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June 10: Frank J. Guarini Event in Washington, DC


Public and Private Sector Networking Reception Wednesday, June 10 from
6:00-8:00 p.m.
At the home of Amy Schwartz and Eric Koenig ’84
2337 California Street N.W., Washington, D.C. 20008

Our annual networking reception provides a great opportunity for NYU Law students to get to know alumni. All NYU Law students and alumni in the D.C. area are welcome to attend.  Meredith Fuchs ‘93 General Counsel, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, will make brief remarks.

If you would like to RSVP for this event, please RSVP on Symplicity under the events tab or follow this link.

Volunteers Needed for Law School Buddy Program for Fall Exchange Students


Volunteers Needed for Law School Buddy Program for Fall Exchange Students

Hauser Global Law School is looking for JD volunteers for the Fall 2015 semester to serve as law school buddies to a great, enthusiastic group of foreign exchange students.  For many of the foreign exchange students, this is their first time in New York and the United States.  Ideally, buddies can provide advice about law school life, classes and NYC to the foreign exchange students.

To encourage interaction, we offer an allowance of $20 to help subsidize an initial get-together over coffee, etc between a foreign exchange student and each buddy.  This is a great opportunity for JD students to get to know other foreign law school students and get different perspectives on legal life!  You can also get access to first-hand experience in specific countries and universities with which the Law School may have exchange and study-abroad programs (and maybe even practice your foreign language skills).

For a list of our exchange partners, please visit the Exchange Programs web page here.

If interested, please contact law.globalvisitors@nyu.edu with your name, year and country or language interest and we will be happy to provide more details.

Information Regarding Graduation and Bar Certification


To:     Spring 2015 3Ls and Full-time LL.M.s
From: Michelle L. Kirkland, Assistant Dean for Academic Services and Registration
Congratulations on completing your final semester! We understand that this can be an anxious season for you. Therefore, we are providing some basic information regarding grade due dates, graduation and bar certification. We want to assure you that this office—as well as the faculty—are keenly aware of these important deadlines. As such, we remain in close contact with the bar examiners. We hope that the following information relating to some frequently asked questions is helpful. Good luck with your bar exam studies!

Spring 2015 grades are due by Monday, June 8, 2015. Faculty have already begun to turn in some grades. Grades are generally posted to your record within one business day, once approved by the Office of Records and Registration.

Notice of Graduation and/or Bar Certification:
Graduating students’ records are reviewed frequently and once all your grades have been posted you will be graduated by the appropriate office.

Please note, once your graduation has been processed in Albert, your bar certification will be sent to your designated jurisdiction. You will receive a congratulatory email from the appropriate office (J.D. – Office of Academic Services, LL.M. & Tax LL.M. – Office of Graduate Affairs and Office of Graduate Tax) and the tracking number for the package that contains your certification. This will allow you to check if your certification was received successfully by your designated jurisdiction.

Please note that the Office of the University Registrar mails diplomas to graduating students starting in late September/early October. Diplomas are sent to students at their permanent address listed in Albert. Please see the following link for more information and please update your permanent mailing address now: http://www.nyu.edu/registrar/graduation/diplomas.html

Spring 2015 Grades


Spring 2015 grades are due on the Monday, June 8, 2015.

Once grades are approved by the Office of Records & Registration, they are posted to your record. Some grades have already been received and posted. Please keep in mind, though, that most grades are received on or close to the deadline. To see if any of your grades have been posted, please check your unofficial transcript in Albert.

Seeking Applications: FURMAN PUBLIC POLICY SCHOLARSHIP–JD Class of 2017


NYU School of Law’s Furman Public Policy Scholarship supports and trains future leaders in public policy through a scholarship program that includes mentorship, curricular offerings, and assistance in obtaining policy-oriented summer internships and post-graduate employment.  Scholars are guaranteed placement in a white-paper writing seminar in their second year and the DC Clinic in their third  year.  This summer, we will be selecting one second-year law student to enter the scholarship program in the fall of 2015, joining the current Furman Public Policy scholars, and receiving a substantial scholarship award toward tuition costs for the 2L and 3L years.

