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MAR 30: Diversity Students’ Judicial Clerkship Panel & Reception Co-Sponsored by BALSA, LaLSA, OUTLaw, SALSA, and Law Women


Event:  Diversity Students’  Judicial Clerkship Panel & Reception
Date: Monday, March 30
Times: Panel Discussion: 6:00-7:00 PM; Cocktail Reception: 7:00-8:00 PM
Location:  Vanderbilt Hall, Greenberg Lounge
Speakers:  Judge Margo Brodie, EDNY; Paul Oetken, SDNY; and Judge Edgardo Ramos, SDNY

Please join us for a panel discussion on the benefits of a federal or state judicial clerkship. Following the panel discussion, there will be an informal reception for you to speak with judges and current and former NYU clerks.

Students interested in clerking should not miss this opportunity to speak with prominent federal judges about the clerkship experience, ways in which you can make yourself the most attractive candidate for a clerkship, and how to best navigate the application process. This program is geared towards 2Ls and 3Ls, but all are welcome to attend.

Click here to RSVP or log into your CSM/Symplicity account and go to the “Events>OCS/PILC Events” page.

Co-sponsored by: LaLSA

May 8: Application deadline: New York County Lawyers’ Association Student Correspondent


The responsibility:

  • The Correspondents will be in charge of organizing at least one on‐campus NYCLA event together during the school year, such as a roundtable lunch with a senior practicing attorney. These types of events are left to the Correspondent’s creativity.
  • The Correspondents will also be in charge of promoting NYCLA’s events on campus, specifically those geared to law students. NYCLA’s Marketing Department will send all promotional materials for these events to both Correspondents and to our main contact at the school. The Correspondents will do the informal marketing among friends, classmates, student organizations, and appropriate social media.

The support system:

  • Both Correspondents will be working closely with the Chair of the Subcommittee on Law School Initiatives, NYCLA’s Membership Department, and top NYCLA Officers & Directors.

The benefits:

  • A complimentary NYCLA membership
  • Immediate access to every NYCLA Committee (Open Committee Structure)
  • Programs designed specifically for law students, such as our Mentor Auction and Mock Job Interview Program
  • Great resume builder
  • Endless networking opportunities

If you are interested in becoming a NYCLA Correspondent, email Moon Kim in OCS at moon.kim@nyu.edu by Friday, May 8, 2015

Apr. 10: Above the Law, BARBRI and Morrison & Foerster: The Effective Communication Challenge


Who: Above the Law, BARBRI and Morrison & Foerster
When: Friday April 10th
Where: New York City Bar Association
What: The Effective Communication Challenge
Cost: Free

This invite-only event is both a tremendous learning opportunity and a platform for students to demonstrate their rhetorical talents in a fun yet substantive format.

The Challenge will feature law student teams working closely with attorneys from Morrison & Foerster in a pitch competition to be judged by MoFo team members and BARBRI executive vice president, Dan Schoepf. ATL’s own Elie Mystal will also be on hand to provide comic relief and take bets on the outcome of the competition.

Preceding the pitch competition, Dan Schoepf will deliver instruction on the use of information, motivation, and persuasion by attorneys to secure favorable results.  Mr. Schoepf is a world-renowned authority on rhetoric and communication techniques.

Students can sign up here.

Mar. 31: Meet the Trusts & Estates Community Dinner


Tuesday, March 31st , 8:00 – 10:00 p.m., STK Downtown Restaurant, 26 Little West 12th Street, New York, NY 10014

You are cordially  invited to meet seasoned attorneys in the Trust & Estates field, on Tuesday, March 31st, during a FREE networking and career forum dinner. Featured practices include large and small law firms, charitable organizations, a trust company, financial management, the Surrogate’s Court and legal publishing. Listen to their personal stories and gain an insight into what it’s like to work in the community!

Spaces are very limited so please RSVP to avoid missing out on this amazing opportunity.

