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Upcoming Event on Public Interest Law (1Ls)


Welcome to the class of 2018!

In October, the Public Interest Law Center will hold an information session for 1Ls about launching a public interest career and finding public interest summer internships. However, some of you may be eager to learn more about public interest law in the meantime. For that reason, incoming 1Ls are invited to an event on Monday, August 31 that is otherwise focused on 2Ls and 3Ls.

Alumni panels

From 4:30pm to 5:30pm on August 31, there will be concurrent NYU alumni panels covering four major subject areas:

  • International law: held in Vanderbilt Hall, Room 206
  • Government: held in Vanderbilt Hall, Room 210
  • Civil legal services: held in Vanderbilt Hall, Room 214
  • Criminal law (prosecution and defense): held in Vanderbilt Hall, Room 220

The panels are strongly geared toward practical career advice for 2L and 3L students. However, 1Ls who are particularly interested in one of these areas are welcome to come and observe.


After the alumni panels, from 5:30pm to 7:00pm, there will be a reception in Greenberg Lounge with public interest alumni, faculty, student groups, and PILC counselors. Again, although the reception is focused on 2Ls and 3Ls, it is an opportunity for public interest minded 1Ls to mingle with like-minded upper-year students and the broader NYU public interest community.


1Ls should feel no pressure to attend this event, even those interested in pursuing a career in public service. There will be plenty of public interest programming and information for 1Ls later in the Fall and Spring.

If you would like to attend, please RSVP to Gabby Royal (gabrielle.royal@nyu.edu) and specify which portion(s) of the event you will come to (panel topic and/or reception) by Thursday, August 27.

Public Interest Student Retreat: September 20 (1Ls, LLMs, Transfers)


The Public Interest Law Center (PILC) enthusiastically invites incoming students—1Ls, LLMs, and transfers—to attend a public interest student retreat at Furman Hall on Sunday, September 20!

The retreat will commence at 12:00 noon with a brunch, followed by a keynote speech and Q&A session at 1:00pm with NYU alum, Hayley Gorenberg.  Hayley Gorenberg is the Deputy Legal Director for Lambda Legal, the oldest and largest national legal organization committed to achieving full recognition of the rights of lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, transgender people, and people affected by HIV.

At 2:00pm, there will be four informal break-out sessions on topical public interest issues led by NYU alumni and students:

  • Criminal Injustice and Civil Unrest: The fight for racial justice in America today
    Shannon Cumberbatch (JD ’12), Meghna Philip (3L), and Mitchell Brown (2L)
  • Felons Have Families: The devastating immigration impact of a criminal conviction for a non-citizen and her family
    Isaac Wheeler (JD ’03), Katie Kavanagh (3L), and Molly Lauterback (3L)
  • LGBTQ Rights After Marriage Equality: Beyond Obergefell v. Hodges
    Hayley Gorenberg (JD ’92) and Alok Nadig (3L)
  • Supporting Chinese Lawyers and Activists: A conversation about the recent crackdown
    Allen Clayton-Greene (LLM ’14)

From 3:30 to 4:30pm, the retreat will close with snacks and a happy hour, where you can get to know other public interest students, panelists, and PILC counselors.

To register for the Public Interest Student Retreat, click here.  Space is limited, so please register as soon as possible!  You will receive a confirmation email closer to the date with full details of the event locations, times, and speaker bios.

We look forward to welcoming you into the NYU Law public interest community on September 20!

Upcoming 3L Government Deadlines


The following government programs have 3L deadlines coming up in the next few weeks.  Details of these programs are provided in the 2014-15 Government Honors & Internship Handbook, located at arizonahandbooks.com/u/nyupilc

Password: artichoke

  • State, Department of – 3-Year New Attorney Program Office of the Legal Adviser (Civil) (Paid, Deadline 09/01/15)
  • Housing & Urban Development, Department of Legal Honors Program Office of General Counsel (Paid, Deadline 09/04/15)
  • Justice, Department of – Attorney General’s Honors Program (Paid, Deadline 09/08/15)
  • Consumer Financial Protection Bureau – Louis D. Brandeis Attorney Honors Program Office of General Counsel, Enforcement Division (Paid, Deadline 09/09/15)

Welcome, Class of 2018!


Dear Class of 2018:

Welcome to NYU School of Law! You are an incredibly talented and accomplished group of students and we are excited that you have joined our community. As you take these first steps towards launching your legal career, keep in mind that you don’t need to figure everything out on day one. We are here to make your transition as smooth as possible.

The Office of Student Affairs is committed to promoting a greater quality of life here at the Law School and to ensuring that you have the resources you need to succeed. Our office provides support and assistance beginning with this orientation period and throughout your time here. From individual advising to community events, you can count on us as partners.

