45 a.m.-10:00 a.m.

Welcome and Introductions

10:00 a.m.-10:30 a.m.

Race, Poverty and Criminal Justice

Featuring Stephen B. Bright

*This presentation will provide an overview of the intersection between race, poverty and criminal justice, particularly in the South.

10:30 a.m.-11:00 a.m.

Capital Litigation: Trends, Developments, and Crises

Featuring Patrick Mulvaney

*The presentation will explore recent developments and current issues in capital litigation, including judicial override, intellectual disability and the death penalty, and the need for effective counsel in capital cases.

11:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m.  

A Need for Accountability and Reform: Georgia’s Indigent Defense Crisis and Rampant Abuse of Prisoners

Featuring Melanie Velez

*This presentation will examine how far Georgia has to go in fulfilling the mandate of the Supreme Court’s decision in Gideon v. Wainwright and how prison violence is running unchecked throughout Georgia’s prisons.

11:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m.

Q & A Session



Sullivan & Worcester LLP

1633 Broadway, 32nd Floor

New York, New York 10019

This program is free and open to the public. Space is limited. RSVP to Ojen Sirin at osirin@sandw.com.

CLE Credits:

Sullivan & Worcester LLP has been certified by the New York State Continuing Legal Education Board as an Accredited Provider of continuing legal education in the State of New York (11/08/12-11/07/15). This transitional and nontransitional program (appropriate for both newly admitted and experienced attorneys) has been approved in accordance with the requirements of the NY State CLE Board for 2.0 credit hours, which can be applied toward the Professional Practice requirement. Participants must attend the entire program to receive CLE credit. Partial credit will not be awarded for this program.

Invitation: LLM Lunch with the Dean – April 8



Wednesday, April 8
12:25–1:50 p.m.
Snow Dining Room, Vanderbilt Hall, 4th Floor
RSVP to law.graduateaffairs@nyu.edu – Space is limited to 25 students

Dean Trevor Morrsion will hold a small, informal lunch for LLM students. At this lunch, he looks forward to hearing about your experience at NYU. This is a great opportunity to speak openly with the Dean about your LLM year!

Spring 2015 Exam Postponement/Accommodation Requests – Available March 26 – April 9, 2015 (Except Executive LLM Tax Students)


It is important that you take time to review your exam schedule for any conflicts and apply for an exam postponement/accommodation per the rules. Let’s do everything we can to facilitate a smooth exam period, starting now.

1. Spring 2015 Exam Schedule (May 8 –May 18)
2. Rules and Guidelines Governing the Postponement of Exams
3. Deadline is Thursday, April 9, 2015
4. How to Submit a Postponement/Accommodation Request
5. Spring 2015 Exam ID Number
6. Accommodations for Students with Disabilities
7. Anonymity
8. Results of Exam Requests will be available Monday, April 27, 2015
9. Dropping a Class after Submitting a Request for Postponement

1. Spring 2015 Exam Schedule (May 8 – May 18):
The exam schedule is made available during registration so that students can avoid exam conflicts or rescheduling based on individual needs, work responsibilities or conflicts. The exam schedule can be found at: http://www.law.nyu.edu/academics/exams/index.htm.

Part-time Students:
As stated in the Year-Long Registration Guide, page 12- Part-time students may register for a maximum of 6 credits per semester. Students who are employed full-time, however, are strongly advised to limit the course load to 4 or 5 credits per semester. Whether one is enrolled for 2 credits or 6 credits in a given semester, all part-time students are required to take their exams as scheduled, which may include daytime exams for an evening course; rescheduling is not permitted. Certain required courses for some programs and exams are not offered in the evening.

2. Rules and Guidelines Governing the Postponement of Exams:
The detailed guidelines for postponement of examinations may be found online in the Academic Policies Guide 2014-2015 Edition, pages 12-14.

