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Upcoming 2L Government Honors Deadlines


The following government programs have 2L deadlines coming up in the next few weeks.  Details of these programs are provided in the 2014-15 Government Honors & Internship Handbook, located at www.law.arizona.edu/career/honorshandbook.cfm.
Username: thin; Password: mints

  • Florida Attorney General – Volunteer Internship Program (Unpaid, Deadline 04/14/15)
  • New Jersey Attorney General – Division of Criminal Justice Law Internship Program (Unpaid, Deadline 04/15/15)
  • New Jersey Attorney General – Division of Law Volunteer Internship Program (Unpaid, Deadline 04/15/15)
  • Office of the Governor Texas – Texas Governor’s Fellowship Program (Unpaid, Deadline 04/15/15)

Upcoming 1L Government Honors Deadlines


The following government programs have 1L deadlines coming up in the next few weeks.  Details of these programs are provided in the 2014-15 Government Honors & Internship Handbook, located at www.law.arizona.edu/career/honorshandbook.cfm.
Username: thin; Password: mints

  • Florida Attorney General – Volunteer Internship Program (Unpaid, Deadline 04/14/15)
  • New Jersey Attorney General – Division of Law Volunteer Internship Program (Unpaid, Deadline 04/15/15)
  • Texas Office of the Governor – Texas Governor’s Fellowship Program (Unpaid, Deadline 04/15/15)

BARBRI Vouchers available through PILC


The Public Interest Law Center has a series of BARBRI discount vouchers available to current 3L and LLM students who will be using BARBRI services to prepare for the Bar Exam.  Winners of these vouchers will be selected according to their application and considered based on demonstrated financial need and information presented to the law school, if any, as part of the admissions process.  To be considered for a BARBRI voucher, please complete the application at this link.

Postponed: Paths to Becoming a Prosecutor


Paths to Becoming a Prosecutor: A Panel Discussion, which had been scheduled for Monday, April 13, has been postponed due to a schedule conflict. Please keep an eye out on the Docket for a new date!

Apr. 20: Public Interest Law Center Reception


Monday, April 20, 2015  |  6:00 PM – 7:30 PM
Greenberg Lounge, Vanderbilt Hall

The Public Interest Law Center invites all students to its annual end-of-the-year reception! Join us to bid farewell to our departing public interest third-year and LLM students while enjoying free food, drinks, and music.

To attend, please RSVP here by April 14.

PILC Drop-in Counseling Hours for the Week of Apr. 13


For career planning questions that can be answered in 10 minutes or less, the Public Interest Law Center (PILC) offers drop-in counseling during the following days and times this week:

  • Monday, from 3:30 to 4:30 pm with  Linda Wayner
  • Tuesday, from 3:30 to 4:30 pm with Rachel Peckerman
  • Wednesday, from 3:00 to 4:00 pm with Sarah Hudson-Plush
  • Thursday, from 3:30 to 4:30 pm for federal government questions only with Heidi Gilchrist
  • Friday, from 3:30 to 4:30 pm with David Glasgow

To make a full counseling appointment to meet with a PILC Counselor, please call our office at (212) 998-6686 during business hours (9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. EST), or email pilc.appointments@nyu.edu.

Survey for Out-of-State Work Placements


Please fill out the following survey if you worked (paid or unpaid): 1). outside NY state; and 2). the school helped you obtain this position; and 3). the position won’t be your full-time job post-graduation. Please include work done for clinics, alternative spring break, etc.  NYU is required to collect this information for regulatory purposes.


Bar Study Loans


Many of you may have started to research and apply for Bar Study Loans. The Office of Student Financial Services encourages you to visit our site for answers to some commonly asked questions regarding Bar Loans at: http://www.law.nyu.edu/financialaid/loansandlenders/otherloans

Please note that once you have successfully submitted your application with a lender of your choice, you must submit the Bar Study Loan Certification Form to our office. Your loan will not be certified if we have not received your completed form.

Regardless of which lender you choose, please note the following:

  • Bar loans will start to accrue interest upon disbursement; so, give careful thought to how you schedule your disbursements.
  • The bar loan is intended to cover your summer living and the bar exam preparation expenses.
  • If you are considering LRAP, please note that up to $10,000 in a bar loan can be considered for coverage under LRAP. If you are receiving an outside source of funding to cover bar expenses, this may factor into your eligibility for LRAP coverage. Please check with our office regarding your individual circumstances.