RSVP to: officemanager@mtrustlaw.com

See flyer for details:Meet the Trusts flyer 2015

Hot Jobs (1Ls, 2Ls, 3Ls, LLMs)


Following is a sample of job listings currently active on CSM.  You can find additional jobs, as well as get more information on the specific jobs listed below and apply for these jobs through the CSM Job Postings Tab.

  1. Lawyer (LLMs); Law Firm, New York, NY – CSM ID 438177. Firm’s New York office seeks a current LLM candidate with Spanish language fluency and International Arbitration experience.
  1. Legal Fellow (3Ls); Education, Baltimore, MD – CSM ID 438099. The fellowship will provide recent law graduates an opportunity to work primarily with the Senior Counsel for Employment & Labor Affairs.
  1. Analyst/Associate (3Ls); Corporate, New York, NY – CSM ID 437981. Analyst/Associate level position at a New York City based real estate development, construction management and property management company assisting and reporting to the Chief Operating Officer.
  1. Summer Intern (2Ls); Corporation, New York, NY – CSM ID 438157. The student will assist the legal department’s attorneys with contracts, diligence, IP enforcement, review of promotions/marketing materials and research writing in various practice areas, including publishing, labor and employment, international, online, corporate governance and compliance, and securities.
  1. Summer Intern (1Ls); Non-Profit, New York, NY – CSM ID 438054. Major charitable organization seeks legal intern to assist in-house counsel staff.

Spring Faculty Research Assistant Postings (1Ls, 2Ls, 3Ls, LLMs)


Following is a listing of currently active Spring RA positions on CSM.  Full descriptions and application instructions are available through the CSM Job Postings Tab.

  1. Professor Kingson – CSM ID 437823. Research Assistant needed for search and revision of Classic Tax Cases course materials in order to assemble a joint e-booklet.

Reading Rewards Program


We want you to read each week’s OCS Docket entries and we want to reward you for staying informed. Read carefully and you will frequently find a prize buried amidst the OCS content.  If you find the prize and want to participate in a drawing for it, write by 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday to law.careers@nyu.edu with the subject line “Reading Reward”. We will select randomly from the submitted entries. Prizes range in value and include a private study room in the OCS Interview Suite during exam period; books written by NYU Law alumni; a free night at a Hilton hotel; movie tickets; lunch with a hiring partner or recruiting administrator of a major NYC law firm; a suite at the Early Interview Week hotel in August; among others.  These prizes are donated and do not come from tuition funds.

SAVE THE DATE: Early Interview Week (EIW) 2015 – Both Private Sector and Public Sector Employers Are Confirmed (1Ls, 2Ls)


SAVE THE DATE: Early Interview Week (EIW) 2015

This year, Early Interview Week (EIW) will be held August 12-14 at the Doubletree Guest Suites Hotel in Times Square. This is our largest interview program for 2L and 3L JD students seeking a summer or permanent job, primarily in the private sector.

There will be public sector employment opportunities at EIW 2015 as well.  Currently, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (3Ls only), House of Representatives – Office of Legislative Counsel (2Ls, 3Ls), Public Defender Service (2Ls, 3Ls), Federal Reserve Board (2Ls, 3Ls), and Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (2Ls only) (all in Washington, DC) are confirmed to participate in EIW 2015. There may be additional public sector employers, as well.

Please mark your calendars accordingly!

Please direct all inquiries regarding Early Interview Week to law.careers@nyu.edu, using the Subject Line: Early Interview Week Inquiry.

Drop-in Hours for JDs and LLMs


Monday: 11:00 – 12:00 p.m. and 2:30 – 4:30 p.m.
Tuesday:  11:00 – 12:00 p.m. and 2:30 – 4:30 p.m.
Wednesday: 2:30 – 4:30 p.m.
Thursday: 11:00 – 12:00 p.m. and 2:30 – 4:30 p.m.
Friday: 11:00 – 12:00 p.m. and 2:30 – 4:30 p.m.

Week of March 30:
Wednesday 3:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Thursday: 2:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Friday: 2:00 – 3:00 p.m.

