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Drop-in Hours for JDs and LLMs


Monday: 11:00 – 12:00 p.m. and 2:30 – 4:30 p.m.
Tuesday:  11:00 – 12:00 p.m. and 2:30 – 4:30 p.m.
Wednesday: 2:30 – 4:30 p.m.
Thursday: 11:00 – 12:00 p.m. and 2:30 – 4:30 p.m.
Friday: 11:00 – 12:00 p.m. and 2:30 – 4:30 p.m. 

Wednesday: 3:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Thursday: 2:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Friday: 2:00 – 4:00 p.m.

EIW Event Requirements for 1Ls (1Ls)


There are four event requirements for EIW:

  1. 1 Strike-A-Match Session (April 2)
    If you did not attend Strike-A-Match, you must watch the video of the presentation. Please call the receptionist at 212-998-6090 to schedule a time to view the video in the Office of Career Services (Furman Hall, 4th Floor).

  2. 1 Career Educational Event
    If you have not yet fulfilled the Career Educational requirement, you would have received an email from our office on March 25. In order to fulfill the requirement, please watch a career educational video online (http://www.law.nyu.edu/careerservices/resourcesandforms) and email the name of the video to law.careers@nyu.edu. Please ensure that you watch a video that states, “Qualifies as an EIW Career Educational Event for 1Ls” in the title.
  3. 1 Mini-Mock Interview with an OCS counselor (Now through April 24)
    See more information here: http://blogs.law.nyu.edu/docket/career-services/apr-3-24-mandatory-for-eiw-participation-mini-mock-interview-sessions-1ls/17225/

  4. 1 Interview Skills Workshop (August 4)


Navy JAG Recruiting Brief and Ship Tour of the USS SAN ANTONIO (1Ls, 2Ls, 3Ls)


The US Navy JAG Corps is gearing up for Fleet Week New York 2015! During Fleet Week, the Navy JAGC will be offering three recruiting briefs and ship tours on board the USS SAN ANTONIO, an active US war ship at the following times:

May 21, 2015 – 9:00 a.m.
May 21, 2015 – 11:00 a.m.
May 22, 2015 – 9:00 a.m.

If you are interested in attending, please email Jennifer Leibowitz at jennifer.leibowitz@nyu.edu by Tuesday, April 7 with your contact information and date/time of preference. Due to limited availability, RSVPs will be accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Seeking Summer Employment (1Ls)?


If you are still seeking summer 2015 employment, please contact the receptionist (212-998-6090) to make an appointment to meet with an OCS or PILC counselor or to inquire about drop-in hours.

How to Succeed as a Summer Associate Panel Video Now Available Online

EIW Requirement: Strike-A-Match Video Now Available (1Ls)


If you did not attend Strike-A-Match on Thursday, April 2 and plan to participate in EIW, you must watch the video of the presentation. Please call the receptionist at 212-998-6090 to schedule a time to view the video in the Office of Career Services (Furman, Hall, 4th Floor).

Apr. 29: Lawyering in the Nonprofit Sector: General Counsel Career Panel


Wednesday, April 29, 12:25 – 1:50 p.m., Greenberg Lounge, Vanderbilt Hall
RSVP to ncpl.info@nyu.edu

Please join Professor Jill Manny for the Annual Nonprofit General Counsels Panel. Panelists are:

  • Bonnie S. Brier, Retired Senior Vice President, General Counsel, and Secretary of New York University
  • Sharon H. Cott, Senior Vice President, Secretary and General Counsel, The Metropolitan Museum of Art
  • Adair Iacono, Corporate Counsel of the Vera Institute of Justice
  • Kenneth T. Monteiro, Vice President, Secretary, and General Counsel of the Ford Foundation
  • Jonathan Ng, Global Legal Director of Ashoka
  • Gail Aidinoff Scovell, General Counsel of the Open Society Foundations

See attached panelists’ biographies: Nonprofit Career Panel Bios 2015

A brown bag lunch will be made available. If you would like to attend the panel or have any questions, please contact Aden Munassar at (212) 998-6168 or ncpl.info@nyu.edu.