3. Deadline is Thursday, April 9, 2015:
Requests for postponements/accommodations should be made online via Examreporter beginning Thursday, March 26, 2015. The deadline to submit all requests is Thursday, April 9, 2015.

4. How to Submit a Postponement/Accommodation Request:

  • Log onto ExamReporter
  • Click on “Postponements.”
  • In the section titled “Request Postponement” select the class for which you seek a postponement.
  • Select the type or reason for the requested postponement.
  • Click on the “Submit” button.
  • You will need to submit a separate request for each exam you wish to postpone.5. Spring 2015 Exam ID Number:
    You can obtain your 4 digit Spring 2015 examination number from ExamReporter.

    6. Accommodations for Students with Disabilities:
    If you have not done so already, all students with disabilities who need exam accommodations must immediately register with the Henry & Lucy Moses Center for Students with Disabilities. Their address and contact information to schedule an appointment is: Henry & Lucy Moses Center for Student with Disabilities, 726 Broadway, 2nd floor (212) 998-4980. In order to be given an accommodation for examinations, students are required to complete and submit a request for postponement/accommodation for each exam of their spring 2014 exam schedule via Examreporter.

    7. Anonymity:
    To maintain your anonymity in the grading process, DO NOT CONTACT YOUR FACULTY MEMBER if you have problems related to an exam. If you have any difficulties or extenuating circumstances involving your exam, please notify the Office of Academic Services via email law.exams@nyu.eduand provide us with a detailed explanation of your circumstances.

    8. Results of Exam Requests will be Available on Monday, April 27, 2015:
    You will be able to go into Examreporter and view the results.

    9.Dropping a Class After Submitting a Request for Postponement:
    Please be advised that you are required to notify the Office of Academic Services if you drop a class which no longer makes one eligible for a postponement. Failure to do so will result in violation of the rules which govern requests for postponements/accommodations.

    If you have further questions, contact the Office of Academic Services for assistance via email: exams@exchange.law.nyu.edu or call 1-212-998-6020.

DEADLINE EXTENDED Friends of MBBA, Inc.: The Honorable George Bundy Smith Scholarship


Friends of MBBA, Inc., the philanthropic arm of the Metropolitan Black Bar Association invites you to apply to the 2015 Honorable George Bundy Smith Scholarship.  The Honorable George Bundy Smith Scholarship Fund offers three scholarships to students who demonstrate qualities of leadership, a passion for the arts and sciences, or a commitment to diversity and academic excellence. The Fund is in honor of Judge Smith, who for many years provided board leadership and guidance to the Metropolitan Black Bar Association, including starting the organization’s first scholarship fund. Above all, Judge Smith values education and leverages his success to the benefit of the African-American community.

The application submission has been extended to Friday, April 10, 2015. Attached is the flyer detailing the application process and how you may apply. The winners will be honored at the 31st MBBA Annual Gala on Friday, May 15, 2015 at Pier Sixty in New York City.

If you should have any questions, please feel free contact, Joseph M. Drayton at jdrayton@cooley.com or myself at deborahmartinesq@gmail.com.



Dean’s Roundtable with Jerry M. Seslowe, ’72, managing director and founder of Resource Holdings on Thursday, April 2, 2015


Regularly during the school year, the Dean hosts roundtable discussions with prominent guests who have utilized their law degrees in a variety of nontraditional ways. Over lunch with a small group of students, guests speak autobiographically about their work experiences, sharing valuable insight about how they found their chosen path. Please note that the roundtables are informal and off-the-record.

Jerry M. Seslowe,’72, who will be the Dean’s guest on Thursday, April 2, is a managing director and founder of Resource Holdings, a financial consulting and merchant banking company. Jerry founded this company alongside Philip Anschutz and the late Jay Pritzker, entrepreneur. He was affiliated with KPMG Peat Marwick from 1972 to 1983. He became a partner in the firm’s Acquisition Advisory Service in 1978, specializing in analyzing, negotiating, and structuring mergers and acquisitions.