Interested rising 2Ls should email a resume, transcript, writing sample, one-page statement of interest, and list of three recommenders (two of whom should be NYU faculty or affiliates) to Assistant Dean for Public Service Deirdre von Dornum (Deirdre.vondornum@nyu.edu) by June 22, 2015.   The scholar will be selected based on academic excellence, commitment to public policy work, and demonstrated potential to be a leader in domestic or international policy.   If you are working outside of New York this summer, please include contact information to facilitate follow-up by telephone or skype.

Additional information on the Furman Public Policy Program is available here [link to webpage] or contact current FPP scholars Riane Harper (srh405@nyu.edu) and Liz Organ (eorgan89@gmail.com).

Apply to be a Lawyering TA–Deadline Approaching


Lawyering TA Applications for 2015-2016

All rising 2Ls and 3Ls are invited to apply to be a Lawyering TA for the upcoming Academic Year.

Any interested students should apply through this link: https://its.law.nyu.edu/lawyeringTASignup/index.cfm?fuseaction=student.main

Remember to apply to each faculty member individually. Each application should include the cover form which you download from a link on the landing page, a cover letter, resume, and writing sample.

Applications are due by Friday, June 5th.

Lawyering TAs receive one credit per semester and should be able to attend a minimum of 1/3 of the classes.

Contact Krista Minteer-Baysal at krista.minteer@nyu.edu with any questions.

Staten Island Trial Lawyers Association Award


Eligibility: Any Richmond County resident who is registered in an accredited law school in the United States and who is not related to any member of the Staten Island Trial Lawyers Association.


The Award: An award of $2,000 is given to an eligible law student who has been selected by the “SILTA Award Committee” based on criteria set forth by the committee.


Criteria: An essay provided by the law student of 800 to 1000 words on the topic, “The importance of jury trials in society.”

An applicant’s law school grades and contribution to the community shall be considered as part of the selection process. Applicants to provide curriculum vitae.

Deadline to apply for the award is June 30, 2015.


Selection Process: Following each general meeting of the Staten Island Trial Lawyers Association held in April, the members of the “Committee for the SILTA Award,” the Committee shall post a notice to law schools in the tri-0state area which sets forth the criteria, eligibility, and application process.

The Committee shall convene at a special meeting (to be schedule on the same evening as our General Meeting held in September) to review all received applications, curriculum vitae, and essays.

A “Selection Committee re: SILTA Law Student Award,” shall be selected by the Executive Board prior to the October Meeting. Winning applicant shall be announced at the October Meeting.

The winning applicant shall be advised in writing by the President upon selection by the Committee.

The Treasurer shall issue a check in the amount of $2,000 payable to winning applicant upon direction from the committee.

The award shall be presented to the winning applicant at a regular monthly meeting of SITLA.

Alpha Phi Alpha/NAACP-LDF Fellows Program


Alpha Phi Alpha in partnership with the NAACP-LDF is launching a joint-Fellows Program with LDF’s headquarters in ​New York, New York for the fall semester of 2015. Applicants must be financially active, Alpha Phi Alpha members, matriculating at a law school in the ​New York City area during the fall semester of 2015. ​Applicants must be 2Ls or 3Ls during the 2015-2016 year. Applications-including a cover letter, resume, writing sample, transcript, and three references–must be sent to me via email or postmarked July 1, 2015. An initial pool of 5 fellows will be selected; ​LDF will make the determination about who is selected. The fellowship is unpaid, and Fellows will be expected to be a member of the Fraternity’s Commission on Racial Justice during the 2015-16 fraternal year. For more information, please contact Gregory S. Parks – parksgs@wfu.edu.

Last Day For Lockers – 1L and 2L Students


All 1L and 2L students must vacate their lockers by today. If you need an extension or have any questions, please contact law.lockers@nyu.edu.

Writing Opportunity: “Privacy Rights in the Digital Era”


Authors are wanted to write entries for Privacy Rights in the Digital Era: An Encyclopedia.

This work is currently in development by Grey House Publishing. We seek to make this encyclopedia the definitive reference work in the subject of contemporary privacy rights, with over 230 entries on the various concepts, theories, persons, statutes, and cases involved in the subject of privacy rights.