Apr. 15: 2015 Loyola Patent Law Interview Program (1Ls, 2Ls) – Web Briefings available on Wednesday, April 15 at 1:00 p.m. EST.


Bidding for the 2015 Loyola Patent Law Interview Program (PLIP) begins on Tuesday, April 14. Registered students will receive an email from Loyola on Monday, April 13 with information regarding accessing the program’s Symplicity system and bidding on employers.

To help you take full advantage of this program, Loyola is offering a pair of briefings on how to maximize students’ opportunities at PLIP. The first one is called Your Resume, Research and Bidding: Your First keys to Success at Loyola Chicago’s PLIP, and will be live on the Web on Wednesday, April 15th, at 1 pm EST. (An archived version of the presentation should be available a week or two after.)

The topics discussed in this briefing will include:

  • How to write a resume targeted to employers looking for patent attorneys (at PLIP and elsewhere!)
  • How to research employers using the information on Symplicity
  • What additional research you should do on the employers’ websites
  • How the bidding process on Loyola PLIP’s Symplicity works
  • How to best use your 32 bids to generate the most interviews
  • How to identify and apply to IP firms who do not participate in the PLIP program.

The presenters for this briefing:

  • Alissa Holterman, Assistant Director of Career Services at Loyola University Chicago School of Law (the school that hosts PLIP), who has been a key point person for the program for 9 years and knows everything there is to know about the Program
  • Katharine Patterson, of Patterson Davis Consulting, who works exclusively with Intellectual Property and Patent practices on issues of attorney recruitment, hiring policy and retention. As PLI’s guest, she has attended PLIP for the past 8 years to brief students on what’s going on in the current job market, review individual resumes, and offer one-on-one counseling. This Web Briefing is in part inspired by the fact that so many participants at past PLIPs said to us “I wish I’d known this BEFORE I got to PLIP.”
  • Mark Dighton, the Practising Law Institute’s (PLI) Director of Law School Relations and Administrative Director of their Patent Bar Review, has participated in PLIP for more than 12 years. He’s PLI’s resident expert on the Patent Bar Exam, and has picked up a lot about the patent law job market along the way.

Click here to sign up for the live briefing. You will need to create an account on PLI’s system in order to listen, if you don’t already have one.

If you have any questions about the briefing, please direct them to Mark Dighton at mdighton@pli.edu.

Summer Teaching Assistant Positions



There are several teaching assistant positions available for classes offered during the summer. Please see the position descriptions below. If you are a current LLM student and are interested in one of these opportunities please send to Jesus Ballivian a resume and a copy of your fall transcript at jesus.ballivian@nyu.edu. The Graduate Lawyering faculty will review applications.


A. Introduction to US Law

The Graduate Lawyering Program in conjunction with the Office of Graduate Affairs is seeking several students to serve as Teaching Assistants for the Introduction to US Law class for international LLM students held August 10-21, 2015. This is a paid position.

Teaching Assistants (TA’s) attend class (9:00 am -12:10 pm and 1:00 – 2:00 pm on most days) and answer questions during the lunch break and after class. TA’s will also meet with Graduate Lawyering Faculty on a regular basis during the two weeks of Introduction to US Law.

Duties of TA’s include assisting faculty with course preparation, responding to students who seek assistance with course material, advising students on course selection, how to make the most of the LLM year, and on general matters relating to life in NYC. TA’s will also assist the Office of Graduate Affairs with various tasks related to events taking place during the two weeks of Intro.

TA’s must attend a mandatory introductory meeting on Friday, August 7, 2015, and a debriefing meeting post-Introduction to US Law. TA’s will also have the opportunity to assist with LLM Orientation events on August 24 and 25 for additional compensation.

Your expertise will be invaluable to new students during the sometimes overwhelming experience of acclimating to the Law School. We hope you will apply!


B. Legal English Intensive Workshop

The Graduate Legal Skills Program in conjunction with the Office of Graduate Affairs is seeking a Teaching Assistant for the Legal English Intensive Workshop for international LL.M. students held July 27– August 7, 2015.

