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Mar. 30 – Apr. 17: EIW 2015 Requirement: Complete Your Summer Registration Form on CSM (1Ls, 2Ls)


Beginning on Monday, March 30 at 12:00 p.m., students will be able to complete their Summer Registration Forms on CSM. All 1Ls and 2Ls (i.e., rising 2Ls and 3Ls) planning to participate in Early Interview Week should complete their Summer Registration Form on CSM by Friday, April 17 at 6:00 p.m. Beginning Monday, April 20 at 12:00 p.m., you will be able to access the OCI tab to view/bid on the EIW employers, but only IF your Summer Registration Form is complete. If you are still seeking summer employment, please choose “Seeking Job” under Job/Activity Type and if you have not recently met with a counselor, contact the OCS/PILC receptionist to make an appointment with an OCS or PILC counselor.

To complete your Summer Registration Form:

  1. Go to the CSM homepage at https://law-nyu-csm.symplicity.com/students
  2. Upon successfully logging in, move your cursor to the My Profile top link, and click on Student Job/Activity Log
  3. Click Add New
  4. Complete the Summer Registration Form and click Submit
  5. If you have two jobs/activities for the summer, please complete 2 forms.

If you have any questions about completing your Summer Registration Form, please contact Jennifer Leibowitz (jennifer.leibowitz@nyu.edu) in the OCS.

Week of Mar. 23: 1L Employer Events (1Ls)


During the spring semester, a number of employers are hosting luncheons or evening receptions for 1L students only. These events provide wonderful opportunities for students to learn about these firms and meet their attorneys in an informal setting prior to the 2015 Fall recruitment season.

The following employer will be hosting an event during the week of March 30. This event is for 1Ls only. For details regarding all 1L events, please log-in to your CSM account and click on the Events tab followed by Employer Info Sessions:

Goldman, Sachs & Co. (New York, NY): Tuesday, March 31, 2015, 6:00-8:00 p.m., Snow Dining Room, Vanderbilt Hall, Goldman Sachs Investment Banking Information Session for 1Ls

An RSVP is required for all events. If you have any questions regarding 1L events, please email Cassandre Stump (cassandre.stump@nyu.edu).  

If you have read this, you qualify for the Reading Reward. This week’s prize will be an NYU Law computer charger for cell phone, ipad, etc. To enter the raffle, send an email to law.careers@nyu.edu with the subject line “Reading Reward” by 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday, March 31. 

Upcoming 3L Government Honors Deadlines


The following government programs have upcoming 3L deadlines.  Details of these programs are provided in the 2014-15 Government Honors & Internship Handbook, located at www.law.arizona.edu/career/honorshandbook.cfm.
Username: thin; Password:

  • Ohio Legislative Service Commission – LSC Fellowship Program (Paid, Deadline 04/01/15)
  • New York State Senate – New York State Senate Graduate Fellowship Program (Paid, Deadline 04/27/15)

Upcoming 2L Government Honors Deadlines


The following government programs have 2L deadlines coming up in the next few weeks.  Details of these programs are provided in the 2014-15 Government Honors & Internship Handbook, located at www.law.arizona.edu/career/honorshandbook.cfm.
Username: thin; Password: mints


  • Federal Communications Commission – Wireless Telecommunications Bureau Student Internship Program (Unpaid, Deadline 03/31/15)
  • Small Business Administration – Office of General Counsel Summer Intern Program (Paid & Unpaid, Deadline End of Mar.)
  • Commission on International Religious Freedom – Office of General Counsel & Policy Department Legal Intern/Research Programs (Unpaid, Deadline 04/01/15)
  • Maryland Attorney General – Law Clerk Internship (Unpaid, Deadline 04/01/15)
  • Comptroller of the Currency – Law Department Legal Internships (Unpaid, Deadline 04/03/15)
  • Executive Office of  the President – Office of Administration General Counsel’s Office Law Student Internship Program (Unpaid, Deadline 04/03/15)
  • Florida Attorney General – Volunteer Internship Program (Unpaid, Deadline 04/14/15)
  • New Jersey Attorney General – Division of Criminal Justice Law Internship Program (Unpaid, Deadline 04/15/15)
  • New Jersey Attorney General – Division of Law Volunteer Internship Program (Unpaid, Deadline 04/15/15)
  • Office of the Governor Texas – Texas Governor’s Fellowship Program (Unpaid, Deadline 04/15/15)