This is a great opportunity for publishing in a dynamic, high interest area, for law students. The publisher will pay honoraria for entries that are accepted.

If you are interested, please write Chris Anglim, the general editor of this project, at canglim@udc.edu. He will provide additional information, including the list of entries, deadlines, and word count limits. The advisory editor for the project is Professor Jane E. Kirtley, JD, director of the Silha Center for the Study of Media Ethics and Law at the University of Minnesota’s School of Journalism.

Because we seek to make this the definitive reference work in the privacy rights area, we welcome suggestions as to any additional topics that should be included. We also welcome suggestions as to potential writers who might be interested in contributing to this work. We welcome your participation. We hope you will accept our invitation and look forward to hearing from you.

Christopher T. Anglim

Professor/Archivist/Reference Librarian

University of the District of Columbia

4200 Connecticut Avenue NW

Washington, DC 20008


(202) 274-5843

2015 Barristers’ Ball


Tuesday, May 19, 2015  |  8:00 PM – 11:55 PM
Battery Gardens (inside Battery Park opposite 17 State Street) New York, NY 10004

Graduating JDs, LLMs, JSDs, and guests are cordially invited to this annual celebration for graduating students. The Barristers’ Ball is the Law School’s opportunity to acknowledge you in an intimate and elegant setting for the contributions you have made to our community. Semi-Formal Attire. More details and ticket information can be found on the Student Affairs website.

Access to this event is by invitation only.

Do not hesitate to contact law.convocation@nyu.edu with questions.

June 17: New York State Bar Association: Why Antitrust? Panel and Networking Event


Wednesday, June 17, 2015


4:30 – 6:00 p.m.
Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP
787 Seventh Avenue
New York, NY 10019


Networking Event:
6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
727 Seventh Avenue
New York, NY  10020


Every summer, the New York State Bar Association’s Antitrust Section hosts an informative program for summer associates, law students and young lawyers.  The program assembles a panel of antitrust practitioners who graduated in the last ten years to discuss what led them to antitrust law; provide details on the types of cases, transactions or other antitrust work they have handled; and offer insight into optimal positioning to capture a job in the field.  This year’s panel includes attorneys from small and large law firms who represent both plaintiffs and defendants, and attorneys from antitrust enforcement agencies, including the DOJ Antitrust Division and the Antitrust Bureau of the Office of the New York State Attorney General.  A portion of the program is allotted for questions and comments.


The program and the networking event are both free of charge.  RSVP is requested and additional details are available on the flyer: https://www.nysba.org/Sections/Antitrust_Law/Events/2015/Why_Antitrust/Why_Antitrust_Flyer.html

EIW Prep Workshop 2015 Webinar


In order to address common EIW questions in a less formal and more “hands on” setting (with concrete examples), Associate Dean Irene Dorzback has recorded a webinar to address:

1) EIW Firm Selection – Where to Start?

2) How to Break Out of the B Curve

3) Public Interest Persona Trapped in a Private Sector Job Search:  How to Transfer Your Skills.

The link to and materials for this webinar will be posted on the Office of Career Services Website by Monday afternoon (6/8) for those students that are unable to attend the in-person small group workshops.

Class of 2015: Send-Off Reception


Wednesday, May 20, 2015  |  3:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Vanderbilt & Furman Halls
40 Washington Square South & 245 Sullivan Street, New York, NY 10012

Graduates, guests and faculty members are invited to join us in celebrating the accomplishments of the Class of 2015 at a reception at the law school the evening prior to the Convocation ceremony.  Enjoy live music in Vanderbilt and Furman Halls.  Light refreshments and beverages will be served.

For more information about the Send-Off Reception, copy and paste the URL below to your web browser:


Access to this event is by invitation only.