The Teaching Assistant will attend class (9:30 am – 1:00 pm) and answer questions during the morning break from 11:00 – 11:30 am and from 1:00 – 1:30 pm. Duties include participating in student group discussions during class, coordinating student communication and meetings, responding to students with questions concerning course materials. The Teaching Assistant should have excellent English speaking, reading and writing skills, as well as a strong background in Legal English terminology and knowledge of the US legal system.

Criminal Law Seminar: Prosecuting the Pan Am Flight 103 Bombing Case – April 16



Thursday, April 16
12:30–1:50 p.m.
Vanderbilt Hall, Room 216
Lunch will be provided. Please rsvp to monica.cortez@law.nyu.edu

Colin Boyd, Lord Boyd of Duncansby, discusses his experience prosecuting this famously complex and controversial case when he was Scotland’s Lord Advocate. Lord Boyd is a judge of the Supreme Courts of Scotland, a Privy Councillor, and a Life Peer.

Register now for the 12th Annual Nicholas J. Healy Lecture on Admiralty Law on Thursday, April 30


The NYU School of Law Office of Development and Alumni Relations invites you to attend the 12th Nicholas J. Healy Lecture on Admiralty Law. This year’s lecture will feature The Honorable Mark S. Davis, United States District Judge for the Eastern District of Virginia, LeRoy Lambert, president of Charles Taylor P&I Management (Americas), and Professor Thomas J. Schoenbaum, Harold S. Shefelman Professor of Law at the University of Washington School of Law who will present on the topic, “Wish List: Issues We Wish the US Supreme Court Would Decide.”

This lecture will take place on Thursday, April 30, 2015 at 5:00 p.m. in Vanderbilt Hall, 40 Washington Square South. A reception will immediately follow the lecture. One CLE credit will be available. This CLE credit is appropriate for newly admitted and experienced attorneys.

To RSVP, please click here by Friday, April 24, 2015 or copy and paste the registration link below.

Registration link: http://nyulaw.imodules.com/healy

Next week! Robert L. Bernstein Institute for Human Rights Inaugural Conference


The Robert L. Bernstein Institute for Human Rights is delighted to invite you to its inaugural conference on April 21 and 22, 2015. The conference will be in Vanderbilt Hall, located at 40 Washington Square South, New York, NY 10012.

The new Robert L. Bernstein Institute for Human Rights is a research center that promotes cutting-edge scholarship, advocacy, and education on human rights issues in the US and abroad. Honoring and extending the human rights work and vision of Robert L. Bernstein, the Institute seeks to deepen engagement between scholars and those beyond academia—practitioners, law makers, diplomats, nongovernmental organizations, and international institutions—on a wide variety of human rights issues, from Internet freedom and poverty to refugee rights and armed conflict. The conference will examine human rights responses to inequality.
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
Vanderbilt Hall, Room 210

4:00 p.m. Documentary Film Screening, Nowhere To Call Home: A Tibetan in Beijing
A Tibetan widow defies her autocratic father-in-law so her young son can go to school. The documentary explores ethnic discrimination in Han Chinese cities and gender discrimination in a Tibetan village, and has won rare acclaim from both Tibetans and PRC Han Chinese.

5:15 p.m. – Panel Discussion
Moderator: Robert Barnett, Director of the Modern Tibetan Studies Program, Columbia University
Panelists: Jocelyn Ford, film’s Director
Sang Mota, Domestic Violence Counselor

6:30 p.m. Reception (Golding Lounge)
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Vanderbilt Hall, Greenberg Lounge

10:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. – Panel: Gender and Disability Discrimination in China

Jerome Cohen, Professor of Law and Faculty Director of the US Asia Law Institute (USALI)
Ira Belkin, Executive Director of USALI
Zhou Dan, Chinese Lawyer, Scholar and Activist
Sharon Hom ’80, Executive Director of Human Rights in China

12:30-1:30 p.m. Emerging Voices: A Conversation with the Next Generation, a conversation with Michael Posner, Co-director, Center for Business and Human Rights and Clinical Professor, Business and Society, Dean Trevor Morrison, NYU School of Law, and the newest generation of NYU School of Law Human Rights leaders.
Boxed lunches provided.
2:00-3:30 – Panel: Global Inequalities of Wealth and Health
Meg Satterthwaite ’99, Professor of Clinical Law, Faculty Director of the Bernstein Institute
Joe Amon, Director, Health and Human Rights Program of Human Rights Watch
Paula Braveman, Director of the Center on Social Disparities in Health of the UCSF School of Medicine
Strive Masiyiwa, Founder & Chairman of Econet Wireless International, Ltd.