Our services include:

  • Advising on adjustment to law school and providing academic support, including a tutoring program
  • Sponsoring programs to help you develop skills to succeed
  • Assisting with personal or family issues (e.g., stress, illness or bereavement)
  • Connecting with University services where appropriate
    (e.g., counseling, Center for Students with Disabilities, and health services)
  • Offering programs that promote health and wellness
  • Providing support for diversity initiatives
  • Serving as administrative and event planning liaison to SBA, student organizations and law journals
  • Creating opportunities to connect students with the greater law school community
  • Coordinating NYU Law’s signature events (e.g., Orientation, Fall Ball, Spring Fling, Deans’ Cup, Barristers’ Ball and Convocation)
  • Helping you to troubleshoot any difficulties that you may encounter along the way!

We hope you enjoyed the orientation program and we look forward to working with you. Please visit us in Suite 474 of Furman Hall!


Office of Student Affairs

Student Groups Fair



The 2015 Student Groups Fair will take place on Wednesday, September 9 from 4:30-6:00 p.m. in Greenberg Lounge.


Join the Fair to obtain information and meet with representatives from the many law student groups here at NYU School of Law!  To see the full list of NYU Law student groups, visit www.law.nyu.edu/studentorganizations.


Environmental Law Society 1L Welcome Event



Environmental Law Society 1L Welcome Event

Thursday, September 10, 2015

7:00-9:00 p.m.

Amity Hall

80 West 3rd Street


Join ELS at a local Village bar before Bar Review to have a drink and get to know your fellow NYU environmentalists!  Contact Sara Pahlavan (snp309@nyu.edu) with any questions.


For more information about the Environmental Law Society, see their student organization page: http://www.law.nyu.edu/studentorganizations/els.


Federalist Society Fall Kickoff

Jason Belk joining NYU Law as new Dean of Students


NYU School of Law announced Jason Belk as the new dean of students, to 193x225xNW_Belk_Jason_001.jpg,qitok=VQGrtgdS.pagespeed.ic.Exn2yvOSgmbegin on September 8. He comes to the Law School from Duke University School of Law, where he has served as the assistant dean for student affairs since December 2008.


For more information, read the NYU Law press release here: http://www.law.nyu.edu/news/jason-belk-new-dean-of-students


Please join us in welcoming Dean Belk to the Office of Student Affairs!

RCGM Fall Welcome Reception



RCGM Fall Welcome Reception

Thursday, August 27, 2015

7:00-9:00 p.m.


237 Sullivan Street


Please join the Recent College Graduate Mentors for our welcome reception on Thursday, 8/27 at 7:00 p.m. at Triona’s! RCGM places 1Ls who came straight through from undergrad with a 2L mentor to help ease the transition to law school. We invite you to come get to know us and your fellow 1Ls who came straight through as well!


Drink tickets will be available!


Please contact Heather Garvey (hmg309@nyu.edu), Christine Sifferman (csifferman@nyu.edu), or Richard Goldring (reg377@nyu.edu) for more information.



Washington Center’s National Political Convention Academic Seminars



The Washington Center’s National Political Convention Academic Seminars provide unique educational experiences for 2,300 students from 400+ colleges and universities.  The Washington Center invites NYU to nominate outstanding students to attend one or both of the 2016 seminars. You may sponsor students to attend the 2016 Democratic and Republican National Convention seminars in Philadelphia and Cleveland, respectively. The two-week seminars enable students to closely examine the events’ important roles in American politics.


Undergraduate and graduate students with a GPA of 2.5 or higher are eligible to participate.  Students must be at least 18 years of age. The Washington Center recommends that students who will be returning to campus in fall 2016 be nominated.


The deadline for nominations is November 30, 2015.  The cost of the two week seminar is $4,195 which includes housing (not including travel). The online Intent to Nominate form is available at www.twc.edu/nomination.


For further information: http://www.twc.edu/

2015-2016 Americas Rounds of the Price Media Law Moot Court Competition



The University of Oxford’s Programme in Comparative Media Law and Policy would like to invite a team of NYU Law students to compete in the Americas Regional Rounds of the Price Media Law Moot Court Competition.

The Americas Rounds will take place from Wednesday January 27 through Sunday January 31, 2016 at the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law in New York City. The competition will be held in English, inviting schools from the United States, Canada, Mexico, Central America, South America, and the Caribbean. Up to six of the top-performing teams in New York may advance to the International Rounds in Oxford, England, which will take place on March 30-April 2, 2016.

Teams must register by October 31. Registration fees will be waived for those teams registered before this deadline.