Please feel free to contact us at law.finaid@nyu.edu with any questions.

LRAP Information Sessions


If you are thinking about a career in public interest law, let us show you how LRAP can work for you after graduation. The Office of Student Financial Services invites you to attend any of our upcoming LRAP Information Sessions.  At the sessions, we will provide you with a detailed overview of the Program, explain how benefits are calculated, and answer any of your LRAP questions.

Please join us for any of the following sessions:

April 6, 12:30pm-1:30pm, Furman Hall Room 212

April 17, 2pm-3pm, Furman Hall Room 212

April 24, 2pm-3pm, Furman Hall Room 212

Deadline to register is April 23rd, 2015.

Please click on the link below to register.


If you are unable to attend a session and would like to meet with an LRAP Administrator one on one, please send us an email at law.lrap@nyu.edu

We look forward to seeing you there!

Loan Repayment Sessions


Do you have questions on what your loan repayment options will be after you graduate? Do you need help putting together a repayment strategy that also allows you to reach your financial goals? If so, then the Office of Student Financial Services invites you to join us at one of our Loan Repayment Sessions! The topics that will be covered include understanding loan repayment terms and plans, identifying financial goals and loan repayment strategies.

Snacks and refreshments will be served.

Please click on the link below to register for one of the following dates:

April 10, 2:00-3:15 p.m., Furman Hall Room 212

April 13, 12:00-1:15 p.m., Furman Hall Room 210

April 14, 10:45- 11:55 a.m., Furman Hall Room 210

Deadline to register is April 13th, 2015


We look forward to seeing you there!

Lawyering TA Information Session for 2015-2016 Academic Year


Wednesday, April 22, 4:00-5:00 p.m.

Furman Hall, Room 210

Come hear from current Lawyering TAs and the program director, Andy Williams, about being a TA for NYU Law’s Lawyering Program. We will discuss the application process and the ins and outs of the program. All rising 2Ls and 3Ls will receive additional application information following the meeting. While not mandatory to apply, attendance is strongly encouraged.

For more information, please contact Krista Minteer-Baysal, Lawyering Program Manager at Krista.Minteer@nyu.edu

Apr. 16: Prosecuting the Pan Am Flight 103 bombing case


Criminal Law Seminar:
Prosecuting the Pan Am Flight 103 bombing case

Lord Boyd, the chief prosecutor in the Lockerbie bombing trial, will discuss his experience of prosecuting the famously complex and controversial case that followed the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Scotland.

The “Lockerbie trial” was held in the Netherlands, under Scots Law, following an agreement between the British government and Col. Gaddafi of Libya. Two Libyan nationals were charged with 270 counts of murder, having bombed the Pan Am flight, killing 259 passengers and crew and a further 11 persons on the ground in Lockerbie, Scotland.  For flyer, click here.

Thursday, 16th April from 12.30 to 1.50 in Vanderbilt Hall 216.
Lunch will be provided – kindly RSVP by emailing monica.cortez@law.nyu.edu

Yoga Class with Assistant Dean Fama-4/15/15 Lester Pollack Colloquium


Recharge your mind!
Pointers and practices on how yoga can help you relax, rejuvenate and focus.

This class will be led by our own Assistant Dean Arthur Fama, Spring 2015 Yoga Schedule

Wednesday, April 15, 2015  |  11:15 AM – 12:15 PM
245 Sullivan Street- Furman Hall, Lester Pollack Colloquium (9th Floor)
New York, NY 10012


4/15 ACS Discussion with Burt Neuborne & Rick Pildes


Wednesday, April 15, 2015  |  5:30 PM – 7:00 PM
Smart Classroom 218, Vanderbilt Hall
40 Washington Square South

The NYU Chapter of American Constitution Society (ACS) invites you to join us for a discussion on voting rights on Wednesday, April 15th, 2015.  Professor Burt Neuborne and Professor Richard Pildes will talk about voting rights, and food will be provided.

Professor Neuborne is one of the nation’s foremost civil liberties lawyers, serving as National Legal Director of the ACLU from 1981-86.  He has argued numerous Supreme Court cases, and has litigated literally hundreds of important constitutional cases in the state and federal courts.  For more on his impressive career, visit his bio at https://its.law.nyu.edu/facultyprofiles/profile.cfm?section=bio&personID=20165.