Career Educational Event Requirement for EIW (1Ls)


All 1Ls must attend one Career Educational Event in order to participate in EIW. An upcoming Office of Career Services event that qualifies for EIW Career Education Credit is “How to Succeed As A Summer Associate and Throughout Your Legal Career” Panel (April 6, Greenberg Lounge). In addition, student groups will continue to host events which qualify for EIW Career Educational Credit. There are several upcoming student group events that qualify as a Career Educational Event:

  • March 30 – “What is International Corporate Law?”
    12:25 – 1:50 pm; Classroom 334, Furman Hall
  • March 30 – “3D Printing Meets the Arts: Reproduction and Authenticity” – Art Law Society Spring Panel
    5:00 – 7:30 pm; Smart Classroom 206, Vanderbilt Hall
  • April 2 – Careers In IP
    6:00 – 8:00 pm; Lester Pollack Colloquium, Furman Hall
  • April 3 – 4 Annual Sports Law Colloquium
    10:00 am – 4:00 pm; Lester Pollack Colloquium, Furman Hall

If you attended at least one of the following OCS events, you have already fulfilled the Career Educational requirement:

“Law is A Two Way Street: Navigating A Career in Both the Public and Private Sectors” Panel (October 29)
Career Educational Fair (October 29)
Panel on 1L Summer Jobs (November 10)
Law Firm Speed Networking Luncheon (February 10)
NYU Nationwide (March 4)

The Career Educational Event is one of four requirements for EIW. The four requirements are noted below:

  1. 1 Strike-A-Match Session (April 2)
  2. 1 Career Educational Event
  3. 1 Mini-Mock Interview with an OCS counselor (Spring 2015)
  4. 1 Interview Skills Workshop (Summer 2015)

More information about these events is available on pages 7 and 8 of the Career Development Resources Handbook. The handbook is available online on CSM/Symplicity. Please log-on to CSM/ Symplicity, select “Career Resources Library” under the “Resources/Tools” Tab and type in “2014-2015 Career Development Resources Handbook”.  If you have any questions about EIW requirements, please email law.careers@nyu.edu.

Seeking Summer Employment (1Ls)?


If you are still seeking summer 2015 employment, please contact the receptionist (212-998-6090) to make an appointment to meet with an OCS or PILC counselor or to inquire about drop-in hours. We will be forwarding a resume book of 1Ls interested in working in the private sector upon employer request. If you are seeking employment in the private sector and have not accepted a summer position, please opt-in to the 1L Spring 2015 Resume Book via CSM (https://law-nyu-csm.symplicity.com/students/) by April 3. The resume book is located under the Documents Tab.

Apr. 24: LLM Employment and Satisfaction Survey Completion Deadline (All LLMs)


Friday, April 24

All LLM students graduating between September 2014 and August 2015  must complete the mandatory LLM Employment and Student Satisfaction Survey in order to receive Convocation Ceremony tickets!



  1. Login to CSM at: https://law-nyu-csm.symplicity.com/students
  2. You will be taken directly to the Surveys page. Click on the Respond button on the left (next to “Reply Required”). Note that you will not be able to access other parts of the CSM system (job listings, events, resources) if you have not completed the survey.
  3. Complete all of the fields. Please note: Occasionally, when you make a selection the screen will reload with additional fields to complete; simply scroll back down to where you left off and continue completing the survey. You will be asked questions about your post-graduation employment plans as well as your experiences at NYU School of Law. For the employment section, please indicate your status/plans AFTER graduation from the LLM (i.e., do not indicate “enrolled in a full time degree program” because you are at NYU Law; only indicate “enrolled in a full time degree program” if you plan to pursue post-LLM studies).
  4. Click “finalize” to submit the survey. You may always edit the survey after clicking “finalize.”
  5. You may want to print out a copy of your completed survey as confirmation of your submission.
  6. Click the “Log Out” link on the upper right, next to your name to exit.