Upcoming 1L Government Honors Deadlines


The following government programs have 1L deadlines coming up in the next few weeks.  Details of these programs are provided in the 2014-15 Government Honors & Internship Handbook, located at www.law.arizona.edu/career/honorshandbook.cfm.
Username: thin; Password: mints


  • Federal Communications Commission – Wireless Telecommunications Bureau, Student Internship Program (Unpaid, Deadline 03/31/15)
  • Small Business Administration – Office of General Counsel Summer Intern Program (Paid & Unpaid, Deadline End of Mar.)
  • Maryland Attorney General – Law Clerk Internships (Unpaid, Deadline 04/01/15)
  • Comptroller of the Currency – Law Department Legal Internships (Unpaid, Deadline 04/03/15)
  • Executive Office of the President – Office of Administration General Counsel’s Office Law Student Internship Program (Unpaid, Deadline 04/03/15)
  • Florida Attorney General – Volunteer Internship Program (Unpaid, Deadline 04/14/15)
  • New Jersey Attorney General – Division of Law Volunteer Internship Program (Unpaid, Deadline 04/15/15)
  • Texas Office of the Governor – Texas Governor’s Fellowship Program (Unpaid, Deadline 04/15/15)

Programs with “Rolling Deadlines” review applications and fill positions on an ongoing basis, so apply early for these programs.

Deadline Updates in the Government Honors & Internship Handbook


The following deadline information has been updated on the website has been updated. You can access the site here: www.law.arizona.edu/career/Government_Honors2014-15/Contents.cfm
Username: thin; Password: mints

  •  Executive Office of the President, Office of Administration General Counsel’s Office – Law Student Internship Program (2L, 3L, Unpaid) Summer Deadline Established 04-03-15

Penn Law Review Writing Competition


The University of Pennsylvania Law Review is pleased to announce its first annual Public Interest Essay Competition. The Competition is a national writing competition for student-authored articles on topics focused on social justice and the public interest.

The University of Pennsylvania Law Review has both a professional and educational mission: it serves the bench, the bar, and the academy by providing a forum for the publication of original, high quality legal research while also providing educational experiences for its Editors. Like many journals, the Law Review provides an opportunity for its Editors to submit an original work of scholarship suitable for professional publication. Through this Competition, the Law Review seeks to expand this opportunity and further its dual mission by publishing serious legal scholarship focused on social justice and public interest issues and by supporting law students at the beginning of their legal careers.

“We are thrilled to be launching this initiative,” said Michael McDonald, editor in chief of the University of Pennsylvania Law Review Volume 163. “As the oldest student law journal in the country, we hope to provide a fitting forum for publishing exemplary work that explores issues related to the public interest and highlights budding legal scholars. Public service and preeminent scholarship are central ideals for our home institution of Penn Law, and we are glad to share in that commitment.”




One winning essay will receive a monetary prize of $3,000 and will be published in print in Volume 164 of the University of Pennsylvania Law Review.


Submissions must focus on a specific legal issue within the public interest. This encompasses any issues relating to social justice or advancing the general welfare and good of the public. Topic selection will be one of the criteria judged.


The University of Pennsylvania Law Review is accepting submissions for its first annual Public Interest Essay Competition. The deadline for submissions is Monday, June 22, 2015, at 5pm EDT, via the online submission portal located here.


The competition is open to all current law students (Classes of 2015, 2016, and 2017) from any ABA accredited American law school. Submissions are limited to one per person and must be an original, unpublished academic essay.


Essays must be submitted in PDF format and include footnote citations. Submissions must be no longer than 9,000 words, including all footnotes, and must be named “PIEC.pdf”. All submissions will be considered anonymously. Students must ensure that their essays do not contain any identifying information. Any essays that include identifying information, such as name, class year, or institutional affiliation, will be disqualified.

All submissions must conform to The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (19th ed. 2010).


All submissions will be considered anonymously by a selection committee from Volume 164 of theUniversity of Pennsylvania Law Review. The best submissions will demonstrate originality and superior literary effort that advances and serves the interests and understanding of a specific topic within the broad arena of public interest and the law. The winner will be announced in the fall of 2015, receive $3,000, and be published in print in Volume 164 of the University of Pennsylvania Law Review.


BARBRI Vouchers available through PILC


The Public Interest Law Center has a series of BARBRI discount vouchers available to current 3L and LLM students who will be using BARBRI services to prepare for the Bar Exam.  Winners of these vouchers will be selected according to their application and considered based on demonstrated financial need and information presented to the law school, if any, as part of the admissions process.  To be considered for a BARBRI voucher, please complete the application at this link.