Professor Pildes is one of the nation’s leading scholars on the issues of public law, voting rights, and democracy.  He is also a leading litigator on these issues, including serving as counsel to the government for Puerto Rico.  For more details on his work, visit his bio at: https://its.law.nyu.edu/facultyprofiles/profile.cfm?section=bio&personID=20200.

ACS is a national organization that brings together the country’s best legal minds to articulate a progressive vision of our Constitution and to counteract the activist conservative legal movement that has sought to erode our enduring constitutional values.  You can read more about ACS at http://www.acslaw.org/. View this event in the law school calendar.

Pizza will be provided

2015 Women’s History Month Celebration




APRIL 16, 2015, 1:00 P.M.



The 2015 Women’s History Month Celebration will feature a keynote presentation by the Hon. Judy Harris Kluger.  In 2014, Judge Kluger assumed the role of Executive Director of Sanctuary for Families.  Sanctuary is New York’s leading advocate and service provider for survivors of domestic violence, sex trafficking, and related forms of gender violence.  Prior to joining Sanctuary, Judge Kluger served as Chief of Policy and Planning for New York State’s Unified Court System.  In addition to her role in system-wide court reform and policy development and implementation, Judge Kluger oversaw the statewide problem-solving court program, which included more than 300 Integrated Domestic Violence Courts, Drug Courts, Domestic Violence Courts, Mental Health Courts, Sex Offense Courts and Community Courts.

The 2015 Women’s History Month Distinguished Service Award will be proudly presented to Ellen Wagner.  Ellen began her career with the court system in 1992 in the office of the Honorable Norman Goodman, serving as a Senior Court Assistant before being promoted to Principal Office Assistant in the Queen’s County Clerk’s Office, Jury Division.  In 1997, Ellen returned to New York County and worked as Senior Court Clerk in the Cashier’s Office before advancing to Supervisor of the Cashier’s Office.  She began working in the Guardianship and Fiduciary Office in 2007, where she assists pro-se litigants and attorneys with filings.  Ellen actively serves on several courthouse committees, including the Gender Fairness Committee.

1Ls: Registration Information Session on Friday, April 24, 2:00-2:50 pm


The schedule of classes for 2015-2016 will be released shortly and you may have gone to a Pathways session. As you look forward to registering for classes for your second year, we know that you may have some questions.

•  You may be unsure of the academic requirements for the J.D. degree.
•  You may have questions about ABRA – the bidding and registration system.

The Office of Academic Services will be holding a short informational session for 1L students on Friday, April 24, 2:00-2:50 pm in Tishman Auditorium. We will provide you with useful tips about your graduation requirements and registration. For those who cannot attend this session, it will be recorded.

We hope to see you there!

Michelle L. Kirkland
Assistant Dean for Academic Services and Registration

Bone Marrow Registry Drive


Monday, April 20, 2015  |  10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Golding Lounge, Vanderbilt Hall
40 Washington Square South

You could save a life!

The National Bone Marrow Registry is always in need of new potential donors between the ages of 18-44. We will be hosting a registration drive in Golding on Monday, April 20th to help improve the chances that a blood cancer patient in need will find a lifesaving match! The registration process is quick and painless (paperwork + a cheek swab) and we will have a representative from Be the Match (www.bethematch.org) and a former donor on hand to answer your questions. Just bring photo ID and contact information for two friends or relatives who will know how to reach you in the future if your contact information changes.

Seventy percent of all patients who need a transplant don’t have a matched donor in their family. A patient’s likelihood of finding a matching donor on the Be The Match Registry is estimated to range from 66-97%, depending on race and ethnicity. All students are welcome and needed but those of diverse backgrounds are particularly encouraged to register!

Co-sponsored by the Health Law and Policy Society, APALSA, LALSA, Women of Color Collective, the Domestic Violence Advocacy Project, the Immigrant Rights Project, Public Interest Law Foundation, and the Mental Health Law Society.

For more info (or to volunteer to help man the table), please contact Katie Kavanagh (kak642@nyu.edu) or Alex Kleiman (azk205@nyu.edu).