Apr. 24: Deadline to Complete the Graduate Employment Survey: You must fill out the Graduation Employment Survey in order to receive graduation tickets (3Ls)


The Office of Career Services, the Public Interest Law Center, and the Office of Development and Alumni Relations are coordinating efforts to gather employment data by way of the Graduate Employment Survey. Due to the importance of collecting this information for several entities, including the American Bar Association, the National Association for Law Placement and U.S. News and World Report, only those students who complete the Survey will be given tickets to the School of Law’s graduation ceremony. You must fill out the survey as completely and accurately as possible, so that we can provide the most complete statistics for these organizations. All fields are required – please fill out every section completely to avoid follow up phone calls or emails.

We recognize that we are requesting this information early in the semester, and that many students have not yet finalized their post-graduation plans.  Please indicate your current status and update your employment and contact information as your plans develop.  The deadline for completion of the Survey is Monday, April 24, 2015. 

Win a one night stay at any Hilton Family Hotel (in the U.S. or abroad) or a $50 gift certificate to Otto (www.ottopizzeria.com) by submitting your Survey early!  Those who complete their Survey by 5:00 PM on Monday, March 30, 2015 will be entered in the drawing.

In order to complete the Survey, do the following (this should take no more than 15 minutes):

  • Login to CSM at: https://law-nyu-csm.symplicity.com/students.
  • There will be a quick link to your Graduate Employment Survey on the CSM home page under “Shortcuts”.
  • Complete ALL the fields to avoid follow-up calls and emails since all data is REQUIRED by the reporting agencies.

Please note:  Occasionally, when you make a selection the screen will reload with additional fields to complete; simply scroll back down to where you left off and continue completing the survey.

  • You may also note any additional circumstances in the “Additional Information” field at the bottom of the survey.
  • Click the “Save Changes” button once all the information is complete and correct. This will submit your survey.

Please note:  If you have not yet finalized your post graduation employment plans, you may still update the form at a later date.

  • You may want to print out a copy of your completed survey as confirmation of your submission.
  • Click the “Log Out” link on the upper right, next to your name to exit.

Thank you so much for taking the time to complete the Survey and for providing your feedback and comments!

Apr. 14: 2015 Loyola Patent Law Interview Program (1Ls, 2Ls) – Bidding for registered students begins on Tuesday, April 14 (1Ls, 2Ls)


Loyola University Chicago School of law is hosting the 2015 Patent Law Interview Program on Thursday, July 30 and Friday, July 31 in downtown Chicago, Illinois.  For more information on the program, please refer to the Loyola Patent Program website at: http://www.luc.edu/law/career/patent_students.html.

Please note that registration for this program closed on Monday, March 9.  Please do not contact Loyola to request a late registration; if you have questions about registration, please contact the Patent Program Liaison in our office, Jennifer Leibowitz at jennifer.leibowitz@nyu.edu.  

Last year roughly 135 employers, 190 law schools, and 1,400 law students from across the country participated in the program. The program is entirely pre-selected, which means that students submit resumes and transcripts to bid on interviews with the employers they are interested in, and employers then review the materials of the students who bid on them and select the students they wish to interview at the program. Last year, approximately half of the participating students were selected for interviews.

Tuesday, April 14: Students receive CSM passwords/bidding instructions
Tuesday, April 14: Student Bidding Begins
Thursday, April 30: Deadline for Student Bidding
Monday, June 22: Initial interview schedules available on CSM
Monday, June 22 – Wednesday, June 24: Interview Cancellation Period
Friday, June 26: Final Schedules available on Symplicity
Wednesday, July 29: Sterne, Kessler, Goldstein & Fox Welcome Reception
(Open to all participating students)
Thursday, July 30 & Friday, July 31: 2015 Patent Law Interview Program

Please contact the Patent Program Liaison in our office Jennifer Leibowitz (jennifer.leibowitz@nyu.edu) with any questions.

