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Interlibrary Loan Downtime June 24


The Law Library’s Interlibrary Loan Service will be unavailable Wednesday, June 24 due to system maintenance. We appreciate your understanding during this service disruption.

Spring 2015 Course Evaluations

July 17: IMPORTANT: Early Interview Week (EIW) Summer Employer Evaluation Deadline – July 17 (2Ls, 3Ls)


Friday, July 17 at 12:00 p.m. is the deadline for students to complete their summer employer evaluation on CSM. You will not be able to view your preliminary EIW schedule until your evaluation has been submitted.


Each year OCS gathers statistical information on your summer job search and compiles this information for use by next year’s class. Those of you who used prior years’ employer evaluations or who may have benefited from the counseling advice derived from them know how helpful this information can be in your own job search. We are now asking you for a candid account of your summer experience despite the fact that it may still be in progress. This information is for the exclusive use of NYU law students – employers do NOT have access to this information. You will have the option of maintaining anonymity and may also opt to not make your evaluation available to other students.


  1. Go to the CSM homepage at https://law-nyu-csm.symplicity.com/students
  2. Upon successfully logging in, move your cursor to the My Profile top link and click on Evaluations
  3. Click Add New (under My Evaluations)
  4. Complete the Summer Employer Evaluation and click Submit
  5. Please note that if you split your summer between two positions, you will need to fill out two forms


If you have read this, you qualify for the Reading Reward. This week’s prize will be a pair of movie tickets. To enter the raffle, send an email to law.careers@nyu.edu with the subject line “Reading Reward” by 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday, June 30.

Bradley Fellowships for the 2015–16 Academic Year


We have received from The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation five fellowships of $5,000 each for the 2015–16 academic year. Third year students currently enrolled are eligible to apply.


Bradley Student Fellowships are designed to support Bradley’s own academic mission. That mission rests on the presupposition that responsible self-government depends not only on intelligent laws, but also the creation of a civic environment that encourages enlightened citizens to participate in a discussion of controversial issues. Consistent with these ideals, the Foundation hopes that student fellows will work and study in areas that explore the role of limited government in a legal regime that fosters a dynamic marketplace for economic, intellectual, and cultural activity, both in the United States and abroad.


There are no specific papers or course requirements for the receipt of this award. At the end of the academic year, the committee wishes to receive a short statement which summarizes the way in which a recipient’s studies and activities at the Law School during the 2015–16 academic year have worked to advance the academic objectives of the Bradley Fellowship program.


Interested students should submit a resume and a one-page statement indicating their interest in the mission of the Bradley Foundation. Please send your submissions to Professor Epstein at richard.epstein@nyu.edu with a copy to Eva Dorrough at eva.dorrough@nyu.edu no later than August 1, 2015.


Please contact Eva Dorrough at eva.dorrough@nyu.edu with any questions.

Lawyering TA Applications for 2015-2016 – Deadline Extension


All rising 2Ls and 3Ls are invited to apply to be a Lawyering TA for the upcoming Academic Year.

Any interested students should apply through this link: https://its.law.nyu.edu/lawyeringTASignup/index.cfm?fuseaction=student.main

Remember to apply to each faculty member individually. Each application should include the cover form which you download from a link on the landing page, a cover letter, resume, and writing sample.

Applications will be accepted until July 17th.

Lawyering TAs receive one credit per semester and should be able to attend a minimum of 1/3 of the classes.

Contact Krista Minteer-Baysal at krista.minteer@nyu.edu with any questions.

The Fifth International Conference on Law, Language and Discourse


For the first time the Conference, with the theme Communication and Fairness in Legal Settings, takes place outside China.

The Conference gives an opportunity to the participants in a global context to present, listen to and discuss in plenary sessions and workshops fundamental issues on this topic from several perspectives such as for example rhetoric, children, vulnerable groups, gender and cost and benefit analyses.

Invited speakers come except from China and Sweden also from all around the world, namely from Finland, Lithuania, Norway, Hong Kong, Canada, Israel, France and Italy.

Accepted papers may in accordance with presented information on the webpage (http://www.oru.se/jps/LLDconference) be invited for publication in international journals.

The Conference also includes opportunities for the participants and accompanying persons to continue their discussions during the social activities of the Conference which includes visits to historical and traditional venues of this part of Sweden.