“Jacques Leroy” International Prize Student Competition


Source: http://www.uianet.org/en/content/6th-jacques-leroy-international-prize-%E2%80%93-business-a

Deadline: July 31st, 2015


The Union Internationale des Avocats (International Association of Lawyers -UIA), established in 1927, is the oldest association of lawyers. It brings together Bars and Lawyers’ Associations that represent over 2 million lawyers as well as thousands of individual members spread throughout the world. As a pluri-cultural and multilingual association, its main purpose is the defense and future of the legal profession within the national and international contexts.

Since it believes that law students can also help in promoting human rights in the corporate world, UIA is organizing a major event for law students for the fife time: the Jacques Leroy international prize will reward a law student under 30 years of age for his or her legal work.

Students who wish to compete for this prize must send a dissertation (plea, Study, commentary of a practical case) that deals with the theme: “Respecting Human Rights in the Workplace and Supply Chain Monitoring” to the UIA before July 31st, 2015.


The winner will be rewarded with participation in the UIA annual congress that will take place in Valencia, Spain from October 28 to November 1, 2015 and a cash prize of € 1000, as well as free membership in the UIA for a year.


25, rue du Jour – 75001 Paris

Tel : +33 1 44 88 55 66
Fax : +33 1 44 88 55 77

Volunteers Needed for Law School Buddy Program for Fall Exchange Students


Volunteers Needed for Law School Buddy Program for Fall Exchange Students

Hello!  The Hauser Global Law School is looking for JD volunteers for the Fall 2015 semester to serve as law school buddies to a great, enthusiastic group of foreign exchange students.  For many of the foreign exchange students, this is their first time in New York and the United States.  Ideally, buddies can provide advice about law school life, classes and NYC to the foreign exchange students.

To encourage interaction, we offer an allowance of $20 to help subsidize an initial get-together over coffee, etc between a foreign exchange student and each buddy.  This is a great opportunity for JD students to get to know other foreign law school students and get different perspectives on legal life!  You can also get access to first-hand experience in specific countries and universities with which the Law School may have exchange and study-abroad programs (and maybe even practice your foreign language skills).

For a list of our exchange partners, please visit the Exchange Programs web page here.

If interested, please contact law.globalvisitors@nyu.edu with your name, year, and country or language interest and we will be happy to provide more details.

Dean’s Roundtable with Alan Zimmerman ’67, CEO, legal counsel, and founder of Law Finance Group on Thursday, April 23, 2015


Regularly during the school year, the Dean hosts roundtable discussions with prominent guests who have utilized their law degrees in a variety of nontraditional ways. Over lunch with a small group of students, guests speak autobiographically about their work experiences, sharing valuable insight about how they found their chosen path. Please note that the roundtables are informal and off-the-record.

Alan Zimmerman ’67, who will be the Dean’s guest on Thursday, April 23, is CEO, legal counsel, and founder of Law Finance Group (LFG), a specialty, law-related finance company based in Marin County, California and New York, New York.

Alan earned his JD from New York University School of Law, after receiving his BS in Business from Miami University, Ohio. He is admitted to practice law in New York and California. He is a member of the American Bar Association, the American Association for Justice, Public Justice, and the Business Law Section of the State Bar of California.

After receiving his law degree, Alan served as an officer in the US Navy, including service in Vietnam. Following his military service, he practiced law in the San Francisco Bay area for 20 years and founded a law firm that, following two mergers, is now part of Reed Smith. Mr. Zimmerman’s practice focused on the representation of entrepreneurial and emerging businesses, as well as two labor unions.

Alan has been active in the California State Bar and continuing legal education activities for over 30 years. He has served on the California State Bar Business Law Section committees on Corporations, Partnerships, and Continuing Lawyer Education between 1975 and 1980. In 1980, he was appointed to the Executive Committee of the California State Bar Business Law Section and served as the vice chair of the Business Law Section of the California State Bar during 1982 and 1983.

Alan is an avid cyclist, sailor, and scuba diver. He has three children, one of whom is currently enrolled at New York University. He has one granddaughter and lives in Northern California with his wife, Betsy.

The Dean’s roundtables are open to 18 interested NYU School of Law JD and graduate students. In order to achieve a representational mix of students, we will designate a proportionate number of seats to JD students and graduate students, respectively, to be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. The roundtables will begin at 12:30 PM in Snow Dining Room. If you would like to attend a roundtable, please sign up in advance by emailing Ken Seagreaves at ken.seagreaves@nyu.edu. Please indicate whether you are a JD or graduate student, and whether you have any dietary restrictions.

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