Visit the Price Media Law Moot Court website for further information about the competition and its mission. If you have any questions or would like to register for the competition, please get in touch at: americasmoot@csls.ox.ac.uk

Alumni Mentorship Program



The Office of Student Affairs has teamed up with the Office of Alumni
Relations and the Law Alumni Association to launch a new mentorship

The program has been designed to provide students the ability to connect
with alumni mentors for new insights on career paths, academic program
choices, and other professional guidance. Beginning in October, 1L
students will be granted access to the Career Services Symplicity
platform system to begin searching for mentors based on criteria
provided from alumni profile data. This program is intended to primarily
help build professional relationships and provide guidance, and
therefore, you are not permitted to contact mentors in search of a


We encourage all 1L students to take advantage of this great
opportunity to build lasting connections. For questions or concerns,
please contact the Office of Student Affairs at


Invitation to the Civil Jury Project Inaugural Conference


The Civil Jury Project Inaugural Conference: The State and Future of Civil Jury Trials
Friday, September 11, 2015 | 8:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.
Lipton Hall, 108 West Third Street

The new Civil Jury Project at NYU School of Law examines how the civil jury trial became a vanishing feature of the American legal landscape and looks at the consequences for the legal system and society more broadly. The Project will engage in three primary areas of activity; it will (i) undertake an empirical assessment of the current role of the jury in our civil justice system, (ii) create educational programs and publicity outlets for studies and policy proposals on the jury trial, and (iii) re-evaluate ways in which juries are constituted and jury trials are conducted.

To register, please click here.

Sept. 14: PILC and CHRGJ Luncheon


Monday, September 14, 2015  |  12:30 PM – 2:00 PM
Snow Dining Room, Vanderbilt Hall

Join PILC and the Center for Human Rights and Global Justice (CHRGJ) for lunch with Mitra Ebadolahi (JD 2008 and LLM 2011). Mitra is a Border Litigation Staff Attorney at the ACLU of San Diego & Imperial Counties. Meet with a CHRGJ leader and learn more about the work of CHRGJ and how you can get involved. You will also have the opportunity to talk to Mitra about her career working on issues of racial, ethnic and religious profiling of minorities and immigrants; local, state, and national surveillance; and international human rights law. Mitra is here to give career advice and guidance to JD and LLM students interested in international public interest careers!

RSVP via Symplicty

Price Media Law Moot Court Competition


Interested in competing in a moot court competition here? Of course you are! Then read on!

Team 423 from NYU Law made it to the Quarter-Finals of the Price Media Law Moot Court Competition at Oxford University last year (and knocked out the home team in the process!). We had the BEST time meeting and competing against teams from across the world and exploring an incredible city (read all about our time in Oxford) and we hope that NYU Law can build upon this success in 2016!

The Price Media Law Moot Court Competition is an international moot court competition convened by Oxford University. The competition concerns topical issues in freedom of expression and international law and attracts teams from across the globe. The Americas round will be held in NYC in January and if successful the NYU Law team will proceed to the international rounds, which will be held at Oxford University in March.

We are looking for a team of five people, ideally a mix of JD (1Ls welcome!) and LLM students, who are interested in international law and/or media law. Prior moot court or other public speaking experience is preferred. Preparing for the competition will be a considerable time commitment; however, team members will gain international moot court experience at the highest level and have a really fun time!

More information about the competition can be found here.

If you are interested in participating, please e-mail Ollie Persey (op411@nyu.edu) by September 4, 2015, briefly explaining why you are interested in taking part in the competition and detailing any relevant experience. Also, if you have any questions about the competition, just drop Ollie a line.

Excited to hear from you!

Team 423 (NYU Law Price Team 2014-2015)

Call for Applications: CHRGJ Student Human Rights Scholars


CHRGJ is accepting applications for its annual Student Human Rights Scholars Program. The program was established to encourage and facilitate current NYU law students to conduct independent academic research, writing and publications related to the Center’s work.  Scholars will be chosen based on proven academic merit, commitment to human rights practice and to furthering human rights scholarship, and demonstrated potential for engaged and rigorous scholarship. While all applications will be considered, preference will be given to students who propose paper topics related to economic and social rights.

Selected student scholars will carry out independent research and writing with a view to presenting a paper at the Center’s annual Emerging Human Rights Scholarship Conference, and for eventual journal publication. Along with receiving research, writing, and publication guidance from the Center’s Faculty Directors and Research Director, scholars will be given office space at the Center, and opportunities to engage with Center staff, partners, and visiting scholars. Scholars will be expected to contribute occasionally to the Center’s operations and events. Selected Student Scholars will also work with the Center’s Staff to further the Center’s research agenda, as well as help design and implement the Center’s academic-practitioner workshops and the annual conference.