The flyer of the conference can be hound here:

Link to the conference webpage here:

The call of papers and the registration are now open!

See you in soon in Örebro, Sweden!

How to Request a Waiver of the J.D. Adjunct Credit Cap


In exceptional circumstances, when a student who has elected to pursue a Professional Pathway is unable to take an adjunct-taught course within the Pathway because it is not exempt from the adjunct cap and the student would thereby exceed the adjunct cap, the Vice Dean, after consulting with and obtaining the agreement of the relevant Pathways Advisor, can waive the adjunct cap for that student for that course, provided that no more than 4 additional credit counting towards the J.D. degree may be added in this way.

All petitions requesting to waive the adjunct cap should be sent to the Office of Academic Services (law.acadervices@nyu.edu). That office will forward the petition to the Vice Dean for consideration. The petition should include:

1) The professional pathway you are pursuing (please see http://www.law.nyu.edu/academics/professionalpathways).
2) The courses you have already taken in this area.
3) The courses you plan on taking in this area that will take cause you to exceed the adjunct credit limit.
4) Your career plans in this area.

Degree Audit in Albert


The Degree Audit program is available via Albert and will assist you with counting adjunct credits, determining what requirements have been completed and/or remain to be completed. We are still, however, working with the University as Degree Audit does not accurately reflect the number of non-law credits that count towards the JD degree. You must check your transcript for the correct credit allocation for non-law classes. As updates are made to Degree Audit we will keep you apprised.

See the instructions on how to generate a Degree Audit report and obtain other important Degree Audit information here.

Finally, please keep in mind that Degree Audit will be approximately two hours behind the release of ABRA results. So, if ABRA results are released at 1:30pm, Degree Audit may not contain the most accurate information until 3:30 pm that day.

Hauser Global Law School Program Seeks Research Assistants for Fall 2015 (2L, 3L, LLM) (Deadline: FRIDAY, JULY 31)


The Hauser Global Law School Program is currently accepting applications for Research Assistants for our fall 2015 Global Faculty. The position allows up to 20 hours per week at $12 per hour. Projects will include assisting professors with course materials as well as their own research. Research Assistants will be appointed for the fall semester and may only assist one professor.  The professors will be located at NYU School of Law during the fall 2015 semester.

Please submit resume and cover letter(s) indicating which professor(s) you are interested in working with and why by Friday, July 31, 2015 to: law.global@nyu.edu.


Eyal Benvenisti
Home Institution:
Tel Aviv University Faculty of Law
Courses: International Law of Armed Conflicts: Humanitarian Law; Law and Global Governance Seminar (with Benedict Kingsbury)
Research Areas: International Law; Constitutional Law
Preferred Experience: Candidates should have a background in international law.


Horst Eidenmüller
Home Institution:
Munich University
Courses: European and Comparative Company, Financial Markets and Bankruptcy Law
Research Areas: Alternative Dispute Resolution; Contract Law and Private Law Theory; European and Comparative Company, Financial Markets, and Bankruptcy Law
Research Project/Preferred Experience: Candidates should have a good understanding of US corporation law and economics. The research assistant’s tasks would focus on research issues relating to the “European and Comparative Company, Financial Markets and Bankruptcy Law” course. The course will be turned into a book to be published with Oxford University Press.


Phoebe Okowa
Home Institution:
Queen Mary University of London
International Criminal Law Seminar; International Law of Armed Conflict: Use of Force
Research Areas: Implementation of international law in domestic legal systems; Public International Law, especially the law of state and individual responsibility; Use of force in international law, protection of the environment
Research Project/Preferred Experience: The research project will examine national laws and judicial decisions on diplomatic protection especially those connected with the detentions in Guantanamo bay; with a particular focus on decisions from non-common law jurisdictions. The ideal candidate should  have a competent command of either French, Spanish or Arabic.


Marco Torsello
Home Institution:
Verona University, School of Law
Courses: International Commercial Agreements in Practice Seminar; International Sales
Research Areas: International and Comparative Law of Contracts; International and Comparative Law of Torts; International Business Transactions; International Litigation and Arbitration; Law & Language

Aug. 4: Interview Skills Workshop in Anticipation of EIW- Event and RSVP Information – August 4 at 6:30 P.M. EST (2Ls)


Tuesday, August 4, 6:30 pm, Lipton Hall

At this program, OCS counselors will talk about overall interview tips, building an interviewing agenda and responding to difficult questions.  Students must RSVP by clicking the Events tab followed by OCS/PILC Events in CSM.  For those unable to attend, the workshops will also be available for viewing online at:

July 6: Summer 2016 Jobs Available on CSM (2Ls)

ABRA Bidding Cycle #1 Deadline is July 7 at 9:30 am


Bids may be entered into ABRA for Bidding Cycle #1 until 9:30 am on Tuesday, July 7.