Congratulations to our 2014-15 IFD Fellows!


We would like to congratulate the 14 recipients of this year’s International Finance and Development (IFD) Fellowship. To learn more about their backgrounds and where they’ll be spending their summer, please click here.

Apr. 13: Paths to Becoming a Prosecutor


Paths to Becoming a Prosecutor: A Panel Discussion

Monday, April 13, 2015  |  12:30 PM – 1:50 PM
Classroom 214, Furman Hall

Learn about strategies for beginning a career as a prosecutor. We encourage 1Ls, 2Ls, and 3Ls to attend.

Apr. 8: Terrific Government Careers and How to Have Them


Wednesday, April 8, 2015  |  4:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Classroom 216, Furman Hall
245 Sullivan Street  map

Representatives from the Department of Justice and other federal and state agencies will provide information on summer and post-graduate opportunities.  Anyone interested in a government career, either right out of law school or in the future, should attend. 1L attendance at this event fulfills the Career Education requirement to participate in EIW.

RSVP via CSM/Symplicity.

Apr. 1: Skadden Fellowship Information Session


Wednesday, April 1, 2015  |  4:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Classroom 212, Furman Hall
245 Sullivan Street

Skadden Fellowship Information Session. Rising 3Ls as well as current 3Ls who will clerk next year are HIGHLY encouraged to attend. Featured speaker is Susan Butler Plum, Director of the Skadden Fellowship.

PILC Drop-in Counseling Hours for the Week of Mar. 30


For career planning questions that can be answered in 10 minutes or less, the Public Interest Law Center (PILC) offers drop-in counseling during the following days and times this week:

  • Monday, from 3:30 to 4:30 pm with  Linda Wayner
  • Tuesday, from 3:30 to 4:30 pm with Rachel Peckerman
  • Wednesday, from 3:30 to 4:30 pm with David Glasgow
  • Thursday, from 3:30 to 4:30 pm for federal government questions only with Heidi Gilchrist
  • Friday, from 3:30 to 4:30 pm with Sarah Hudson-Plush

To make a full counseling appointment to meet with a PILC Counselor, please call our office at (212) 998-6686 during business hours (9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. EST), or email pilc.appointments@nyu.edu.

Peer Tutoring Program: Requesting a Tutor


Requests for Tutors Begin this Tuesday!

The Office of Student Affairs offers a tutoring program for students who are struggling academically, or who have missed a substantial amount of class time due to illness or other personal problems.

In considering whether to request a tutor, it is highly advised that students first meet with a class teaching assistant. Teaching assistants often are in the best position to provide practical guidance.

Our free, confidential tutoring service is open to all JD and LLM students who have demonstrated need for tutoring.

These sessions are designed to assist students who are experiencing specific difficulties in a particular subject, or who would like guidance with respect to study, outlining or exam-taking skills.

Tutors are fellow students who have demonstrated academic excellence in an academic area(s) and whenever possible, students are assigned to tutors who had the same professor for the course.

Tutoring takes place at mutually convenient times, usually 2-3 hours per week.

Due to the limited number of available tutors, students may request tutoring for a maximum of two courses.

Please note: because we rely on student volunteers to act as tutors, we may not be able to assign a tutor in every case, but we will make every effort to do so.  Requests for tutors in more advanced classes can be difficult to fulfill. If we are unable to find you a tutor, we encourage you to speak with your professor and his or her teaching assistant about your specific difficulties.


To apply for tutoring*, please visit https://nyu.qualtrics.com/SE/?SID=SV_1HohrwgyR6309CZ.

*The Spring 2015 Tutoring Program is open for requests Tuesday, February 10 to Tuesday, April 14, 2015.

For questions please email law.studentaffairs@nyu.edu.

Invitation to Serve as a Tutor!


If you are a 2L or 3L (or an LLM*) student who has excelled in a particular substantive area and has a knack for teaching, we urge you to apply to provide tutoring service to a fellow student. If you agree to act as a tutor, you will be included in our tutor registry. When a student asks for assistance in a particular class, we will then match him or her with an appropriate tutor. We may also call upon you to assist with general skills tutoring areas such as note-taking, outlining or exam preparation. Tutors are paid by the Office of Student Affairs and are compensated at the rate of $12 per hour, the same rate of pay that Research Assistants receive.