4:00-5:30 p.m. – Panel: Racial and Ethnic Inequalities in Global Perspective
Moderator: TBD
César Rodríguez Garavito, Director of Global Justice and Human Rights Program at Universidad de los Andes
Gay McDougall, Visiting Professor of Law at Fordham University School of Law
Vincent Warren, Executive Director of the Center for Constitutional Rights
If you would like to RSVP to this event, please HERE or copy and paste the link below:

For more information about the Robert L. Bernstein Institute for Human Rights, please visit us at http://www.law.nyu.edu/bernstein-institute.

We hope you can join us!

APR 16: Q&A with Judge Mark R. Hornak, U.S. District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania


Date: Thursday, April 16
Times: 4:00-4:55 PM
Location:  Furman Hall, Room 110

Please join us for a Q&A with Judge Mark R. Hornak of the United States District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania in Pittsburgh, PA.  Judge Hornak will answer any questions you have about applying for judicial clerkships.

Click here to RSVP or log into your CSM/Symplicity account and go to the “Events>OCS/PILC Events” page.

Drawing the Line Between Civil and Criminal Punishment: Regulatory Offenses and Criminal Law


image001Please Join Us

NYU’s Center on the Administration of Criminal Law presents its 7th Annual Conference
Drawing the Line Between Civil and Criminal Punishment: Regulatory Offenses and Criminal Law

FREE 5 CLE Professional Practice Credits

Tuesday, April 14, 2015
10:45 a.m.–5 p.m. (CLE Registration begins at 10:15 a.m.)
Greenberg Lounge, Vanderbilt Hall, NYU School of Law, 40 Washington Square South, NY, NY


The Honorable Leslie R. Caldwell, Assistant Attorney General, Criminal Division, U.S. Department of Justice

The Honorable Patti B. Saris, Chief United States District Judge for the United States District Court for the District of Massachusetts and Chair of the United States Sentencing Commission

When and How to Criminalize Regulatory Offenses. Moderator: Prof. Roger A. Fairfax, Associate Dean for Public Engagement & Professor of Law, George Washington University Law School.  Panelists: Prof. Richard B. Stewart, NYU School of Law; Jonathan Wroblewski, Director of the Office of Policy and Legislation in the Criminal Division of the U.S. Department of Justice; The Honorable Jed S. Rakoff, Senior United States District Judge for the Southern District of New York; Prof. Ellen S. Podgor, Professor of Law, Stetson University College of Law.

Investigating and Enforcing Regulatory Offenses. Moderator: Prof. Sara Sun Beale, Professor of Law, Duke University School of Law.  Panelists: Reed D. Rubinstein, Partner at Dinsmore & Shohl LLP; Maureen A. Ruane, Partner at Lowenstein Sandler LLP; Amelia Cottrell, Associate Regional Director at U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, New York; Spencer Freedman, Executive Deputy Inspector General at the New York State Office of the Inspector General.

Punishing Regulatory Offenses. Moderator: Prof. Rachel Barkow, Professor of Regulatory Law and Policy, NYU School of Law. Panelists: James R. Copland, Director of the Manhattan Institute’s Center for Legal Policy; Andrew Weissmann, Chief of the Criminal Division’s Fraud Section, U.S. Department of Justice; Prof. Kevin E. Davis, Vice Dean, Professor of Business Law, NYU School of Law; Helen V. Cantwell, Partner at Debevoise & Plimpton LLP.



Governing Policing (and the Policing Project)


In the Fall of 2015, the Law School will launch a new course, entitled Governing Policing, and a related Policing Project, in which students will have the opportunity to participate as externs.