To apply, please send a current CV and statement of interest specifying your research/scholarship goals, the time frame of your commitment, and your general interest in being a CHRGJ Human Rights Scholar, to Audrey Watne by September 21, 2015.

Please note that applicants willing to commit to working in both the Fall and Spring semesters are preferred, but all applicants will be considered.

Transitional Justice and Human Rights Writers Workshop


The Center for Human Rights and Global Justice (CHRGJ) launched its Transitional Justice and Human Rights Writers Workshop in 2015. The workshop, which is held during several brown bag lunches throughout each semester, is designed to provide NYU law students with an informal opportunity to receive constructive feedback from their peers and from CHRGJ staff about draft papers related to transitional justice, human rights, and other international law topics. The workshop is meant to be a space to discuss existing works-in-progress, not a call for students to create new projects. There is no need to attend all the sessions, although regular participation is welcome.

At the beginning of each semester, CHRGJ will issue an announcement on www.chrgj.org with information on how to sign up to present a paper at that semester’s sessions. Each session will be limited to two papers. Students are expected to send a draft of their papers to Tine Destrooper one week before the workshop, for distribution to registered attendees. In addition, students who submit a paper will be expected to attend one of the other sessions to give feedback.

CHRGJ invites students to attend these workshops, hear about their peers’ scholarly pursuits, provide writing and research suggestions, and engage in discussions on the issues of international law that the papers present. CHRGJ will send out more information on how to RSVP once writers have been assigned for each date. Please sign up for our mailing list at www.chrgj.org to ensure that you receive the reminder emails. Or to sign up for the workshop now, please click here.

Questions may be directed to Tine Destrooper or Nikki Reisch.


PILC Drop-in Counseling Hours for the Week of Aug. 31


For career planning questions that can be answered in 10 minutes or less, the Public Interest Law Center (PILC) offers drop-in counseling during the following days and times this week:


  • Tuesday, from 3:30 to 4:30 pm with Linda Wayner
  • Wednesday, from 3:30 to 4:30 pm with Emily Kernan
  • Thursday, from 3:30 to 4:30 pm with David Glasgow
  • Friday, from 3:30 to 4:30 pm with Sarah Hudson-Plush

To make a full counseling appointment to meet with a PILC Counselor, please call our office at (212) 998-6686 during business hours (9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. EST), or email pilc.appointments@nyu.edu.

NYU Law in Shanghai Q&A Lunch on Tuesday: Spots in Shanghai Open for Spring 2016!


Interested in studying abroad in Shanghai during Spring 2016? NYU Law Office of Global Programs invites 2Ls and 3Ls interested in Shanghai to attend a Q&A Lunch with Faculty Director Frank Upham and 2015 student participant Darien Smith on Tuesday, September 1 from 12:00-1:50PM in Furman Hall, Room 110. Sandwiches and beverages from Murray’s Cheese will be served. RSVP HERE!


In Spring 2016, NYU Law in Shanghai will offer students the opportunity to engage with the law and legal culture of China through connections with top faculty members, regional practitioners and business executives, no pre-requisites or Mandarin language skills required!


The Shanghai curriculum focuses on business law and arbitration in the international sphere, with classes on business and investment transactions and international arbitration, as well as a new course on real estate and urbanization in China. Students will enjoy off-site field trips, guest lecturers, free language courses and opportunities for collaboration with local law students from Shanghai Jiao Tong University. The program is led by Faculty Director Frank Upham and On-Site Coordinator Liz Cheung Gaffney, and hosted by NYU Shanghai’s brand new campus in the Pudong neighborhood.


For more information on the Shanghai program, please visit our student testimonial page: http://www.law.nyu.edu/global/globalopportunities/nyulawabroad/shanghai/testimonials


The application opens on Friday, August 28 and closes on Monday, September 7 at midnight. To apply, please follow the instructions at http://www.law.nyu.edu/global/globalopportunities/nyulawabroad/application.


LLM Lecture Series: US Law Essentials


The Office of Graduate Affairs offers programming throughout the academic year, beginning with our new LLM Lecture Series. This Series was created because LLM alumni indicated that it would be very helpful to learn about basic US Law topics at the beginning of the LLM year.  We expect that the lectures will help you with your classes by providing an overview of and introducing you to key cases in areas that are covered in the first year JD curriculum.


We encourage you to take advantage of this great opportunity and learn “US Law Essentials” from leading scholars in their fields!


Space is limited, so please RSVP.


Civil Procedure
Professor Arthur Miller
Friday, September 4
2:00-3:50 p.m.
D’Agostino, Lipton Hall
RSVP here.


Professor Jennifer Arlen
Friday, September 11
2:00-3:50 p.m.
Vanderbilt Hall Room 210
RSVP here.

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