The results of Bidding Cycle #1 will be available in ABRA beginning at 1:30 pm on Friday, July 10, 2015. To see both your fall and spring classes please log onto: https://abra.law.nyu.edu/abra. Use your NetID and password to gain access. Click on the “Bidding Results” link. You will see green and red shading. Green shading indicates the courses you have won and red shading indicates the courses that you did not win.

Also beginning at 1:30 pm on Friday, July 10, you will be able to submit bids for Bidding Cycle #2. Please remember that Bidding Cycle #2 will end on Wednesday, July 15 at 9:30 a.m. Results for Bidding Cycle #2 will be available on Friday, July 17 at 1:30 pm. Please refer to the Registration Calendar (http://www.law.nyu.edu/recordsandregistration/registrationcalendar) for additional important dates.

Courses that Close in Bidding Cycle #1:
For your convenience a list of closed classes and their clearing price will be posted at the following link: http://www.law.nyu.edu/recordsandregistration/schedulingyourcourses/index.htm

We strongly encourage students to make registration changes well before the deadline and during business hours to ensure that someone is available to assist you if encounter technical difficulties. If you require such assistance, please contact your program office:

JDs – Office of Academic Services (law.acadservices@nyu.edu or 212-998-6020)
Non-tax LLMs – Office of Graduate Affairs (law.graduateaffairs@nyu.edu or 212-998-6015)
Tax LLMs – Office of Graduate Tax (law.taxprograms@nyu.edu or 212-998-6150.


July 20: Application Deadline: McKinsey & Company: 2016 Full-time and Intern Opportunities (2Ls, 3Ls)


Did you know that McKinsey & Company, a global management consulting firm, has been hiring advanced professional degree (APD) candidates just like you for over 20 years?  Over half of our 9000 consultants in our 100+ offices worldwide hold PhD, MD, JD and non-MBA Masters degrees.

2016 Full-time Associate Opportunities
Full-time Application Deadline:  Applications accepted online now through July 20, 2015
Full-time Interviews: August through October 2015
Eligibility: Open to JD, JD/MBA and LLM students graduating in 2016
Online Application Deadline: July 20, 2015
Application Link: mckinsey.com/Associate

2016 Associate Intern Opportunities
Intern Application Deadline:  Applications accepted online now through July 20, 2015
Intern Interviews: August through October 2015
Eligibility:  JD students graduating in 2017 and JD/MBA students graduating in 2017 or 2018
Online Application Deadline: July 20, 2015
Application Link: www.mckinsey.com/Associateintern

If you like the idea of a career alternative that will stimulate and challenge you, along with the opportunity to work with highly motivated colleagues in a supportive, team-based environment, please visit our website for details on eligibility and to submit your application: http://www.mckinsey.com/Careers/Your_background/Advanced_professional_degrees

Fall Research Assistant Postings (2Ls, 3Ls, LLMs)


The Hauser Global Law School Program is currently accepting applications for Research Assistants for our fall 2015 Global Faculty. A Research Assistant position allows up to 20 hours per week at $12 per hour. Projects will include assisting professors with course materials as well as their own research. Research Assistants will be appointed for the fall semester and may only assist one professor.  The professors will be located at NYU School of Law during the fall 2015 semester.

Please submit resume and cover letter(s) indicating which professor(s) you are interested in working with and why by Friday, July 31, 2015 to: law.global@nyu.edu.