Apr. 8 – 9: Walk for Work with Associate Dean Dorzback (1Ls, 2Ls, 3Ls)

Apr. 6: How to Succeed As a Summer Associate and Throughout Your Legal Career: Qualifies as EIW Career Educational Event (1Ls, 2Ls, 3Ls)


Monday, April 6, 12:30 – 1:30 p.m., Greenberg Lounge, Vanderbilt Hall
Lunch will be served

RSVP via CSM Events tab:https://law-nyu-csm.symplicity.com/students/

Panelists will provide tips and guidance relating to professionalism, general demeanor/behavior, work assignments, feedback/evaluations and office protocol to foster your success in your summer position and throughout your legal career. The panel will include attorneys, recruiting staff, and other legal professionals.

Attendance at this event satisfies the EIW Career Educational Event requirement for 1Ls/rising 2Ls who intend to participate in EIW 2015.

Apr. 3 – 24: Mandatory for EIW Participation: Mini-Mock Interview Sessions (1Ls)


RSVP via CSM Events Tab (https://law-nyu-csm.symplicity.com/students/).

The Office of Career Services (OCS) believes that all 1Ls who intend to participate in Early Interview Week (“EIW”) 2015 would benefit from an early assessment of their interviewing skills, so that each interview is maximized during EIW. Your interview skills are a key element to this process.

OCS will conduct 15 minute mock interview sessions from April 3 – April 24 in the OCS offices. These sessions are mandatory for all 1Ls who plan to participate in EIW to interview with private sector employees.

In preparation, please familiarize yourself with the “Interview Skills” portion of the Career Development Resources Handbook. This information can also be found in the Career Resources Library on CSM in the document titled “2014-2015 Career Development Resources Handbook.”

You MUST have an up-to-date NYU-formatted resume and transcript uploaded to CSM in advance of your mini-mock interview.

Formal dress is NOT required.

Apr. 2: Journal of Intellectual Property: Careers In IP: Qualifies as EIW Career Educational Event


Thursday, April 2, 6:00 – 8:00 p.m., Lester Pollack Hall, 245 Sullivan Street New York, NY 10014

This event will feature a panel discussion from respected and prominent practitioners currently working in the field of intellectual property. The panel discussion will consist of a Q&A and will be followed by a cocktail reception.

1 EIW Career Educational Event Credit Available!

Please RSVP Here.


-John Desmarais: Founding Partner Desmarais LLP

-David Kappos: Partner Cravath, Swaine & Moore

– Karen Lorenzo: General Counsel, Tribeca Enterprises

-Jane Love: Partner WilmerHale

Co-Sponsors who will be attending the cocktail reception:

-Cravath, Swaine & Moore
-Desmarais LLP
-Kenyon & Kenyon
-Morrison Foerster
-White & Case


Apr. 2: Mandatory EIW Information Session for 1Ls: STRIKE-A-MATCH


STRIKE-A-MATCH: Mandatory EIW Information Session for 1Ls
Thursday, April 2, 2015 – 4:00 PM- 5:30 PM
Vanderbilt Hall, Tishman Auditorium

In order to provide you with all of the necessary details regarding EIW, we are holding a mandatory session for 1Ls entitled “Strike-A-Match” (SAM) on April 2nd.  In the SAM session, the OCS Counselors will provide an introduction to Early Interview Week (EIW) including logistics, practical advice on selecting employers and developing a job search strategy based upon your experience, academic records and individual goals – – all based on historical data.  As a reminder, this session is highly confidential and WILL NOT BE WEBSTREAMED. If you plan to participate in EIW, you are required to attend this session.  Please note that public interest-directed students interviewing exclusively with government and public interest employers during EIW should attend a separate PILC meeting on April 2 from 5:30-6:30 p.m. in lieu of the OCS Strike-A-Match session.

RSVP on CSM under the Events tab followed by OCS/PILC Events. Please direct all inquiries regarding Strike-A-Match and Early Interview Week to law.careers@nyu.edu, using the Subject Line: Early Interview Week Inquiry.

Mar. 31: Goldman Sachs Investment Banking Information Session and Networking for 1Ls


March 31, 6:00 – 8:00 p.m., Snow Dining Room, VH

RSVP on the OCS/PILC Events module on CSM

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