To apply to become a tutor, please visit: https://nyu.qualtrics.com/SE/?SID=SV_1HohrwgyR6309CZ:

For questions please email law.studentaffairs@nyu.edu

*LLM students should contact the Office of Student Affairs to inquire about applying to serve as a tutor

1L Mentorship Program


The Office of Student Affairs has teamed up with the Office of Alumni Relations and the Law Alumni Association to launch a new mentorship program! Because we are currently in the pilot phase, we have opened the program exclusively to our 1L population. We will launch the program to the entire Law School community depending on the success and feedback we receive.

The program has been designed to provide students the ability to connect with alumni mentors for new insights on career paths, academic program choices, and other professional guidance. Beginning next week, you will be able to utilize the Career Services Symplicity platform to search for mentors based on criteria provided from alumni profile data. This program is intended to primarily help build professional relationships and provide guidance, and therefore, you are not permitted to contact mentors in search of a job.

We encourage all 1Ls to take advantage of this great opportunity to build lasting connections. If you are interested in participating, click here for the user guide and here for the program guidelines.

For questions or concerns, please contact the Office of Student Affairs at law.studentaffairs@nyu.edu.

YOUR Professional Pathway: Strategy Conversations with Faculty


Academic advising sessions will be held on Wednesday April 8th, 2015 in Vanderbilt Hall. While all students are welcome, this series of advising sessions is aimed at rising 2L students (class of 2017) in particular. These sessions will provide students with advice on choosing and sequencing appropriate classes in the forthcoming academic year, and will afford information about practicing in particular fields. We will hold two sessions, with five (5) panels during each time slot.

Session I


Constitution and Civil Rights Law—VH 206

Criminal Law—VH 220

Labor and Employment—VH 214

Local Government and Land Use—VH 216

Tax—VH 210

Session II


Administrative/Regulatory Law including Environmental Regulation—VH 214

Business Law—VH 220

Civil Litigation—VH 218

Global and International—VH 210

Intellectual Property and Information Law—VH 206

For more information on this program, please contact Director of Student Affairs, Paul O’Grady, at Paul.Ogrady@nyu.edu or 212-998-6397

Loan Repayment Sessions


Do you have questions on what your loan repayment options will be after you graduate? Do you need help putting together a repayment strategy that also allows you to reach your financial goals? If so, then the Office of Student Financial Services invites you to join us at one of our Loan Repayment Sessions! The topics that will be covered include understanding loan repayment terms and plans, identifying financial goals and loan repayment strategies.

Snacks and refreshments will be served.

Please click on the link below to register for one of the following dates:

April 10, 2:00-3:15 p.m., Furman Hall Room 212

April 13, 12:00-1:15 p.m., Furman Hall Room 210

April 14, 10:45- 11:55 a.m., Furman Hall Room 210

Deadline to register is April 9th, 2015


We look forward to seeing you there!

LRAP Information Sessions


If you are thinking about a career in public interest law, let us show you how LRAP can work for you after graduation. The Office of Student Financial Services invites you to attend any of our upcoming LRAP Information Sessions.  At the sessions, we will provide you with a detailed overview of the Program, explain how benefits are calculated, and answer any of your LRAP questions.

Please join us for any of the following sessions:

April 6, 12:30pm-1:30pm, Furman Hall Room 212

April 17, 2pm-3pm, Furman Hall Room 212

April 24, 2pm-3pm, Furman Hall Room 212

Deadline to register is April 23rd, 2015.

Please click on the link below to register.


We look forward to seeing you there!

Bar Study Loans


Many of you may have started to research and apply for Bar Study Loans. The Office of Student Financial Services encourages you to visit our site for answers to some commonly asked questions regarding Bar Loans at: http://www.law.nyu.edu/financialaid/loansandlenders/otherloans

Please note that once you have successfully submitted your application with a lender of your choice, you must submit the Bar Study Loan Certification Form to our office. Your loan will not be certified if we have not received your completed form.

Regardless of which lender you choose, please note the following:

  • Bar loans will start to accrue interest upon disbursement; so, give careful thought to how you schedule your disbursements.
  • The bar loan is intended to cover your summer living and the bar exam preparation expenses.
  • If you are considering LRAP, please note that up to $10,000 in a bar loan can be considered for coverage under LRAP. If you are receiving an outside source of funding to cover bar expenses, this may factor into your eligibility for LRAP coverage. Please check with our office regarding your individual circumstances.

Please feel free to contact us at law.finaid@nyu.edu with any questions.

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