  • Eyal Benvenisti
    Home Institution: Tel Aviv University Faculty of Law
    Courses: International Law of Armed Conflicts: Humanitarian Law; Law and Global Governance Seminar (with Benedict Kingsbury)
    Research Areas: International Law; Constitutional Law
    Preferred Experience: Candidates should have a background in international law.
  • Horst Eidenmüller
    Home Institution: Munich University
    Courses: European and Comparative Company, Financial Markets and Bankruptcy Law
    Research Areas: Alternative Dispute Resolution; Contract Law and Private Law Theory; European and Comparative Company, Financial Markets, and Bankruptcy Law
    Research Project/Preferred Experience: Candidates should have a good understanding of US corporation law and economics. The research assistant’s tasks would focus on research issues relating to the “European and Comparative Company, Financial Markets and Bankruptcy Law” course. The course will be turned into a book to be published with Oxford University Press.
  • Phoebe Okowa
    Home Institution: Queen Mary University of London
    Courses: International Criminal Law Seminar; International Law of Armed Conflict: Use of Force
    Research Areas: Implementation of international law in domestic legal systems; Public International Law, especially the law of state and individual responsibility; Use of force in international law, protection of the environment
    Research Project/Preferred Experience:The research project will examine national laws and judicial decisions on diplomatic protection especially those connected with the detentions in Guantanamo bay; with a particular focus on decisions from non-common law jurisdictions. The ideal candidate should  have a competent command of either French, Spanish or Arabic.
  • Marco Torsello
    Home Institution: Verona University, School of Law
    Courses: International Commercial Agreements in Practice Seminar; International Sales
    Research Areas: International and Comparative Law of Contracts; International and Comparative Law of Torts; International Business Transactions; International Litigation and Arbitration; Law & Language
    Research Project/Preferred Experience:Skills/experience in researching in the field of Contract and Commercial Law with an emphasis on international transactions.

EIW Employer/Schedule Changes (2Ls, 3Ls)


Please note recent EIW schedule/employer changes. For the timeliest information, please refer to the CSM Homepage.


Paul Weiss Rifkind Wharton & Garrison LLP (New York, NY – Corporate Department) has decided not to interview 3Ls at NYU’s EIW 2015. However, please note the firm plans on posting a 3L corporate job listing on Symplicity shortly, so students should apply online.


Schiff Hardin LLP will no longer be participating in EIW 2015 and will be posting a job listing on CSM instead.


Dechert LLP (London, UNITED KINGDOM) will no longer be participating in EIW 2015. Students who are interested in Dechert’s London office may apply directly but please note that at this time it is not certain what the London office’s hiring needs will be for next summer.


Hughes Hubbard & Reed LLP (Miami, FL) will no longer be interviewing 3Ls during EIW 2015.


K&L Gates (Washington, DC) will no longer be participating in EIW 2015 and will be posting a job listing on CSM instead.

Aug. 5: Deadline: EIW Cancellation and Wait-List Opt-in Deadlines – August 5 at 11:59 p.m. (2Ls, 3Ls)


Wednesday, August 5, 2015 at 11:59 p.m. EST is the deadline cancel EIW interviews and to “opt-in” to confirm your waitlist status.


Affirming your waitlist status with an employer signifies that you must accept an interview with that employer if one becomes available. If you do not opt-in, you will not remain on the waitlist. If you opt-in and receive an interview through the waitlist lottery, you are responsible for attending that interview. Interviews assigned through the waitlist lottery may not be cancelled.


*****Please note that 3Ls may opt to drop one or more of their EIW interviews after the Drop Deadline date (August 5) if a permanent offer of employment is received.  3Ls who opt to drop one or more interviews after the August 5 deadline may not cancel via CSM; rather, they must send an email to cassandre.stump@nyu.edu at least 48 hours before the scheduled interview with an explanation of the circumstances requiring such cancellation.

For specific information regarding how to cancel interviews and opt-in to confirm your waitlist status, please refer to pages 12-13 of your OCS: Fall Interview Season Handbook – 2015 (which is available in the CSM Resources/Tools tab).  If you still have questions after checking the Student Handbook, please email Cassandre Stump at cassandre.stump@nyu.edu or Jennifer Leibowitz at jennifer.leibowitz@nyu.edu.

Changing the Resume Attached to Your EIW Bids on CSM – Employer Resume View Date – July 20 (2Ls, 3Ls)


Beginning July 20, employers will be able to view the resumes of those students on their interview schedules as well as the resumes of those students who opted in to their waitlist. Please be sure to edit your resume(s) on CSM before that date.
Below are instructions on how to change your resume on CSM (from pp. 10-11 in the OCS: Fall Interview Season Handbook – 2015 (which is available in the CSM Resources/Tools tab):


Changing the Resume Attached to Your Bids
• Select the OCI top link. Under Employers/Bidding, choose the Session from the dropdown menu (2015 Early Interview Week), make sure that ‘Show All‘ displays in the Employers dropdown menu, then press the Search button.
• You can update the resume attached to all bids by selecting the appropriate document from the Default OCI Resume dropdown menu, clicking Update Default, and then Update All.
• Alternatively, you can update individual bids by clicking the Review button next to the employer name. Choose the new resume from the dropdown menu and click the Update button.