The Reach of the Landmarks Law: A Balancing Act Panel


The Museum of the City of New York presents The Reach of the Landmarks Law: A Balancing Act,  a conversation with:

Leonard Koerner, Chief Assistant Corporation Counsel, NYC Law Department, Office of the Corporation
Alison G. Greenberg, Partner, Calcagni & Kanefsky
Paul W. Edmondson, Chief Legal Officer/General Counsel, National Trust for Historic Preservation
Sami Naim, Vice President, Law and Policy, Municipal Art Society of New York
Michael T. Sillerman, Partner, Kramer Levin Naftalis & Frankel
Meredith J. Kane (moderator), Partner, Paul Weiss

When New York’s landmarks law took effect 50 years ago, it forever changed the course of the city’s history. But has its proponents’ full vision been realized this past half century? In some cases, the law may have in fact been surpassed by newer legislation in other cities. Could it be strengthened, or are additional preservation tools needed to complement the law? At this panel, preservation experts will discuss these and other questions exploring the possibilities, limitations, and challenges of the landmarks law. This program takes place on Thursday, June 18th at 6:30pm and delves into the themes of the exhibition Saving Place: 50 Years of New York City Landmarkson view through September 13.

Reception and exhibition viewing to follow. Students may use the code LAW2 to get free tickets.

2015-2016 Year-Long Registration Guide and Registration Calendar


ABRA opens this Thursday at 1:30 pm. While you don’t have to put your bids in immediately, please remember to bid before the 9:30 am on July 7.

Please see the following documents on our website as you prepare to bid on classes for fall 2015 and spring 2016.

Academic Services Site Map: http://www.law.nyu.edu/academicservices

Academic Calendar: http://www.law.nyu.edu/academicservices/academiccalendar

Registration Calendar: http://www.law.nyu.edu/recordsandregistration/registrationcalendar

Year-Long Registration Guide: Please carefully review the information in the guide. This information is essential for a successful registration experience and academic year. http://www.law.nyu.edu/recordsandregistration/BiddingandRegistration/yearlongregistrationinformation

Exam Schedules: Please review the Fall 2015 and Spring 2016 exam schedules in order to avoid any personal and or work conflicts. The exam schedules will be posted by ABRA’s opening on June 18. (See http://www.law.nyu.edu/academics/exams.)

Academic Regulations & Requirements Guide: Please use the Academic Regulations and Requirements Guide to ensure that you are meeting all JD degree requirements. For example, you must register for a minimum of 12 credits each semester. (See http://www.law.nyu.edu/recordsandregistration/BiddingandRegistration/yearlongregistrationinformation

Important Upcoming Registration Dates & Deadlines:
Finally, please note these important upcoming registration dates and deadlines. If you want to see just registration deadlines (i.e. ABRA dates) please see the 2015-2016 Registration Calendar.

Here are a few important dates coming up:

  • July 1 by 5:00 pm – Deadline to submit permissions or waivers (including waivers of prerequisites taken at other law schools) for Fall and Spring. Bids for applicable courses will not be accepted without waiver, permission or satisfied pre/co requisite. Keep in mind that you will be restricted from bidding on a class until your prerequisite waiver has been approved.
  • July 7 at 9:30 am – Last day to register requests for Fall 2015/Spring 2016 Bidding Cycle #1.

Good luck with registration and have a great summer!!

Lawyering TA Applications for 2015-2016 – Deadline Extension


All rising 2Ls and 3Ls are invited to apply to be a Lawyering TA for the upcoming Academic Year.


Any interested students should apply through this link: https://its.law.nyu.edu/lawyeringTASignup/index.cfm?fuseaction=student.main

Remember to apply to each faculty member individually. Each application should include the cover form which you download from a link on the landing page, a cover letter, resume, and writing sample.

Applications are due by Friday, June 19th.

Lawyering TAs receive one credit per semester and should be able to attend a minimum of 1/3 of the classes.


Contact Krista Minteer-Baysal at krista.minteer@nyu.edu with any questions.



First- and Second-Year Scholar Awards and Latin Honor Designations


As we transition from the end of the spring 2015 semester into the new academic year, I want to update you on the calculation of first- and second-year scholar awards and latin honor designations for May 2015 J.D. graduates.

Typically, the calculations to determine the recipients of these awards and honors are completed in early to mid-July after all grades have been submitted. As soon as these calculations have been finalized, we will send an email to the recipients of the awards and honors. Following this, a letter from Dean Morrison recognizing your achievement will be sent to your permanent address.

Information on the scholar awards and Latin honors can be found in the Academic Policies Guide, pp. 16-17.