Mr. Seslowe sits on the Board of Directors of several private companies, including Westin, Inc., Rockaway 605 Corp., AWAC Aviation, Harbor Diversified and Natrogen Therapeutics, Inc.  He is a member of the AICPA, American Bar Association, and is a three term past President of the Harmonie Club of New York.  He is also a Trustee of the Madison Square Boys and Girls Club.

Mr. Seslowe received a Bachelor of Arts degree from NYU in 1967, a Master’s Degree in Business Administration from the Wharton Graduate School of Business Administration in 1969, and a Juris Doctor degree from NYU School of Law in 1972.  He is also a Certified Public Accountant.

The Dean’s roundtables are open to 18 interested NYU School of Law JD and graduate students. In order to achieve a representational mix of students, we will designate a proportionate number of seats to JD students and graduate students, respectively, to be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. The roundtables will begin at 12:30 P.M. in Snow Dining Room. If you would like to attend a roundtable, please sign up in advance by emailing Ken Seagreaves at ken.seagreaves@nyu.edu. Please indicate whether you are a JD or graduate student, and whether you have any dietary restrictions.

Monday, March 30: What do International Corporate Lawyers do? (1Ls – qualifies for EIW credit)


Monday, March 30, 2015 | 12:25 PM – 1:50 PM
Classroom 334, Furman Hall
245 Sullivan Street

Come learn about what international corporate attorneys do and what it takes to succeed in the ever growing field of cross-border transactions. A panel of top professionals in the fields such as Project Finance, Capital Markets, M&A and so on, will discuss how practicing internationally is different, what their personal paths were and what you can learn from them. You will have the opportunity to ask questions. Food will be served.

1Ls will receive career educational credit (EIW credit) for attending the event.


Sponsored by the International Law Society

THURSDAY, APRIL 9 – Democracy in the Dark: A Book Talk with Frederick A.O. Schwarz, Jr.


The Brennan Center for Justice and NYU School of Law present:

Democracy in the Dark
A Book Party with Frederick A.O. Schwarz, Jr.

Thursday, April 9, 2015 | 6:00 p.m.

Reception and Book Signing to Follow.

Lipton Hall, NYU School of Law
108 West Third Street
New York, NY 10012

From George Washington hiding inadequate military supplies during the Revolutionary War to the National Security Agency’s massive intelligence gathering in the electronic age, there has always been a tension between secrecy and American democracy. For the first time, the full range of American history is viewed through the lens of secrecy in Democracy in the Dark: The Seduction of Government Secrecy (The New Press, 2015). Frederick A.O. Schwarz Jr.’s important new book illuminates one central question: how much secrecy does good governance require?

Join the Brennan Center for Justice, NYU School of Law, and some of the nation’s leading non-profit organizations for a candid discussion with the author, hailed by Publisher’s Weekly as “an exceptionally well-positioned observer and participant in the contentious history of government secrecy,” whose effort to help us strike the right balance between democracy and secrecy is, according to Professor Geoffrey R. Stone, “his greatest—and truly insightful—contribution.”


If you have any questions, please contact Brennan Center Events Manager, Jafreen Uddin, at jafreen.uddin@nyu.edu or 646.292.8345.

This event is co-hosted by the following organizations:

ACP: Scholarship Clinic, April 10, 2015


Friday, April 10, 2015, 9:15 a.m. – 5:45 p.m.
Snow Dining Room, Vanderbilt Hall 4th Floor
Sponsored by the Academic Careers Program

Please join us for our full day “Scholarship Clinic.” There will be panel discussions addressing scholarship development and scholarly agendas, the nuts and bolts of publishing, fellowships, visiting professor positions, and legal writing programs. In addition, a number of law teaching candidates will present their papers.

You may attend throughout the day as your schedule allows.
Please RSVP to this event via CSM/Symplicity under the Events Tab.

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