If you have read this, you qualify for the Reading Reward. This week’s prize will be a pair of movie tickets. To enter the raffle, send an email to law.careers@nyu.edu with the subject line “Reading Reward” by 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday, July 14.


July 17: Early Interview Week (EIW) 2015 – Preliminary EIW Schedules and Summer Employer Evaluation Deadline – July 17 (2Ls, 3Ls)


Early Interview Week (EIW) will be held August 12-14 at the Doubletree Guest Suites Hotel in Times Square. For the timeliest information regarding EIW, please be sure to review employer/schedule updates noted in the Announcements on the CSM Homepage. In addition, please refer to the OCS: Fall Interview Season Handbook – 2015 (available in the CSM Resources/Tools tab) for step-by-step instructions on uploading/revising your resumes, viewing your preliminary EIW schedule, additional opportunities to add EIW interviews, etc.

Preliminary EIW schedules will be available for viewing on CSM on Friday, July 17, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. EST. Only students who have submitted their 2015 summer employer evaluation will be able to view their preliminary EIW schedules.

Each year OCS gathers statistical information on your summer job search and compiles this information for use by next year’s class. Those of you who used prior years’ employer evaluations or who may have benefited from the counseling advice derived from them know how helpful this information can be in your own job search. We are now asking you for a candid account of your summer experience despite the fact that it may still be in progress. This information is for the exclusive use of NYU law students – employers do NOT have access to this information. You will have the option of maintaining anonymity and may also opt to not make your evaluation available to other students.

1. Go to the CSM homepage at https://law-nyu-csm.symplicity.com/students
2. Upon successfully logging in, move your cursor to the My Profile top link and click on Evaluations
3. Click Add New (under My Evaluations)
4. Complete the Summer Employer Evaluation and click Submit
5. Please note that if you split your summer between two positions, you will need to fill out two forms


PLEASE NOTE: If you spent your summer with a public interest employer, you need only to click “Yes” to the first question, “Was this job funded by the PILC Summer Funding Program?”, then fill in the name of your Employer or choose “PILC Summer Funded Employer” under “Your Employer Information”, and click “Submit.” PILC will send a separate form to you to be completed at a later date.


To access your preliminary EIW schedule (beginning Friday, July 17):
1. Click on the OCI top link
2. Then click on the Scheduled Interviews tab. Your schedule will be displayed in chronological order, i.e. date and time order.


Please direct all inquiries regarding Early Interview Week to law.careers@nyu.edu, using the Subject Line: Early Interview Week Inquiry.

July 14 – Aug. 5: Walk for Work with Associate Dean Dorzback (2Ls, 3Ls)


Associate Dean Dorzback will be available to students on an individual basis by advance sign-up to discuss job search related issues during a walk around Washington Square Park. Sign up through the events tab on https://law-nyu-csm.symplicity.com/students/.

Add/Drop Cycle #1 Opens on July 17 at 1:30 pm


Beginning at 1:30 pm on Friday, July 17, you will be able to submit bids for Add/Drop Cycle #2. Please remember that Add/Drop Cycle #1 will end on Wednesday, July 22 at 9:30 a.m. Results for Add/Drop Cycle #1 will be available on Friday, July 24 at 1:30 pm. Please refer to the Registration Calendar for additional important dates.
Now you can conditionally add/drop. This feature was not available during the bidding cycles. Essentially, you can tell ABRA to drop me from “X” class if and only if I can get into “Y” class. Using conditional add/drop you may allocate the points you paid for “X” class towards your bid for “Y” class.
Keep in mind that we will not publish clearing prices for the add/drop cycles, as the conditional add/drop makes clearing prices variable during this period.
Please be sure to check the Law School web site regularly for new course descriptions and course updates.
Final words of caution: You have until the end of add/drop cycle #2 (July 29 at 9:30 am) to register for the pre- or co-requisite required for a class in which you are registered. Students who have not registered for the required pre-/co-requisite class by this date will be dropped from the related course without notice on July 31.

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