For the Academic Year 2015-16, students will have the choice of signing up for the Governing Policing seminar in the Fall, the Governing Policing seminar + externships in the Spring, or both. The Fall Semester will be run on a more typical seminar format; in the Spring, all students will both enroll in the seminar and work as externs.

For further information, please visit the course site.

New EU Competition Commissioner Margrethe Vestager on April 20


Margrethe Vestager, the new EU Competition Commissioner, will speak on Enforcing Competition Rules in a Global Village.

Monday, April 20, 2015
12:30 PM: Light lunch
1:00-2:00 PM:  Speech and audience discussion
Lipton Hall

Seating limited; registration required.
RSVP here.

April 20th: Bar Admission Discussion on Completing the Character and Fitness Process


On Monday, April 20th, the Office of Records & Registration is sponsoring a meeting to provide you with some insight into the process of being admitted to the practice of law in New York State (other jurisdictions may be discussed, but the focus will be on NY). Once applicants pass the bar, the next and sometimes challenging step is completing the Character and Fitness process. The discussion will cover Character Fitness and Professional Responsibility and common problems encountered by law students. Whether you have a complicated situation or just have general questions concerning the disclosure of certain information, this discussion will be a great resource.

Bar Admission Discussion on Completing the Character and Fitness Process
Admission/Character & Fitness (Assumes Post-Bar passage/Pre-Swearing in)
Monday, April 20th , 12:30 – 1:30 p.m.
Vanderbilt Hall, Classroom 210 (VH 210)
Featured Speaker:
Avrom Robin, a member of the New York City Bar Lawyering Assistance Program
The meeting will be video recorded.

Here are links to the Character Fitness Instructions and Application:

Please also remember that the deadline to apply to examine for the NYS Bar is on Thursday April 30th at 11:59 p.m. . If you have not done so already, please visit http://www.nybarexam.org/forms/forms.htm and submit your application as soon as possible.
Additionally, below is the link to the video of the NYS Bar discussion that was held last year on March 6, 2014 and also sponsored by the Office of Records and Registration which featured Diane Bosse, Chair of the New York Board of Law Examiners and John McAlary, Executive Director for the New York State Board of Law Examiners.

Please note the page is password protected and requires your netid and password:


1L Mentorship Program


The Office of Student Affairs has teamed up with the Office of Alumni Relations and the Law Alumni Association to launch a new mentorship program! Because we are currently in the pilot phase, we have opened the program exclusively to our 1L population. We will launch the program to the entire Law School community depending on the success and feedback we receive.

The program has been designed to provide students the ability to connect with alumni mentors for new insights on career paths, academic program choices, and other professional guidance. Beginning next week, you will be able to utilize the Career Services Symplicity platform to search for mentors based on criteria provided from alumni profile data. This program is intended to primarily help build professional relationships and provide guidance, and therefore, you are not permitted to contact mentors in search of a job.

We encourage all 1Ls to take advantage of this great opportunity to build lasting connections. If you are interested in participating, click here for the user guide and here for the program guidelines.

For questions or concerns, please contact the Office of Student Affairs at law.studentaffairs@nyu.edu.

Order your Class Ring


Herff 1

Attention: NYU Students Order Your Class Ring!

Be a part of the tradition!

A Herff Jones Representative will be available at the NYU Main Bookstore at 726 Broadway to take your orders & answer your questions on the following days & times:

Tuesday, April 14th, from 12:00-6:00 p.m. 
Wednesday, April 15th, from 12:00 pm-6:00 p.m. 
Thursday, April 16th, from 12:00 pm-6:00 p.m.

Enjoy your graduation experience knowing that our products have minimal impact on the environment, for more information visit:www.herffjonesbetterworld.com

Upcoming 3L Government Honors Deadlines


The following government programs have 3L deadlines coming up in the next few weeks.  Details of these programs are provided in the 2014-15 Government Honors & Internship Handbook, located at www.law.arizona.edu/career/honorshandbook.cfm.
Username: thin; Password: mints

  • New York State Senate – New York State Senate Graduate Fellowship Program (Paid, Deadline 04/27/15)
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