As a reminder to continuing students, ABRA registration will begin on Thursday, June 18 at 1:30 p.m.

Congratulations on your successful completion of the spring 2015 semester.

Restrictions on Constitutional Law and Professional Responsibility Classes for 2015-2016


I hope your summer is going well. I want to let you know about bidding restrictions on the Constitutional Law and Professional Responsibility classes. We want to ensure that our graduating students are able to register for these classes which are required for their degree and/ or the New York Bar Exam. The first round of bidding will be the best opportunity for graduating students to obtain a seat in Professional Responsibility and/or Constitutional Law.

Here are the restrictions:

Constitutional Law:
During the Bidding Cycle #1 (June 18 at 1:30 pm – July 7 at 9:30 am) ONLY, all sections of Constitutional Law will be restricted to 3Ls and full-time LLMs. The restriction will be removed in Bidding Cycle #2 and future cycles when 2Ls and part-time LLMs will be eligible to bid on Constitutional Law classes.

Professional Responsibility:
During Bidding Cycle # 1 (June 18 at 1:30 pm – July 7 at 9:30 am) ONLY, the following Professional Responsibility sections will be restricted to 3Ls and full-time LLMs. The restriction will be removed in Bidding Cycle #2 and future cycles when 2Ls and part-time LLMs will be eligible to bid on all sections of Professional Responsibility. If a Professional Responsibility section is NOT listed below, it is NOT restricted.

Fall 2015
LAW-LW.11479.001 – Professional Responsibility and the Regulation of Lawyers – Prof. Jerome Snider
LAW-LW.11479.002 – Professional Responsibility and the Regulation of Lawyers – Prof. Samuel Rascoff
LAW-LW.11479.003 – Professional Responsibility and the Regulation of Lawyers – Prof. Gerard Harper
LAW-LW.11479.004 – Professional Responsibility and the Regulation of Lawyers – Prof. Nathan Crystal
LAW-LW.11479.005 – Professional Responsibility and the Regulation of Lawyers – Prof. Stephen Gillers
LAW-LW.12211.001 – Ethics in Government: Investigation and Enforcement – Profs. Ellen Biben and Linda Lacewell
LAW-LW.12346.001 – Professional Responsibility in the Corporate Context – Prof. David Harms

Spring 2016
LAW-LW.10309.001 – Professional Responsibility in Civil Litigation – Prof. Kevin Castel
LAW-LW.11479.001 – Professional Responsibility and the Regulation of Lawyers – Prof. John Kiernan
LAW-LW.11479.002 – Professional Responsibility and Law Governing Lawyers – Prof. Nathan Crystal
LAW-LW.11479.003 – Professional Responsibility and the Regulation of Lawyers – Prof. Oscar Chase
LAW-LW.11479.004 – Professional Responsibility and Law Governing Lawyers – Prof. Barbara Gillers
LAW-LW.11479.005 – Professional Responsibility and the Regulation of Lawyers – Prof. Jerome Snider
LAW-LW.12211.001 – Ethics in Government: Investigation and Enforcement – Profs. Ellen Biben and Linda Lacewell
LAW-LW.12397.001 – Role of the Lawyer in Public Life – Prof. Robert Bauer

August 2015 MPRE – June 25th Regular Application Deadline


The deadline to sign up for the March MPRE date is quickly approaching. Remember, you can sit for the MPRE even though you have not completed your Professional Responsibility class.

See the basic MPRE application deadlines below, but please check the National Conference of Bar Examiners website for detailed information, http://www.ncbex.org/about-ncbe-exams/mpre/

NOTE the following for the August 2015 MPRE:

MPRE Test Date:   Saturday, August 15, 2015

Regular Application Receipt Deadline: June 25, 2015
Late Application Receipt Deadline: July 2, 2015

Please see our Bar Checklist available at: http://www.law.nyu.edu/recordsandregistration/barexams/index.htm

Be sure to familiarize yourself with the detailed requirements for your jurisdiction by checking the National Conference of Bar Examiner’s website:  http://www.ncbex.org/assets/media_files/Comp-Guide/CompGuide.pdf

Good luck on the MPRE Exam!

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